The drones are coming

Human Events

For years, the United States has used drones to track foreign terrorists overseas and catch outlaws along the border. But now, thousands of drones are heading to the homeland. Drones are already used for certain purposes here in the United States, but the FAA will soon dramatically expand the use of drones to operate nationwide by the year 2015. It is estimated, by 2020, 30,000 of them will be flying in American skies. Who and what will all of these new eyes in the sky be looking at? No one really knows.  But whether we like it or not, the drones are coming.

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OUTRAGE: Illegal Aliens Obama Refused to Deport Committed 19 Murders, 142 Sex Crimes!


To the list of high crimes and misdemeanors for which Barack Hussein Obama should be charged and convicted add the following:

Aiding and abetting in 19 murders and 142 sex crimes which were committed by illegal aliens whom should have been deported but were not because of President Obama’s anti-rule of law stance and obsession with growing the Democrat Party.

As reported:

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The Amazing Presidential Power-Grab

American Thinker

With  little consternation or lasting opposition, the Obama administration has  dramatically usurped congressional power at the expense of popular will and the  rule of law.  Numerous dastardly bureaucratic coups — motivated by the  president’s progressive and political agenda — have amazingly failed to  engender a serious response.

What  began as a trickle of presidential power-grabs has turned into a cascade of  executive roguery.  A list of them is worth some review and  reflection:

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Obama Ignores Russian Plans for Naval Base in Cuba


If things go as planned, Russia could soon have a naval base just over 90 miles away from the continental U.S. Our former Cold War foe has been in talks with Cuba for some time, and is now making it known that a deal between the two nations is closer to happening.

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Cowardly Republicans; Impeach Obama Now!



“John Roberts says impeach Obama now”

Oh, you missed that headline? Let me refresh your memory by summarizing the principle behind the Roberts decision on Obamacare. If we apply the Roberts principle to the impeachment question, then impeachment is not only a good idea, it is a constitutional imperative.

The argument heard most often against impeaching and removing President Obama is the following. Well, yes, we all know Obama deserves to be impeached and removed, but we have elections for that – and, moreover, the election is less than four months away.

But our Supreme Court chief justice disagrees with that line of thought.

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It’s About Control, Not Guns

American Thinker

Don’t  for one minute think that the Left’s core motive for demanding ever increasing  amounts of gun control is the reduction of crime rates in any meaningful  fashion. When the Left exploits  a tragedy such as the one in Aurora Colorado and then calls  for even stricter gun control, it has little to do with removing guns from criminals’ hands or saving lives, and  everything to do with the control of law abiding citizens.  The  Constitution, especially the Second Amendment, is nothing but an obstacle to the  Left’s desire for such control.  This is why you rarely hear about the  countless incidents in which guns are used to prevent  crimes or save lives.  It simply doesn’t further the Left’s agenda and is  therefore ignored.

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So Much For That Gutsy Call… Obama Canceled Operation to Kill Osama 3 Different Times – Then Waited 16 Hrs to Make Call

Gateway Pundit

So much for that “gutsy call.” (Politifake)

We already knew that it took Barack Obama 16 hours to make the call to go after Bin Laden at his hideout in Pakistan.

But, now we know, it took much longer than that. Barack Obama canceled the operation to kill Osama bin Laden on three separate occasions, before finally approving the May 2, 2011 Navy SEAL mission. Israel National News reported:

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