Calls for ‘Violent Jihad’ After Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Fruitful’ State Department Meeting

Independent Sentinel

Several top officials from the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood were hosted at the State Department last week in what was described as a ‘fruitful’ meeting by State. The Brotherhood left there and went back to Egypt where their organization almost immediately called for an endless violent jihad to overturn the Egyptian government.

Either this administration is comprised of the most incompetent group of ninnies on the face of the earth or our administration is deliberately propping up radical Islamists. There is a third option – they’re delusional.

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood rebels

Muslim Brotherhood rebels pictured above.


Two days ago, The Washington Free Beacon informed the public of the meeting held last week at the State Department with Muslim Brotherhood members.

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Chuck Hagel Admits He Felt Pressure from Obama White House to Release Gitmo Terrorists

Gateway Pundit

Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel admitted today on CNN that the White House pressured him to increase the pace of release of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay.

CNN reported:

White House officials pressured Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel to increase the pace of detainee transfers from the U.S. prison in Guantanamo Bay, the outgoing secretary acknowledged to CNN’s Barbara Starr in an interview Friday.

Those comments come just one day after reports surfaced that a Guantanamo detainee released as part of the deal that freed American POW Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl may have sought to return to militant activity.

“Not everyone at the White House has agreed with me,” said Hagel of his methodology for deciding on detainee releases.

Disagreements between Hagel and officials in the President’s inner circle have been widely reported during his short tenure as secretary of defense. But in his interview with CNN, Hagel spoke with uncharacteristic candor about that friction.

“We’ve had a lot of conversations,” Hagel said.

“With the White House?” Starr pushed back.

“Yes,” said Hagel.

Earlier this week, one of the “Taliban 5 Dream Team” that Hillary Clinton once said was “not a threat to the United States” returned to the battlefield, according to CNN.

WIth each passing day, the Obama-Clinton foreign policy continues to unravel.

gitmo detainees bergdahl

Hillary Clinton said The Taliban Five Are “Not A Threat To The United States.”

CLINTON: “These five guys are not a threat to the United States. They are a threat to the safety and security of Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s up to those two countries to make the decision once and for all that these are threats to them. So I think we may be kind of missing the bigger picture here. We want to get an American home, whether they fell off the ship because they were drunk or they were pushed or they jumped, we try to rescue everybody.”

The Gitmo terrorists celebrated their release with a few “Allahu Akbars” when they arrived in Qatar last year in a sway for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

Democrat Party and Communist Party USA Continue to Merge


Under the leadership of McConnell and Boehner, you could get the impression that the Republican Party is merging with the Democrat Party. If so, the GOP is following close on the heels of the Communist Party USA:

The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.”

“[L]abor and other key social forces are not about to leave the Democratic Party anytime soon,” Bachtell promised. “They still see Democrats as the most realistic electoral vehicle” to fight against perceived class enemies.

The days of anticommunist Democrats like JFK and Scoop Jackson are a fading memory now. Communists have infiltrated and now totally dominate the Democrat Party. If only patriots would do the same to the GOP, before commies beat them to it and take over that party too.



Italy Makes New Law: Muslims Will Not Be Allowed To Build Any New Mosques

Freedom Outpost

The Italian government in the state of Northern Lombardy has made a new law: no new mosques will be allowed to be built.

According to the report:

Milan, January 22 – A regional government commission in the northern Lombardy region on Thursday approved a bill that would limit the opening of new, non-Catholic places of worship. The so-called anti-mosque bill submitted by the regionalist, anti-immigrant and anti-euro Northern League party of Governor Roberto Maroni would also impose security cameras in places of worship.

The bill has sparked opposition from the center left and from civil liberties advocates. The bill specifically refers to religions that have conventions with the Italian State and their municipality – which Islam does not – and that have a “diffused, organized and consistent presence.”

Critics say this would disproportionately affect religions that do have conventions with Italy, such as the Jewish faith and the evangelical Christian church. It will go to the floor of the regional assembly on Tuesday, sources said.

This is a first step to the restoration of Christendom. God willing, Italy will pursue this to the fullest and go back to being a fully Christian government. But I know that that will take much time, after enough people are killed by Muslims, then they will realize that the only solution to prevent Islamic and modernists evils, is Christendom.


An American Renaissance

Family Security Matters


obama evil

The Obama years will be forever known as the Dark Ages of US history, a time of political, cultural and economic deterioration. We have yet to see if they will lead to the fall of the American republic.

In the Obama years, the lie became not only a campaign strategy or a means to enact damaging policies, but an institution of government; the Presidency itself, a lie of monstrous proportions guarded by the complicit and the willingly ignorant.

In the Obama years, the Congress finally clearly demonstrated that although we have elections, there is no longer a government representing its citizens, but an entity serving itself, operating outside of Constitutional constraints and unaccountable to the American people for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.

In the Obama years, disseminating either disinformation or no information, a devoted media helped create the intellectual darkness and vacant servitude required to carry out the strategy of their leftist Messiah;  a country without any sense of its own history and traditions, where the low-information voter would slouch towards Obama’s imaginary utopia through a combination of governmental coercion and the hedonist nihilism of a painless, amusement-sodden, and stress-free America managed by a nanny-state.

