Where’s Hillary’s Indictment?

Free Republic

Where’s Hillary’s Indictment?

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst, argues new emails found on Anthony Weiner’s computer will lead to Hillary Clinton’s indictment if the FBI reopens the case. Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox News senior judicial analyst, weighed in on the report, telling FOX Business’ Stuart Varney on “Varney & Co.,” “The significance is an FBI acknowledgement that Huma Abedin, Mrs. Anthony Weiner, when she had a top security clearance as the number two assistant to Hillary Clinton when Hillary was Secretary of State, regularly sent copies of sensitive material to her own laptop so she could look at it at night, either knowing or forgetting that her husband had access to it as well.”

Napolitano said this gives insight into the State Department’s casual approach to top secret documents under Hillary Clinton.

“This, yet again, shows the culture in the Hillary Clinton State Department of a cavalier attitude about the handling of government secrets. It also shows the FBI awareness of it. It also shows the president’s frustration with it when in a tweet this morning he said ‘there she goes again, crooked Hillary, Jim Comey let her off the hook again.’ Something I profoundly agree with him on.”

Mueller Has Been ‘Absolutely, Indisputably’ Compromised by Latest Clinton-Russia Collusion Revelations

Family Security Matters

Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney joined SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily to talk about the latest revelations regarding the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee, the politicized Obama Justice Department, and actual collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign.

Gaffney said the current news environment provided a “target-rich environment” for punditry, but was regrettably “hard on the country.”

“I particularly am thinking of this dossier business and the attacks on Donald Trump that have been relentlessly pursued,” he said. “Interestingly enough, with the help – in some cases more than just help, the active participation – of some people who have prominently featured in an actual case of Russian collusion at the highest levels of the United States government.”

“You can’t make this stuff up,” he exclaimed. “It’s an extraordinary tale. It’s worth exploring.”

“There now seems to be, at long last, a willingness on the part of congressional Republicans – amazingly! – to conduct the kinds of investigations into this actual saga of collusion by Hillary Clinton, by Bill Clinton, apparently by the Democratic National Committee – and, by the way, by people like Robert Mueller, and James Comey, and Andrew McCabe, and Rod Rosenstein, and Eric Holder.”

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Mueller leaking on behalf of Hillary?

American Thinker

By Daniel G. Jones

On Friday, an anonymous source leaked to CNN that a federal grand jury had approved the filing of charges against a person involved in the Russian collusion investigation. CNN could not identify that person or the charges against him, and a spokesman from Robert Mueller’s special counsel office declined to comment.

The timing of this report is suspicious. Earlier in the week, the Hillary campaign and the DNC had been identified as having funded the famous Trump dossier, in which the first allegations of Trump-Russia collusion appeared. This had been the week’s top story, until the leak from Mueller’s office.

Is the special counsel’s office trying to divert media attention? Are Mueller’s people timing leaks to undercut the focus on Hillary? The leaker told CNN to expect an arrest today. When we learn the identity of the culprit and the charges against him, MSM commentators will speculate about what these new developments imply about Trump’s involvement and the future of his presidency, and Hillary’s pay-for-Russian-gossip story will be yesterday’s news.

Hillary has been on TV quite often these days as she’s gone around the country hawking her book What Happened. Up to now, she’s been taking questions from friendly moderators; on C-Span last week, she said, “Trump and his allies, including Fox News, are really experts at distraction and diversion.” Projection, anyone?

Hillary continued: “So the closer the investigation about real Russian ties between Trump associates and real Russians… the more they just want to throw mud on the wall. I’m their favorite target. Me and President Obama, we are the ones they like to put in the crosshairs.”

As Hillary’s book tour proceeds with ten more appearances before the end of the year, it will be interesting to see if she continues to take questions and whether she continues to speak about “ties between Trump associates and real Russians.” In light of recent information, that message would appear to be non-operational.

In the meantime, the investigative calendar is packed. A former FBI informant has just been released from an FBI-imposed nondisclosure agreement and will testify before Congress about his personal knowledge concerning the Russian purchase of Uranium One. Expect new revelations about Clinton corruption.

And expect more anonymous leaks from Mueller’s office.

