Who’s Not #Ready for Hillary: Thousands Who Died Fleeing the Libya She Destroyed

Independent Sentinel

You know who’s not #ReadyForHillary? The thousands who’ve died fleeing the Libya she destroyed‏

Hillary Clinton is directly responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea as the death toll of those who drowned fleeing her destabilized Libya approaches 2,500.


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This is a perfect example of what makes Obama such an ass

president pantywaist

Flopping Aces

Channeling both Alinsky and Machiavelli, Obama once again took to attacking private US citizens:

President Obama made a political and an economic case for solar energy Monday, telling an industry summit in Las Vegas that the explosive growth in solar power “has some big fossil fuel interests pretty nervous.”

“Now, it’s one thing if you’re consistent in being free market. It’s another thing when you’re free market until it’s solar that’s working and people want to buy and suddenly you’re not for it any more,” he said.

“When you start seeing massive lobbying efforts backed by fossil fuel interests, or conservative think tanks, or the Koch brothers pushing for new laws to roll back renewable energy standards, or to prevent new clean energy businesses from succeeding, that’s s problem,” Obama said, singling out industrialists Charles and David Koch for the first time in a climate speech.

“That’s not the American way. That’s not progress. That’s not innovation. That’s rent seeking. That’s standing in the way of progress,” Obama said


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MI6 Spy Found Dead in Bag in Bath Had Hacked Clinton Data

Free Republic

The MI6 spy who was found dead inside a holdall bag in his bathtub in London hacked into secret data held on former U.S. President Bill Clinton, The Sun newspaper has sensationally claimed today.

Gareth Williams was 31 years old when he was found naked, dead in his own bathtub in Pimlico, just a few minutes walk away from Britain’s Houses of Parliament.

Speculation has been rife ever since his death in September 2010 about the circumstances surrounding his death. A Metropolitan Police investigation revealed predictably, though suspiciously, that Mr Williams’ death was “probably an accident”. This was despite an initial inquest concluding that his death was “unnatural and likely to have been criminally mediated.”

Since then the unexplained death has been the subject of investigation by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The BBC reported as early as December 2010 that Mr Williams had been on secondment from Britain’s signals intelligence operation GCHQ to MI6, and then subsequently to the United States’ National Security Agency.

The Sun reports that Williams had “dug out the guestlist for an event the former American president was going to as a favour for a pal.”

The Murdoch-owned paper reports:

The Sun on Sunday can reveal that voicemail messages Mr Williams left for family and pals were deleted in the days after his death. And a rival agent may also have broken into the flat to destroy or remove evidence.

The inquest was barred from discussing Mr Williams’s work in public. But sources say he was helping on the joint monitoring network Echelon, which uses sophisticated programs to eavesdrop on terrorists and criminal gangs, particularly those in Russia.

(Excerpt) Read more at breitbart.com

‘Hillary for Prison’ Signs Keep Getting Stolen in the Hamptons


hillary for prison

Photo via Flopping Aces

Free Republic

This Hamptonite wants Hillary Rodham Clinton behind bars — and had to put his signs saying so behind an electric fence.

Andy Sabin’s first “Hillary for Prison 2016” signs lasted little more than a day before they were stolen from in front of his Amagansett home last week. So Sabin took steps to make sure the placards were secure.

The red, blue and white signs now sit atop a pair of 12-foot poles behind an electric fence with yellow warning signs. A surveillance camera keeps watch.

(Excerpt) Read more at nypost.com

Court Rules That Illegal Aliens Have Second Amendment Rights

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The Daily Sheeple

When Mario Meza-Rodriguez was five years old, his parents brought him into the United States illegally. By the time he was an adult, he managed to get in trouble with the police after getting into a bar fight two years ago. When the police arrested him, they discovered a .22 caliber pistol in his pocket. Even though illegal aliens can’t own firearms under federal law, Meza-Rodriguez argued in court that charging him for possessing the pistol would violate his Second Amendment rights. The court disagreed. He was convicted and deported.

However, the 7th Circuit Court has recently ruled in Mario’s favor, while also upholding his conviction. They believe that the words “the people” in the Second Amendment, apply to everyone in the US, including illegal aliens. At the same time though, they believe that his conviction is still valid since the US government can restrict gun ownership for known law breakers. Mario’s lawyer is challenging their decision on the grounds that it contradicts itself.

Their decision is certainly confusing. Obviously, everyone in this country is supposed to have certain rights regardless of their citizenship status. Even if you’re an illegal, you be can’t be imprisoned indefinitely without trial, you can’t be tortured into a confession, and you have the right to an attorney (at least you did before 9/11). But once you’re convicted, you can lose your rights. If you couldn’t restrict the rights of a known criminal, then you couldn’t punish anyone for anything. If you ask me, it sounds like the 7th Circuit Court is trying to establish a new precedent for illegal aliens.

