Barack Obama’s credibility hits rock bottom after oil spill and Sestak scandal

Barack Obama's credibility hits rock bottom after Oil spill and  Sestak scandal

Barack Obama personally inspected Louisiana beaches Photo: GETTY

The first thing Barack Obama probably should have done was to order the livestreaming Oil Spill Cam to be turned off. As the President insisted to Americans that he was “singularly focused” on staunching the flow, there was that mesmerising image on their television screens of plumes of hydrocarbons gushing relentlessly into the Gulf of Mexico.

When any political leader feels they have to declare that they are “fully engaged” in an issue, it is clear that they are in trouble. Talking about it undermines the very point you are trying to make – not to mention that pesky Oil Spill Cam showing that, 38 days into the Deepwater Horizon disaster, not a whole lot had been achieved.

Three’s Company? First Obama, Now Castro, Chavez Blast AZ Law

Fox Nation

On the heels of Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s speech slamming Arizona’s immigration law, Cuban leaders and Venezuela’s president are adding to the chorus and calling the law ‘racist and xenophobic” – but they’re carrying their own human rights baggage.

Cuban parliamentarians passed a resolution last week denouncing Arizona’s new law as “racist and xenophobic,” as well as a “brutal violation of human rights.” Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, meanwhile, reportedly blasted the law through his minister of foreign affairs, demanding that it be “repealed” and that America move away from its “old habits of racism.”

Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said immigrants in the U.S. are treated in a manner that’s “inconsistent with human rights … a perennial violation against our fellow Latin Americans,” reported.

Ira Mehlman, spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, said those criticisms are misguided given the state of human rights in both Cuba and Venezuela.
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Covering Obama, press encounters Nation of Islam

Washington Examiner

President Obama’s home is in the same Chicago neighborhood as Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  On Saturday night, the overlapping of Obama’s and Farrakhan’s worlds made for a strange, and sometimes testy, encounter between the Secret Service, the press corps covering the president, and the paramilitary security force, the Fruit of Islam, surrounding Farrakhan.

The encounter was written up — for distribution to the press, not necessarily for publication — by the New York Times’ Jackie Calmes.  It began a little after 4:00 p.m. when Obama and his family walked to the nearby home of longtime friend Marty Nesbitt for a backyard cookout.  It just so happens that Nesbitt lives across the street from Farrakhan.

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Taking back America one child at a time by Constituting America

Actress Janine Turner and her business partner Cathy Gillespie have come on-line with a web-based educational product to teach children at all levels about the history of our country. This information has been missing from their school curriculum for too many years.

Many months went into to the design of this repository of knowledge. They knew that to win America back we must start with our children, their teachers and start from very beginning. Their site at Constituting America provides a user-friendly location with all the needed tools to study the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Federalist papers.

Beautifully conceived, they have developed lesson plans that may be downloaded by teachers at any level. Participants are encouraged to write essays on their reading and understanding. Essays are posted on their web page at Constituting America.
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What the MSM Didn’t Tell You About Holder and the Police Chiefs

Big Journalism

As if we needed one, here’s another item showing  bias in the way the mainstream media covers the controversial  Arizona illegal immigration law. Many major news organizations, including, MSNBC, CNN, and USA Today for example, covered a story about a group of Police Chiefs who met with A.G. Eric Holder to register their objections to the Arizona law.


U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder met with about a dozen police chiefs today, including the top cops from Phoenix, Los Angeles and Houston, to discuss Arizona’s strict new immigration law.

The police chiefs told the attorney general the new law threatens to “drive a wedge” between their communities and law enforcement, according to the Associated Press. Police chiefs from Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Salt Like City and San Jose, Calif. will also attended today’s meeting with Holder.

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Calif. College Offers Scholarship to Illegal Immigrants

Fox News

A public community college in California has set up a scholarship fund for immigrant students — including illegal immigrants. The $2,500 scholarship has sparked anger by some, including at least one lawmaker who is threatening to cut off federal funding to the school.

Orange County’s Santa Ana College says the controversial new memorial scholarship will be funded by private donations and honors former student Tan Ngoc Tran, a student leader and immigrant-rights activist who transferred to Brown University before she was killed by a drunk driver on May 15.

Students eligible for the new scholarship must have a 3.0 or higher grade point average, demonstrate a financial need and must also be trying to become an American citizen. Those eligible include students holding green cards, students who have permanent residency — and illegal, undocumented immigrants.

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