The István Markó Interview: Possibly the Best Thing You Will Ever Read on Global Warming.


by James Delingpole


CO2 is not – and has never been a poison

Each of our exhalations, each of our breaths, emits an astronomical quantity of CO2 proportionate to that in the atmosphere (some >40,000 ppm); and it is very clear that the air we expire does not kill anyone standing in front of us. What must be understood, besides, is that CO2 is the elementary food of plants. Without CO2 there would be no plants, and without plants there would be no oxygen and therefore no humans.

Plants love CO2. That’s why the planet is greening

Plants need CO2, water, and daylight. These are the mechanisms of photosynthesis, to generate the sugars that will provide them with staple food and building blocks. That fundamental fact of botany is one of the primary reasons why anyone who is sincerely committed to the preservation of the “natural world” should abstain from demonizing CO2. Over the last 30 years, there has been a gradual increase in the CO2 level. But what is also observed is that despite deforestation, the planet’s vegetation has grown by about 20 percent. This expansion of vegetation on the planet, nature lovers largely owe it to the increase in the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com

The McCain Mutiny

Captain McCain, steel balls in hand.

New Zeal

By: Thomas Wigand



The classic 1954 movie “The Caine Mutiny” crescendos with a court martial. Charged were crewmembers that had relieved Captain Queeg of command during a storm, citing as their defense their fear that his mental state had impaired his decision-making, and they feared loss of the ship and, possibly, all hands on board. The court martial did not appear to be going well for our mutineers. But then, as the cross examination of Queeg proceeded in earnest, he began rolling steel balls in his hand, and increasingly displayed the subtle cues evidencing a serious mental health problem lying below. The mutineers were not convicted.

In 2008 John McCain sought command of the United States, and the electoral crew relieved him of command before he’d even assumed it. Mutinous were many Republicans of the base who stayed home rather than vote for “John McAmnesty.”

Fast forward to the 2016 election, and the voters, and particularly Republican base voters (many of whom had long-since registered as “Independents”) elected a man whose platform was a rousing repudiation of the results a President McCain would have intended – “build the wall” trumped the lead Gangster of Eight and his stillborn amnesty.

For one who may feel entitled to the office, and robbed of it, and to see his agenda so publicly repudiated, it must feel like … like … like a mutiny against the legitimate leadership. And how to handle the mutineers? Why, a mutiny against their leader to restore the rightful order. And how to do that? Well, how about the political equivalent of a court martial: an impeachment?

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Cultural Terrorism Comes To Christ Church in Alexandria

Family Security Matters


That’s precisely how the board of Episcopalian Christ Church in Alexandra decided to rip out two plaques – signatures – indicating the pews where Confederate General Robert E. Lee and Revolutionary War General George Washington sat, both men being parishioners.

Their crime?  Being men of their time who fought for a better world.  From the multi-page letter issued by the worldly wise and self-enlightened board:

Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Christ Church lives into this call, feeding the hungry with our Lazarus ministry, welcoming the stranger in our refugee ministry, and inviting all to worship with us. The plaques in our sanctuary make some in our presence feel unsafe or unwelcome. Some visitors and guests who worship with us choose not to return because they receive an unintended message from the prominent presence of the plaques.

Many in our congregation feel a strong need for the church to stand clearly on the side of “All are welcome – no exceptions.”

Well, two exceptions anyway.

Ignore for a moment that “All are welcome – no exceptions” as a maxim simply doesn’t rest on as strong an authority as say, the Book of Hebrews.  Let’s further ignore for a moment that both men were practicing Episcopalians, prayed the same Book of Common Prayer, believed in the same principles, the same values, fought for the same country – Virginia.  Participated in a system whose fundamental principles rested neither in the wage slavery of the industrialized North nor in the cheap consumerism that ties Chinese workers to a factory bench for 14 hours making iPhones.

Their crime was making the other feel uncomfortable, and in a parish that is apparently more a museum for saints rather than a hospital for sinners – well, let’s just say that some sinners are more equal than others:

The Vestry has unanimously decided that the plaques create a distraction in our worship space and may create an obstacle to our identity as a welcoming church, and an impediment to our growth and to full community with our neighbors. Accordingly, the plaques will be relocated no later than the summer of 2018.

