FBI’s Dancing with the Devil now out in the open?

Family Security Matters

Over the past several months-with particular emphasis on these last two weeks of the Florida high school shooting-the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has had many of its scurrilous secrets, corruption and lies exposed to the public.  The contemptuously blasé behavior patterns of its upper management or “the 7th Floor” have left such an odious stench that its headquarters may need to be completely gutted.

The mandate to “if you see something, say something” no longer holds any credibility…whatsoever.  It is useless and nonsensical to, virtually, shout from the rafters to our chief investigative group, the FBI, and “law-enforcers” that people are going to be killed if something isn’t immediately affected to prevent it if said law enforcement has no intention of stopping the carnage.  The FBI ignored and/or dismissed at least 2 if-not-3 warnings that Cruz was going to ‘shoot up the school’.  Cruz had even posted his intentions on youtube where he wrote:  “I’m going to be a professional school shooter” five months before the actual shootings.  What’s even worse is that this massacre of 17 human beings came directly after multiple still-ongoing Congressional investigations (including disturbing reports about the FBI leadership) and documents that both indicate and substantiate massive corruption within the FBI…itself.  This last episode, however, may be the worst of all.

When nothing else makes sense…choose the obvious.  The massacre was allowed to happen.  It seems that a nasty and deadly power-play game of Chess was and is at hand…and that we and our children have been selected as the pawns.  Despite the fact that police were called for domestic disturbances to the home where Cruz was staying 39 times, the PD authorities did nothing.  Despite the fact that there was an active shooter mowing down children and teachers, the Broward County Sheriff’s Department assumed a “stand down” position and a total of 4 Deputies refused to enter the killing fields to stop the gunman.  No one at the Broward County Sheriff’s department did anything to stop him.  Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual…no one at the FBI did anything.  That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny.  However, in my opinion, the obvious is-again-this slaughter was allowed to happen.  This was a warning shot to us all.  This time, however, it was not over the bow.  This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats.  They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

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DOJ Says Atty. Gen. Used Alias to Conduct Official Business to Protect Security, Privacy

Judicial Watch

Illustrating how government hides information from the American public, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch used a fake name to conduct official Department of Justice (DOJ) business in agency emails obtained by Judicial Watch. As the nation’s chief law enforcement officer Lynch, Barack Obama’s second attorney general, skirted public-records laws by using the alias Elizabeth Carlisle in emails she sent from her official DOJ account. In the records provided to Judicial Watch, the DOJ explains it as necessary to “protect her security and privacy and enable her to conduct Department business efficiently via email.”

This begs the question of how many other government officials use fake names and whether those aliases are searched when agencies process Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Besides Lynch, we have only discovered the use of such aliases among government operatives to conduct official business at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Obama’s EPA administrator, Lisa Jackson, famously used the alias Richard Windsor in a government email account to conduct official business and communicate with staff. Jackson even took required EPA computer training under the fake identity with the handle Windsor.Richard@epa.gov. She eventually resigned over the scandal, which brought to light the agency’s violations of federal open-records laws.

In Lynch’s case, Judicial Watch requested the records as part of an investigation into the Obama administration’s involvement in a United Nation’s international law enforcement coalition called Strong Cities Network (SCN). The purported mission of the global coalition was to build social cohesion and community resilience to counter violent extremism. The DOJ masterminded the agreement and Americans found out about the U.S.’s participation when Lynch announced it during a U.N. speech on September 29, 2015. Lynch referred to SCN as a “truly groundbreaking endeavor” and assured the notoriously corrupt world body that the Obama administration was deeply committed to the new initiative. “The government of the United States is fully invested in this collaborative approach and we have seen the value of empowering local communities by promoting initiatives they design and lead themselves,” Lynch said.

Following the Attorney General’s fiery U.N. delivery, a New York newspaper reported that the city was joining a new global, terror-busting network to combat homegrown extremism. Civil rights groups quickly denounced the U.S. participation, expressing concerns about law enforcement abuses against Muslims. In a letter to New York Mayor Bill de Blasio 22 civil rights groups warned that other programs created to counter violent extremism stigmatized “Muslim communities as suspicious and in need of special monitoring.” The anti-terror initiatives have also made “the relationship between Muslims and schools and social service providers into security-based engagements,” the letter states. SCN assures however, that “violent extremism and prevention efforts should not be associated with any particular religion, nationality or ethnic group.” In a statement the DOJ also guaranteed that the SCN will safeguard the rights of local citizens and communities. The State Department also put its weight behind SCN.

In its mission to educate the public about the operations and activities of government, Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request with the DOJ on October 15, 2015 for documents related to SCN. Specifically, Judicial Watch asked for legal opinions and analysis prepared by the DOJ relating to the U.S. involvement in the program, documents that form the foundation for the decision for the country to participate in SCN, all international agreements and related records involving the commitment of U.S. resources or personnel to SCN and records of communication between officials in the Office of the Attorney General relating to the initiative. The DOJ claimed to have no records related to the SCN and billed Judicial Watch a startling $50,000  to conduct the search that didn’t produce a single file.

