The Missing Link in the Evolution of Barack Obama


One of the problems with the idea of “American exceptionalism” is that it exacerbates a kind of complacency common to man.  This is the phenomenon whereby people often view themselves as exceptions, saying, after some tragedy, for instance, something such as “I never thought it could happen to me.”

On a national level — and this especially plagues great nations — this manifests itself in the notion that “it” could never happen here.  Oh, the “it” could be descent into tyranny, domination by a foreign power or dissolution.  Or, maybe, it could be the election of a leader who is a Manchurian candidate, a traitor within, someone bent on destroying the nation that gave him everything.  That…“it”…couldn’t happen here.  In fact, the idea is so preposterous to many Americans that, if such a threat loomed, they would never see it coming.  And they would call a person who warned of it a nut.

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How Much Did Obama’s Family Vacation Cost Taxpayers?

Over $1.4 million. That’s the generous estimate of how much the Obama family vacation cost taxpayers this Christmas. $1,474,200 to be exact.

The Hawaii Reporter compiled an estimated account of expenses for the Obama trip and found that, before factoring in unknown costs, taxpayers forked over almost $1.5 million. Here’s how the paper broke it down:

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Why the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Issue Is Legitimate

American Thinker
Does this Barack Obama birth certificate issue bug you because, although improbable, it’s possible that he’s not a natural born citizen, isn’t eligible to be President under the Constitution, and this issue could be bigger than Watergate — or any other “gate” in history?


Are you afraid that if you were even to raise the subject with your friends that they will think you wear a tinfoil hat, because, the final arbiter of truth in the universe, said so?

Obama’s Liberty Problem: Why Indefinite Detention by Executive Order Should Scare the Hell Out of People

The right to liberty is one of the foundation rights of a free people. The idea that any US President can bypass Congress and bypass the Courts by issuing an Executive Order setting up a new legal system for indefinite detention of people should rightfully scare the hell out of the American people.
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Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’

© 2010 WorldNetDaily


Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, on left

Although Hawaii’s newly elected Democrat governor, Neil Abercrombie, has recently given a flurry of high-profile media interviews condemning “birthers” who question Barack Obama’s constitutional eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, suddenly he is declining to answer a few hard questions.

Abercrombie, 72, a former member of the U.S. House, may be trying to quell the surge of doubt among Americans – polls show nearly six in 10 doubt Obama’s own eligibility story – by promising he will try to release additional records on Obama from his state’s Department of Health vault.

He has, in just recent days, expressed his disdain toward “birthers” in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, on CNN, as well as the local Star Advertiser and Hawaii News Now.

His startling remarks appear to be in response to the recent polling results as well as the rapidly growing list of high-profile personalities and leaders publicly raising questions about Obama’s eligibility.

Read more: Hawaii guv suddenly ‘mum’ on Obama birth ‘certificate’

TSA, Youth Corps Now Officially part of Obama Gestapo


The problem with believing one is “safe” from the growing and increasingly ravenous Obama & Co Police State if one embraces—or pretends to embrace—the anti-God/anti-American Leftist viewpoint, is that the belief itself is fallacious.  If you espouse these beliefs as your own, the Marxist/Leninist crocodiles currently occupying the power seats (that’s power over We-the-People) in Washington D.C. may eat you last.  But, do not be fooled—they will eat you.  It is within their innate, immutable and distinct nature to do so.

Now comes the enforcement arms of the Obama regime’s control over us all.  The Obama Gestapo is taking many forms.  One of these forms manifests itself in the militaristically marching students in the “Obama Youth Corps.”  In The Obama Youth Corps Parts 1 and 2 (see references below), Obama is interviewed regarding “his” corps of mobilized youth.  In the interview, Obama says it’s a “war.”  A war against whom?  In the same interview, Obama encourages these mobilized and militaristic youth to join FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).  FEMA?  FEMA was never before a militant organization but, was created and then used to address helping people in times of disasters.  No more.  From Obama’s own mouth, it will now be used to fight some strange and dark Obama war.  And why were FEMA camps across the country recently refurbished and military Ads placed for people to guard whomever is going to be placed in them?  Again, Obama is at war against whom?

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A CATHOLIC school faces being taken over by a mosque after it was revealed that 95% of its pupils are Muslim.



It is believed to be the first case of its kind in Britain.


Church leaders say it is no longer “appropriate” for them to run Sacred Heart RC Primary School which has just six Christian pupils.


Just 10 years ago more than 90% of pupils were Catholic. But now most are of Asian origin, do not speak English as their first language and follow Islam.



The school in Blackburn, Lancs, could be handed to the nearby Masjid-e-Tauheedul mosque.


Harry Devonport of Blackburn with Darwen Council Children’s Services, said the decision to abandon the school was made by the Diocese of Salford.


Diocese education director Geraldine Bradbury said: “We have never experienced a change to this extent before. We would not be serving the local community by insisting that we run the school. It brings things like having a Catholic headteacher and devoting 10% of the timetable to RE.


“It would be wrong of us to insist on putting a school community through that.”


The mosque runs an Islamic girls’ secondary school. Head Hamid Patel said: “Given that almost all of the pupils are Muslim, it makes sense.”


Obama Considers Corrupt Clinton Official As Economic Adviser

Judicial Watch

A banker ousted as Bill Clinton’s Deputy Treasury Secretary after lying to Congress to help his boss conceal an illegal real estate scheme is a top candidate to become President Obama’s next economic adviser.

Despite his scandalous past, Roger Altman is on a short list to be the next director of the president’s National Economic Council (NEC). Established nearly two decades ago, the NEC advises the commander-in-chief on all economic policy issues and the next director is expected to play a key role in stimulating the ailing economy.

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