This decision is a beginning, not an end.

We should trust them to their word.  The iconoclasts have already come after images of veterans in the National Cathedral (so called – I was not aware that Episcopalianism was the national creed), torn down Lee’s memory in Lexington, Virginia with its thirst barely slaked for the whitewashing of memory.

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Investigate this


by Scott Johnson


One of our most knowledgeable law enforcement readers writes to emphasize a point bearing on our coverage of the Trump Dossier. He adds valuable context to our commentary:

As a retired FBI Special Agent with over two decades of experience in counterintelligence, I’d like to make a point that Scott and Paul are surely aware of, but which it’s useful to keep at the front of your mind.

Scott regularly refers to the Trump dossier as the “Rosetta Stone” of the “muh Russia” narrative. That’s true, but it’s helpful to go one step further. The real importance of the Trump dossier from a criminal law standpoint lies in the use it was put to for official government purposes. To understand that we need to know whether the dossier was used to justify the initiation of Full Investigations (FIs), according to the relevant AG Guidelines for National Security investigations.

We can take it as given that such FIs were opened that broadly targeted the overall Trump political organization–campaign staffers, advisers, etc. We know this because we know that FISA orders were sought and (eventually) approved. We also know that the real target was Trump himself, since the initial FISA application in June or July 2016 specifically named Trump.

FISA coverage can only be used if a FI has been previously authorized. In this circumstance I believe (I’ll skip my reasoning) that the real goal of opening a FI was precisely to obtain FISA coverage. For that reason the likelihood is that the substantially same justification that was used to obtain an order from the FISC had already been used internally (at the FBI and DoJ) to justify opening a FI. How many FIs were opened relating to the overall Trump organization? Who were the subjects? What was the predication (and, especially, did that include the dossier)?

The full relevance of these considerations can be seen from Scott and Paul’s review of just how threadbare the dossier really was in terms of authentication. If it was used in applications to the FISC with the knowledge that it was “oppo research” and likely not credible, and if that knowledge was withheld from the FISC, I suspect we’re looking at the real possibility of criminal conduct. And bear in mind that such applications (for FISA coverage relating to a candidate for President or a President-elect) would have been approved only at the highest levels before submission to the FISC.

To put two names to that process: James Comey and Loretta Lynch. If they knowingly deceived the FISC–and that depends, as far as we can tell at this point, largely on how they may have used the “dossier”–they’re looking at serious criminal liability.

All of this explains the FBI and DoJ stonewalling. Comey and the rest are well aware of the implications for them. Bear in mind too that the stonewalling isn’t limited to document production–important as that may be. FBI and DoJ have been refusing to allow their personnel to testify to Congressional committees–that is, personnel below the top few officials.

Investigations of the magnitude we’re discussing necessarily include a fair number of people and the testimony of those other people would likely shed valuable light on the true nature of the process that was followed, who made the decisions, what was known about the credibility of information that was used to justify official actions, who really believed those justifications, the nature of coordination with other government agencies, etc. This is where the investigative rubber will hit the road.

Kent State: Saying “You Need Jesus” May Qualify as Hate Speech


Image via tnlawyerlee.wordpress.com



Most everyone agrees that freedom of speech must be preserved. However, people on the left want to make an exception for hate speech. This consists of any speech that they don’t want to hear — possibly including the phrase, “You need Jesus,” according to a poster distributed by Kent State University:

The public university’s Center for Student Involvement created and circulated the poster on Twitter last week. It was designed to promote an event on free speech issues as part of Kent State’s KENTTalks, which are intended to “provide a safe place for discussions and transformational experiences for our student body” and promote “civil discourse.”

By “safe,” they presumably mean, safe from dissenting views.

Silhouetted activists on the posters hold a range of placards with messages, overlaid with the rhetorical question “free speech or hate speech?” Alongside provocative expressions including “No More Gays,” “Women Need To Serve Their Man” and “Build a Wall,” the fourth placard bears a nonviolent, basic expression of the Christian faith: “You need Jesus.”

To avoid committing hate speech, think before you say anything. Would Rachel Maddow say it? Then you had better not say it either. But feel free to recite liberal talking points to your heart’s content.