Europeans Warn America of Civilizational Jihad

Family Security Matters

“Do not let what has happened in Europe and Britain happen to America,” stated Paul Weston, leader of the small British rightwing party Liberty GB, on March 3 at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).  Weston along with the Danish writer Lars Hedegaard warned in apocalyptic terms against an influx of Islamic immigration during a Center for Security Policy (CSP) panel before a standing room only audience of about 60.

After Center for Security Policy President Frank Gaffney‘s introduction described a “not so much nonviolent as pre-violent” Islamic “civilization jihad,” Hedegaard stated that “Europe as we knew it is just a few years away from a complete breakdown.”  He discussed an ongoing influx that would last several years of millions of economic immigrants to Europe, people who on the basis of past experience with Muslim immigrant communities “have proven to be impossible to integrate.”  According to the European Union’s (EU) Eurostat, Weston noted, 80 percent of these migrants come from outside Syria; among them there is “only a small minority who can claim to be fleeing from war,” Hedegaard concluded.

Hedegaard discussed these migrants crossing the EU’s southern member state borders and then traveling towards the EU’s northern members like Denmark and Germany with their generous welfare systems.  “You cannot maintain a welfare system under these circumstances,” he stated, as immigrants “rip off the native population whose parents and grandparents toiled to create this kind of society.”  He termed the EU a “master con artist” for having violated a promise to guard the EU’s outer borders given in exchange for the abolition of EU-member state border controls under the Schengen agreement.

Hedegaard foresaw such Islamic immigration creating a “checkerboard of various enclaves” that “will not have much to do with each other except for intermittent low intensity warfare.”  The “writ of the law will not run throughout the national territory” as so-called “no-go” areas develop where state authorities such as police and first responders will enter only with great caution.  Europe has not seen something like this coming “international war between one culture and another culture” since the 16-17th century wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants.

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The Scandalous Hillary Days, We Thought They’d Never End


Independent Sentinel

If you want to shut up a Hillary Clinton supporter, just ask them to name Hillary’s accomplishments, other than getting people killed, selling 25% of US uranium to the Russians, and compromising national security that is.

This short and sweet ad from a Super Pac which came to me via Free Beacon sums up the incredibly scandalous life of the Clintons quite well. Keep in mind that Hillary was always the puppeteer.

The Clintons are the reason I left the Democrat party after a proud century-long family tradition of following the path the party had set. The party had became the party of the corrupt and scandalous Clintons.

As an educator I decided I should read her book, It Takes a Village. It was an outline for a socialist, big government-controlled education for all as I was to discover.

Bill was accused of serial womanizing and even of raping two women and when the “Bimbo Eruptions” added to their many scandals, Hillary snuffed them out with a wholesale public assault on their characters. She assumed the duty of directing the “bimbo eruption squad” and scandal defense.

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Judicial Watch: Second Federal Court Grants Discovery in Clinton Email Case



Ruling Comes in FOIA Litigation over Benghazi Controversy


Judicial Watch

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth granted “limited discovery” to Judicial Watch into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email matter.  Lamberth ruled that “where there is evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith, as here, limited discovery is appropriate, even though it is exceedingly rare in FOIA cases.”

The court’s ruling comes in a July 2014 Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records related to the drafting and use of the Benghazi talking points (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)).  The lawsuit seeks records specifically from Hillary Clinton and her top State Department staff:

Copies of any updates and/or talking points given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency concerning, regarding, or related to the September 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Any and all records or communications concerning, regarding, or relating to talking points or updates on the Benghazi attack given to Ambassador Rice by the White House or any federal agency

Judge Lamberth granted Judicial Watch’s Motion for Discovery, which was filed in opposition to the State Department’s Motion for Summary Judgement.  The court ruled:

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State Dept’s $500 Million Transfer to the U.N.


Free Republic

Last week, the Obama administration transferred $500 million in U.S. funds to the United Nations’ Green Climate Fund. Other countries will welcome the administration’s handover of American tax dollars to subsidize their own economies. The American people will reject it as another executive power grab that ignores their judgment and misuses their hard-earned money.


On March 8, Deputy Secretary of State Heather Higginbottom testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Congress never authorized the Green Climate Fund.



Unconstitutional: US Federal Court Strikes Down Restrictive Gun Law on Mariana Islands


Washington Free Beacon

A United States federal court ruled on Monday that the gun licensing law in the Mariana Islands Commonwealth violates the Second Amendment.

The U.S. territory bans the possession or importation of handguns and handgun ammunition. It requires that all residents obtain a special license if they wish to possess a firearm. Those applying for the license, called a Weapons Identification Card, or “WIC,” are required to be either a U.S. citizen or U.S. national and to prove they have a good reason to possess a firearm. Self-defense is not among the acceptable reasons.

Ramona Manglona, chief judge of the District Court of the Northern Mariana Islands, struck down all of those provisions as unconstitutional. The Obama-appointee required that Mariana Islands officials immediately stop enforcing its handgun ban, begin issuing WICs to lawful permanent aliens, and accept self-defense as a valid reason for obtaining a WIC. It also ordered the U.S. territory to pay the plaintiffs’ legal fees.

Li-Rong Radich was attacked in 2010 by an intruder who had broken into her home on Saipan. She was brutally beaten and suffered multiple broken ribs as well as a broken eye socket. She and her husband David applied for WICs in 2013 in an effort to obtain a firearm for home defense.

The Radichs have not received a response to their respective applications for WICs in the nearly three years since they applied.

The Second Amendment Foundation brought the case on the Radichs’ behalf and footed the bill for the associated legal fees.

Alan Gottlieb, the group’s founder, said since the ruling holds the same weight as those made by other federal district courts, it is an important affirmation of individual gun rights in America, which will have a lasting impact.