Terror Suspect Looking to Drive School Children

terrorist gets commerciallic.

Independent Sentinel

A Minnesota man, Amir Meshal, who has been identified as a terror suspect by Homeland Security and who is on the “No Fly” list, has been given a Class A commercial license. He can drive semis and he has applied for a school bus endorsement.

He is an Al Qaeda suspect.

The state government even paid for him to go. The $4,000 tuition was paid for through the state workforce program.

terrorist Amir Meshi

The ACLU is running the country with the help of liberal lawyers. Wherever leftist liberals go, they reek havoc. They care more about the welfare of wannabe terrorists than the Americans they could harm.

The ACLU sued to get him off the “no-fly” list but the FAA said he might be a threat and will not be removed.

The ACLU responded.

“Mr. Meshal has never been charged with a crime and has sued the government to obtain a fair process to challenge his wrongful inclusion on the No Fly List. Like many other unemployed Americans, he’s trying to obtain credentials for a job so he can build a life for his family, including a baby. Any suggestion that Mr. Meshal’s efforts to get a job somehow present a concern is shameful. On Mr. Meshal’s cases: his unlawful rendition and detention case is on appeal. The latest in the No Fly List case is described here.”



The ACLU is an anti-American, leftist organization that does not have Americans well-being at heart – quite the opposite.

In May 2014, Meshal was removed and trespassed from a Bloomington, Minn. mosque, Al Farooq, after he was suspected of radicalizing young people who would later travel to Syria. According to the police report, religious leaders said, “We have concerns about Meshal interacting with our youth.” Meshal had previously been asked to leave an Eden Prairie, Minn. mosque for similar reasons.

It is believed that he trained in a terror camp in Somalia.

In 2007, The New York Times reported about Meshal: A 24-year old American who told the F.B.I. that he went to Somalia last December to help build an Islamic state there is now being held in an Ethiopian prison, where he was sent after being detained in Kenya.

What ever happened to common sense? Why is this man even in this country? Deport him!

This is beyond ridiculous but this man might be driving children to school.



Pentagon Not Targeting Islamic State Training Camps

Washington Free Beacon

The Pentagon has not conducted airstrikes against an estimated 60 Islamic State (IS) training camps that are supplying thousands of fighters each month to the terror group, according to defense and intelligence officials.

The camps are spread throughout Islamic State-controlled areas of Iraq and Syria and are off limits in the U.S.-led international bombing campaign because of concerns about collateral damage, said officials familiar with planning and execution of the yearlong bombing campaign.

Additionally, the IS (also known as ISIS or ISIL) camps have been so successful that Islamic State leaders are considering expanding the camps to Libya and Yemen. Both states have become largely ungoverned areas in recent years.

The failure to target the training camps with U.S. and allied airstrikes is raising questions among some defense and intelligence officials about the commitment of President Obama and his senior aides to the current anti-IS strategy of degrading and ultimately destroying the terror group.

“If we know the location of these camps, and the president wants to destroy ISIS, why are the camps still functioning?” one official critical of the policy asked.

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The Unconstitutional “Anchor Baby” Delusion

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Family Security Matters

“The United States have not recognized a double allegiance. By our law a citizen is bound to be ‘true and faithful’ alone to our government.”

– House Report No. 784, June 22, 1874

With the 2016 election heating up, many Americans are finding the opportunity to express anger over the nation’s illegal immigration problems.

Donald Trump, a long-shot as a presidential candidate (having never held public office), shot to the top of the polls after making seemingly incendiary remarks about illegal immigrants. I write “seemingly” because many believe his statements to be blunt truth, even if politically incorrect.

In addition to allegations of criminals coming across the southern border from Mexico, Trump is now broaching a question long hidden in the recesses of debate: Does the Constitution grant birthright citizenship to all born within the geographic borders of the United States? This question directly ties to immigration, as the babies of illegal immigrants are being granted immediate citizenship, thereby “anchoring” residency and citizenship rights to family members. Hence the term “anchor baby”. The numbers involved run into the millions, affect the nation in many ways, and cannot be overlooked. It’s time to challenge the conventional wisdom of birthright citizenship. Let me explain.

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Secretary of State John Kerry Signs United Nations Gun Ban Treaty Against Wishes of U.S. Senate




Free Republic

If U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has his way the United Nations will be able to say if Americans are allowed to have their Second Amendment rights. He has just signed an anti-gun treaty with the United Nations that the U.S. Senate has already said it is against.

The treaty Kerry signed without authorization from the Senate would create an un-Constitutional registry of all US gun buyers and would lead to the UN controlling American’s gun rights. Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday signed a controversial U.N. riling U.S. lawmakers who vow the Senate will not ratify the agreement.

(Excerpt) Read more at gopthedailydose.com