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Bombshell: U.S. Generals Expose Hillary’s Illicit Involvement in Benghazi

Independent Sentinel

Hillary Clinton is not going to last as a presidential candidate no matter how many shock and awe campaign funds she has stockpiled.


Bombshell recordings released by The Washington Times show the frustration of top Pentagon officials over Clinton’s involvement in ousting Muammar Gaddafi. The officials – U.S. Generals – were so frustrated at the time that they opened up their own secret talks with Gaddafi’s son Seif.


As an aside, these aren’t the first damning tapes. The shocking tapes of her handling of a 12-year old rape victim reveal her character. One can be heard here.

Two new stories from The Washington Times expose some of the infighting among government agencies and branches of government on this controversial decision, and highlight the key role that Clinton played in initiating the war.

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Barack Obama Citizenship Scandal: 10 Key Quotes From the Birth Certificate Controversy

Before you laugh about this, check out these links……….

Hospitals in Hawaii to Obama: You Were Not Born Here!


Flashback 2004: Kenyan Newspaper Innocently Reported that Senator Obama Was Born in Kenya


Obama’s Sealed Background Documentation


The Great Obama Swindle of 2008




The scandal involving the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s birth certificate pales in comparison to the many scandals that have developed during his first and second terms as president.

President Obama released the long-form of his Hawaii birth certificate in 2011. However, despite this effort by the White House to put the birth certificate scandal to rest, doubts about his citizenship still linger.


Here are 10 quotes about Barack Obama’s citizenship scandal:

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Amnesty and Your Right to Bear Arms


Republicans were elected in historic numbers in 2014 largely due to their promise to reverse Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional amnesty decree. Predictably, this promise was broken immediately. The consequences will be catastrophic not only for the Republican Party, which at this point there is little reason to support, but for America in general in all walks of life — including regarding the indispensable right to bear arms:

Mitch McConnell’s surrender on immigration reform last week could have major consequences for Second Amendment rights.

Deportation amnesty is one of the biggest threats to gun rights because it will add millions of anti-gun voters to the electorate in one fell swoop.

The vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanics, and Hispanics are one of the most anti-gun demographics in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, 62% of Hispanics prefer expanding gun control to percent gun rights, compared to 39% of white voters.

Refer to formerly patriotic, now rabidly anti–gun rights California to see how this will play out nationally.

This is among the many reasons our ruling class is displacing the American population with Third Worlders from across the undefended border. The scope of the treason that we are witnessing makes Vidkun Quisling a patriot by comparison.

The Japanese should have tried illegal immigration.

Obama Regime Conspires With Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood Against Anti-Terror Allies in Egypt


Obamunists conspiring to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu, a crucial US ally with whom Obama has been refusing to meet, is certainly alarming, but it doesn’t rise to the level of treason. This comes closer:

The State Department hosted a delegation of Muslim Brotherhood-aligned leaders this week for a meeting about their ongoing efforts to oppose the current government of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, who rose to power following the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, an ally of the Brotherhood, in 2013.

Analysts attempt to make sense of this:

Samuel Tadros, an Egypt expert and research fellow at the Hudson Institute who is familiar with the delegation, said that the visit is meant to rally support for the Muslim Brotherhood’s ongoing efforts against to oppose Sisi. …

Patrick Poole, a terrorism expert and national security reporter, said the powwow at the State Department could be a sign that the Obama administration still considers the Brotherhood politically viable, despite its ouster from power and a subsequent crackdown on its members by Egyptian authorities.

“What this shows is that the widespread rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East, particularly the largest protests in recorded human history in Egypt on June 30, 2013, that led to Morsi’s ouster, is not recognized by the State Department and the Obama administration,” Poole said.

Sisi is a courageous ally who has stuck his neck out in an attempt to quell the epidemic of Islamic violence. The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist network that spawned Hamas and has been linked to al Qaeda. From the beginning, the Obama Regime has aggressively sided with the Muslim Brotherhood against Sisi. This represents a betrayal not only of the USA and Egypt, but of the entire civilized world on behalf of terrorist Islam.



DEA And ATF Cooperated To Record Gun Show Attendee License Plates


Weasel Zippers

Tracking the movements of future domestic terrorists. Update to a previous story.

Via Guns

According to emails obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union, federal authorities planned to monitor gun show parking lots with automatic license plate readers.

The insight comes from a damning report released by the ACLU this week on a secretive program by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to build a massive database of license plates images collected by automated license plate reader devices. As part of this investigation, emails released through the Freedom of Information Act detailed a planned cooperation between the DEA’s National License Plate Recognition initiative and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to scan and record the plates and vehicle images of gun show attendees.

“DEA Phoenix Division Office is working closely with ATF on attacking the guns going to [redacted] and the gun shows, to include programs/operation with LPRs at the gun shows,” reads an April 2009 email.

The time and place mentioned in the email coincides with known information on the Justice Department’s Fast and Furious operation, a controversial “gunwalking” scandal that possibly transferred as many as 2,000 guns to drug traffickers in Mexico. That program was run out of the Phoenix ATF Field Division office, just two miles from the DEA office.

However, DOJ officials were quick to issue denials this week following the release of the story, advising that the ATF did not in fact engage in tracking gun show attendees.

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