“It will have a direct impact in the 9th Circuit,” he said. “It is another affirmation of the Second Amendment victories in Heller and McDonald. This ruling makes it harder for the gun prohibitionists to get around these important Supreme Court victories.”

“This is one more Second Amendment Foundation victory in an unprecedented string of court victories. But we still must make sure that President Obama or a Hillary Clinton do not stack our courts with anti-rights judges.”

Obama administration said it “would welcome” an Islamic dictatorship onto the United Nations’ Human Rights Council

Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

In 2010, Freedom House included Saudi Arabia on its list of “the world’s most repressive societies.”

On page 17 of this PDF, Freedom House wrote the following about Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia is not an electoral democracy.

The country’s 1992 Basic Law declares that the Koran and the Sunna (the guidance set by the deeds and sayings of the prophet Muhammad) are the country’s constitution.

Political parties are forbidden, and organized political opposition exists only outside of the country.

The government tightly controls the content of domestic media and dominates regional print and satellite television coverage. Government officials have banned journalists and editors who publish articles deemed offensive to the ruling authorities or the country’s powerful religious establishment. The regime has blocked access to over 400,000 websites that are considered immoral or politically sensitive.

Religious freedom does not exist in Saudi Arabia. All Saudis are required by law to…

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Judicial Watch: Obama Administration Withholds Draft Whitewater Indictment of Hillary Clinton

Judicial Watch


Cites ‘Privacy’ and ‘Scintilla’ of Public Interest in Material about Potential Clinton Crimes

Draft Indictment Bears on ‘Mrs. Clinton’s honesty, credibility, and trustworthiness … for the position she currently seeks.’

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it is asking a federal court to order the National Archives and Records Administration to release draft criminal indictments of Hillary Clinton.  In its motion for summary judgment, the National Archives claimed that “the drafts involve a significant [Clinton] privacy interest that is not outweighed by any public interest….” In its March 11 opposition brief, Judicial Watch counters that allegedly “making false statements and withholding evidence from federal investigators bears on Mrs. Clinton’s honesty, credibility, and trustworthiness … for the position she currently seeks,” rendering the National Archives claim “neither serious nor credible.”

These developments stem from an October 20, 2015, Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit (Judicial Watch v. National Archives and Records Administration (No. 15-cv-01740)) seeking:

All versions of indictments against Hillary Rodham Clinton, including but not limited to, Versions 1, 2, and 3 in box 2250 of the Hickman Ewing Attorney Files, the “HRC/_ Draft Indictment” in box 2256 of the Hickman Ewing Attorney Files, as well as any and all versions written by Deputy Independent Counsel Hickman Ewing, Jr. prior to September of 1996.

The draft indictments relate to allegations that Clinton provided false information and withheld evidence from federal investigators to conceal her involvement with the defunct Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan, the collapse of which lead to multiple criminal convictions.  Clinton provided legal representation to Madison Guaranty as an attorney at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Clinton’s Rose Law Firm billing records, long sought by prosecutors, were found in the private quarters of the White House shortly after an important statute of limitations had expired.

In its motion for summary judgment, the National Archives confirmed that it has located the Clinton draft indictments, stating, “Included among the records of Mr. Starr and his successors are drafts of a proposed indictment of Hillary Rodham Clinton.” It adds, “Box 2250 contains a folder labeled ‘Draft Indictment.’  Box 2256 contains a folder labelled ‘Hillary Rodham Clinton/Webster L. Hubbell Draft Indictment.’ Multiple drafts of the proposed indictment of Mrs. Clinton were located by NARA [National Archives and Records Administration] within these folders.”

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Muslim Offers $10,000 to Anyone Who Can Show That Qur’an Promotes Terrorism

Frontpage Mag

Dear Omar Alnatour:

Thank you so very much for offering “anyone $10,000 if they can find me a verse in the Quran that says it’s ok to kill innocent people or to commit acts of terror.” My 1999 Toyota is on its last legs, and your generous gift will enable me to replace it with a modest but fully operational used midsize sedan. Or maybe (since it has been years since I’ve had a break), if I can keep the jalopy going for awhile, I will use your ten grand take a vacation to Paris and Brussels — before it’s too late, you know?

Anyway, here is my entry, which I am confident will win the $10,000 prize. I’ll make sure of that by giving you even more than you asked for: you wanted just a single Qur’anic verse that “says it’s ok to kill innocent people or to commit acts of terror,” I’ll give you more than one of each, just so there is no doubt:

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Belgian Soldiers Deployed to Fight Terrorists Had No Bullets in Rifles

Frontpage Mag

Much of counterterrorism is really security theater. TSA searches that have yet to stop a terrorist. Bombing raids that don’t drop bombs. Soldiers standing with rifles that have no bullets in them. It looks impressive. But there’s no substance behind it.

Rabbi Menachem Hadad of Brussels’ Shomre Hadas haredi Orthodox community said that soldiers who were posted outside a synagogue and the city’s Chabad House following the slaying of four Jews in Brussels’ Jewish Museum of Belgium in 2014 told him that for months, they used to guard the area with no bullets in their rifles. “It was just a show.”

Of course it’s just for show. Anything else would be too much. Western governments don’t want to actually stop Islamic terrorism. They want to look like they’re trying.

It’s not just Obama. It’s the whole system.

After every terror attack, there’s security theater. Empty reassurances that the guys running everything are really taking it seriously. But there’s no there, there. Instead they’ll keep on bringing huge numbers of Muslims, creating the next wave of terror, even while they put on a show of being serious about the latest attack.

Being serious about Islamic terrorism means ending Muslim migration. Any government that doesn’t want to do that is also not going to do much to fight Islamic terrorism except go through the motions.