Amnesty and Your Right to Bear Arms


Republicans were elected in historic numbers in 2014 largely due to their promise to reverse Obama’s illegal and unconstitutional amnesty decree. Predictably, this promise was broken immediately. The consequences will be catastrophic not only for the Republican Party, which at this point there is little reason to support, but for America in general in all walks of life — including regarding the indispensable right to bear arms:

Mitch McConnell’s surrender on immigration reform last week could have major consequences for Second Amendment rights.

Deportation amnesty is one of the biggest threats to gun rights because it will add millions of anti-gun voters to the electorate in one fell swoop.

The vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanics, and Hispanics are one of the most anti-gun demographics in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, 62% of Hispanics prefer expanding gun control to percent gun rights, compared to 39% of white voters.

Refer to formerly patriotic, now rabidly anti–gun rights California to see how this will play out nationally.

This is among the many reasons our ruling class is displacing the American population with Third Worlders from across the undefended border. The scope of the treason that we are witnessing makes Vidkun Quisling a patriot by comparison.

The Japanese should have tried illegal immigration.