Though the DOJ recently furnished the documents with Lynch’s fake name, the records were part of Judicial Watch’s original 2015 FOIA request. The records also show that then Assistant Attorney General John Carlin touted SCN at an event sponsored by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization. A year later Carlin would launch the Michael Flynn counterintelligence investigation and seek the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant now in question.

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre: “European Socialists” Are Taking Over The Democratic Party



National Rifle Association (NRA) CEO Wayne LaPierre hit it out of the park at CPAC today. He bluntly warned conservatives that European socialists are smearing gun rights advocates and are trying to strip us of our Second Amendment rights. Bingo. “Socialism is a movement that loves a smear. Racists, misogynists, sexists, xenophobe and more. These are the weapons and vitriol these character assassinations permanently hang on their targets because socialism feeds off manipulated victims,” LaPierre told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

LaPierre laid it out for Republicans today by boldly stating that “European socialists” are taking over the Democratic Party. That’s true, except they already have. He also named the “Occupy” movement, Black Lives Matter and Antifa as radical groups that are promoting “uncivil discourse” and aim to “eliminate due process.” That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one. They want to destroy the rule of law and shred the Constitution via chaos, violence and communist revolution. “The elimination of due process is the very gold standard of the socialist state,” he said. Again, correct and it’s refreshing to hear an American leader come out and say it.

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Islam Must be Stopped

Family Security Matters



Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for the non-Muslims; and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims.

What complicates matters is that there is no way of knowing which of the dozens of at-each-other’s-throat sects is the legitimate Islam. As soon as Muhammad died, his religion of peace became a house of internal war: jockeying for power and leadership started, sects formed and splintered into sub-sects, and bloodletting began in earnest.

The internal infighting in Islam is presently playing in full color – in red – most dramatically, in  Iraq and Afghanistan and other Islamic theaters. Shiite raid Sunni civilians, slaughter them like sheep, and toss their bodies like trash in the streets or the rivers. The Sunnis return the favor with just as much viciousness and savagery.

Question: If this is the way these Muslims treat each other, how would they deal with the infidels if they had the chance?

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Cries to ‘Ban the AR-15’ Based on Ignorance and Hysteria


Image via beforeitsnews.com


American Thinker

By Michael Filozof

Yet another mass shooting has taken place in America – followed by all too predictable cries to ban the AR-15 rifle.

The pure ignorance of the people bleating for a ban on America’s most popular rifle is appalling. With few exceptions, most of the calls to ban the AR-15 come from liberal, urban women and metrosexual men whose knowledge of firearms comes entirely from watching Rambo movies or playing “Call of Duty.”

Even some in professional law enforcement know not of what they speak.  A local radio station interviewed a retired FBI agent who stated that he “could not understand” why people would want such a rifle.

I’ve shot service rifle competitions for nearly 20 years and held the classification of “Master” for nearly eleven.  I’ve probably put 20,000 rounds through AR-15 rifles.  Though I’ve never been in the military, I have more familiarity and proficiency with the weapon than most active-duty soldiers.  So I think I am as qualified as anybody to dispel the common myths about the AR-15.

First, the AR-15 is not a machine-gun or an “assault weapon.”  The AR-15 is a semi-automatic version of the M-16, which is a machine gun.  However, in Vietnam, the military found that troops with early versions of the M-16 were using fully-automatic “spray and pray” fire – and often failing to hit the enemy.  So when the M-16 was redesigned in the early 1980s, its fully automatic rate of fire was reduced to three-shot bursts, forcing troops to actually aim rather than hip-fire.  But any fully-automatic fire is simply not an option for the civilian AR-15.

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Being shot at doesn’t make you an expert on ending gun violence

Las Vegas Review-Journal

by Victor Joecks

Being a shooting victim doesn’t make you an expert on ending gun violence. But you wouldn’t know that from watching CNN.

It’s been a week since a monster killed 17 people at a Florida high school. The calls for gun control have been reflexive and ambiguous, but the media have found a new mouthpiece — shooting survivors.

“Students seize control of gun debate” blared a MSNBC caption. An organization portraying itself as being made up of students announced a March 24 rally in D.C. and other cities called “March For Our Lives.” Some students say they won’t return to class until gun-control “legislation has been passed.” Videos of shooting survivors calling for gun control have gone viral.

Interviewing shooting survivors makes for compelling television, but it’s a horrible way to conduct a reasoned debate. Experiencing a tragic event doesn’t transform you into an expert, in the same way having a brain injury doesn’t make you a brain surgeon.

(Excerpt) Read more at reviewjournal.com

Nellie Ohr: Woman in the Middle

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