Benghazi Scandal Not Over: Obama Official Admitted It Had Nothing to Do with Protests

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Family Security Matters



The Clinton/Obama Benghazi scandal is not over.  Not by a long shot.

Last week we released 54 pages of State Department documents, including a transcript of a September 12, 2012, telephone conference call with congressional staffers in which then-Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy admitted that the deadly terrorist assault on the Benghazi Consulate was not “under cover of protest,” but was, in fact, “a direct breaching attack.”

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CNN Says: Oh-Oh


James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are about to strike again. O’Keefe told Sean Hannity that he has “hundreds of hours of tape” that he intends to release tomorrow. The footage apparently comes from the newsroom of a Democratic Party news organization, and was given to O’Keefe by “someone on the inside.”

Who is the target? There has been much speculation that it is CNN. O’Keefe appeared to confirm that speculation with this tweet:
It will be interesting to see how a left-wing news organization likes being on the receiving end of leaks for a change. And, of course, the timing couldn’t be worse, with President Trump accusing CNN of propagating fake news. Tomorrow could be an interesting day!