Trumka: All we need is to raise taxes to create jobs

Hot Air

If ever there was an example of the complete cluelessness much of the left commonly displays when it comes to economic matters, the AFL-CIO’s (and Obama advisor) Richard Trumka provides it:

What’s the best way to get Americans back to work?

Raise taxes, according to AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Specifically, he wants to raise the federal gas tax as a means to fund infrastructure spending. “We need a dedicated source of revenue to create infrastructure in this country,” he tells Aaron Task in the accompanying clip.

“We need to create jobs. The best way to do that is through infrastructure development.” Simply maintaining the existing infrastructure in this country will cost $2.2 trillion over five years, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. That doesn’t include Obama’s objective of high-speed rails and green energy projects.

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The Academy Awards White House


A Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist asked in passing over the weekend if I thought President Barack Obama is a Marxist, and if so “What kind?”

“The most anti-American, anti-freedom kind,” was my reply.

But does it really matter “what kind of Marxist”  Obama is?  What should really matter is that there is a president in the White House stealing individual rights and the freedom of his own people, not to mention the sincerely held hopes of all other little people affected by America’s place in the world.

Another Tea Party friend, working on a Power Point presentation, asked me what kind of president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt?  Without wanting to tread on her feelings, I wanted to answer, “Who cares?”

With a president in the Oval Office whose mission it is to take down America, who has the luxury of time to go off stirring the bones of presidents past?

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Oh My Allah, They Killed Kenny!

Family Security Matters
On July 4, 2001 the cartoon South Park aired the episode “Super Best Friends” which depicted several religious figures including Mohammed; interestingly it caused no real issues to speak of.
So what happened?
On December 15, 2010 suddenly the South Park Studios website as well as Netflix stopped streaming “Super Best Friends”. This episode on the website now has the following notice:
“We apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream this episode.”
Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s strange that this same page has a cartoon Jesus next to the notice. I guess that Jesus just isn’t that offensive.

Muslims Plan March On Washington To Support A United Shariah Of America

Right Side News

As expected, Muslims across the world have started to lock arms in their quest to impose Shariah Law (Islamic Law) on all. For the most part, Muslims in America had confined this call to their barracks…..,errr, I mean Mosques and Islamic conferences. Now, in a brazen display of united force, Muslims calling for the adoption of Shariah in this country plan to march near the White House on March 3rd. The leader of the pack is the U.K.’s Anjem Choudary, a Muslim cleric.


His partners, who actually believe that America will bow to Islamic Law, are NY’s “Islamic Thinkers Society”, the group who desecrate the U.S. flag.

The name of this doomed movement is Shariah4America. They rely on the verses of the Koran to support their mission. Muslims believe the Koran to be the literal words of Allah.

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Why Obama Refuses to Defend Marriage: Marxist Theology v. Natural Law


By Kelly O’Connell

Obama just announced he will not defend DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, designed to block gay marriage legalization. Barack stated the reason—because it is “unconstitutional.” But is it any coincidence Marxist doctrine teaches marriage is a subset of the state; whereas our Founder’s Natural Law only countenances heterosexual unions?

By stating he will not honor legally passed statutes, Obama openly rejects the rule of law. He has pushed the presidency from a defender of our laws into being its destroyer. The reason is that, despite any disagreement Barack has with particular pieces of legislation, he swore an oath to defend the whole Constitution. If he were to challenge this law in a law-abiding manner, this would at least respect our institutions. But to simply declare a particular law “illegal,” is certain to sow future chaos and an antinomian spirit into our Republic.

Consider the Oath of Office for US President:

US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Further, most Americans should draw the conclusion Barack is putting the entire USA at risk for openly defying and contradicting nature. Most pointedly, Obama has now exposed himself as a lawless rogue, in defiance of God, country and citizen, and therefore he must be immediately impeached.

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Obama to Declare Constitution Unconstitutional?


Granted that conservatives are not always the sharpest knives in the drawer. We right-wingers sometimes have difficulty grasping the deep, elusive logic of intellectual elitists on the left like Barack Obama when it comes to great and serious questions concerning the U.S. Constitution.

For example, we find it difficult to understand how it is that man who invented ObamaCare, which has been ruled unconstitutional by two separate courts, feels qualified to unilaterally decide that the Defense of Marriage Act, law of the land for 15 years, is suddenly unconstitutional, thereby freeing himself from the responsibility to defend said law in fulfillment of his Oath of Office.

What next, Mr. President?

According to unreliable sources, it appears that President Obama will make a major announcement that will CHANGE everything in America.

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The North American Union – an act of treason

By Joseph D. Hagmann

Remember when people who talked about a North American Union were publicly marginalized by both conservative and liberal talk show hosts?   Media personalities openly stereotyped people as fools and kooks for merely asking reasonable and sensible questions.  They called people “conspiracy theorists” and nuts even after deals were already made behind our backs – even before the ink on the treaties or contracts dried.

Americans were and are called un-patriotic for asking questions and wanting the simple truth from our government about the backroom deals creating a “North American Union” (NAU). The NAU, of course, is just one component of the global agenda or New World Order that will consolidate power on a global scale. It’s implementation, which has been underway for the better part of the last century, will ultimately destroy American sovereignty.  This agenda has never been so clear as it is now.

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Mainstreaming Radical Islam

Family Security Matters
The term “useful idiot” is believed to have been coined by Vladimir Lenin. It originally described liberal Communist sympathizers in Western nations who, as the Soviet leader explained, would “sell us (Soviet Russia) the rope with which we will hang them (the West).”
Today’s useful idiots are a swath from that same politically correct cloth. They comprise: secular “progressives” (to include the liberal media); pinko anarchists and other Berkeley-types; President Obama and his motley stable of cracked czars and policy advisors; and the majority of Democrats in Congress.
Only the role of “international-villain-bent-on-world-domination” has changed. We’ve gone from the Soviet hammer and sickle to the Islamic crescent moon and star.

Hey, What Happened To That Maxine Waters Ethics Trial?

Pajamas Media

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) was supposed to have faced trial for ethics violations last year, but the trial was suddenly delayed until after the November 2010 elections.

Waters stands accused of obtaining $12 million in TARP money for the bank OneUnited, on whose board her husband Sidney Williams once sat, and in which he owned more than $350,000 in stock. According to a story by the Washington Post in September of last year, Waters — together with Rep. Barney Frank, (D-MA) who was then the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee — changed a law and obtained the financing.

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