Wiretap Application Shows Holder And DOJ Knew About Fast And Furious In Intricate Detail…

Weasel Zippers

Hence the reason Issa isn’t letting go on this one.

(Roll Call) — In the midst of a fiery floor debate over contempt proceedings for Attorney General Eric Holder, House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) quietly dropped a bombshell letter into the Congressional Record.

The May 24 letter to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), ranking member on the panel, quotes from and describes in detail a secret wiretap application that has become a point of debate in the GOP’s “Fast and Furious” gun-walking probe.

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State Dept. Won’t Explain Terrorist WH Visit

The Washington Free Beacon

The U.S. State Department “refuses to explain” how a member of an Egyptian terrorist group was allowed into the White House for a visit. According to a daily briefing transcript published by Jennifer Rubin at the Washington Post:

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Gallup Poll Finds Americans’ Confidence In MSM TV News At All-Time Low, 21%…

Weasel Zippers

It’s almost like people don’t trust the MSM.

Via Newsbusters:

Beware television anchors who bash the House Republicans by citing their low approval rating. On May 20, CBS Face the Nation host expressed amazement that Speaker John Boehner would talk about using the debt ceiling to limit spending again when the approval rating of Congress “hit a new low. And now he wants to fight the same battle? Was he kidding?”

Schieffer and his colleagues will probably ignore the latest finding from Gallup’s Confidence in Institutions Survey: television news has fallen to a 21 percent approval rating, a record low and just eight points higher than Congress. “Organized religion, public schools, Congress, and television news are all currently at least 10 points lower than their historical average ratings.”

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More Stealth Amnesty Behind The Scenes

Judicial Watch

President Obama’s controversial plan to spare nearly 1 million young illegal immigrants from deportation has received lots of media attention, but most Americans may not realize the administration is also working behind the scenes granting stealth amnesty to many more undocumented aliens.

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Obama campaign uses company with operations in India and China to book travel

The Daily Caller

A new ad from President Obama’s re-election  campaign calls Mitt Romney “Outsourcer-in-Chief,” accusing the former  businessman and presumptive Republican presidential nominee of overseeing  companies that shipped jobs to China and India while leading Bain Capital.

But while Obama tries to hit Romney on this issue, records show that Obama’s  campaign is using a travel booking company this year that have operations in  India and China.

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Rule of law now an election issue

American Thinker

The  Obama administration’s response to yesterday’s Supreme Court decision affirming  the right of authorities to seek proof of legal residency when otherwise engaged  with suspects has now made manifest Barack Obama’s contempt for the rule of law.  This is a legitimate election issue that the Romney camp should take up. It far  transcends immigration and ethnic  politics. Stephen Dinan of the Washington Times explains the response:

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