Dear Hollywood: Stop Gaying All the Things, Especially Straight Characters…

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Free Republic

Dear leftists in Hollywood intent on pushing incessant gayness, even when unnecessary and irrelevant,

Today it seems Hollywood’s primary mission, especially television, is to shove gayness into wherever it may fit. It’s getting tired. Namely because it’s being pushed by a tiny minority of militant gay activists in the gay community. I want to make this crystal clear. I’m not suggesting ALL gays are pushing for all gay characters in all TV shows or movies. I contend like with most issues in our political climate, the “Gay Agenda” in TV is being shoved by a fraction of a percent of the gay population. Their members of the Gaystapo. Small in numbers, shrill in voice. As stated before, the Gaystapo, and now the Hollywood Gay Agenda Pushers DO NOT represent millions of gay people who just want to live their lives in peace. Okay? Okay.

The thing is, there seems to be a gay storyline in every modern TV show out there. The one and only modern show I can think of without any uber-gay plot line? Breaking Bad. I’ve watched the show three times. Didn’t see any gayness. But every other show I’ve seen? Somehow it always manages to slip in.

Am I saying gays should have no representation in television or movies? Of course not. But Hollywood knows it can shape pop culture and perceptions. Which is exactly what it is doing by portraying a disproportionate amount of characters as LGBTQAIP (silent F). Contrary to what you push on TV, homosexuals make up about 3.4 percent of the population, but make up 14 percent of films released in 2014. Yet they still complain about being under-represented. How the gayness is depicted I’ll address later,


Leftists Promising to ‘Desecrate Graves’ and Protest During 154th Anniversary of Battle of Gettysburg



During the first days of July, 154 years ago, a great battle was fought in and around Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during our Civil War.

Today, as the anniversary approaches, members of the so-called “Antifa” movement are promising to “desecrate” the graves of those who fell in that fight and to mount protests as Americans gather to memorialize the battle.

Gettysburg has become a great attraction for Americans, many of whom troop there annually to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, a conflagration that is often termed the “high tide” of the civil war for turning the war in favor of the federal armies vying to end slavery and save the union.

But as the 154th-anniversary celebration gears up for the coming month, leftists are making plans for a battle of their own. Only they plan to fight against the country, to “desecrate” history, and to disrupt the thousands of Americans and foreign visitors who intend to honor our past.

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Great Orators of the Democratic Party

Great Orators of the Democrat Party – PAST :

“One man with courage makes a majority.” ~Andrew Jackson

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” ~   Franklin D. Roosevelt

“The buck stops here.” ~   Harry S. Truman

“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your

country.” ~John F. Kennedy

Great Orators of the Democrat Party – RECENT:

” It depends what your definition of ‘is’ is?” ~William Jefferson Clinton

“Those rumors are false. I believe in the sanctity of marriage.” ~
John Edwards

“What difference does it make?” (re: Benghazi) ~   Hillary Clinton

“I invented the Internet.” ~   Al Gore

“America is, is no longer, uh, what it, uh, could be, uh, what it was
once was, uh, and I say to myself,   uh, I don’t want that future, uh,
for my children.” ~   Barack Obama

“I have campaigned in all 57 states.” ~ Barack Obama (Quoted 2008)

“You don’t need God anymore; you have us Democrats.” ~Nancy Pelosi
(Quoted 2006)

“Paying taxes is voluntary.” ~   Sen. Harry Reid

“Bill is the greatest husband and father I know. No one is more
faithful, true, and honest than he is.” ~   Hillary   Rodham Clinton

“You have a business. You didn’t build that.  Someone else did!” ~
Barack Obama   Quoted 2012)

And the most ridiculous gem of wisdom, from the “Mother Superior
Moron”: “We just have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what’s in
it.” ~   Nancy Pelosi   (Quoted March,2010 )
(As one Doctor said: “That is also the perfect definition of a stool sample.”)

Beyond a doubt, the greatest statement of all was made by Democrat
House Speaker Sam Rayburn at the first Congressional session after Ted
Kennedy was caught, on camera, having sex with one of his aides on the
deck of his yacht  … “Ah see that the good Senatuh from the great
state of Massutwoshits has changed his position on off-shore drillin “

Shocking Media Lies

Accuracy in Media



In a story about the Women’s March on Washington, Time magazine published various “Portraits of Dissent” that included the views of a 17-year-old Calvert County, Maryland, high school senior with the words “Nasty, Queer, Bitch,” marked on her cheeks and forehead. She was quoted as saying rights were in danger because of the Trump presidency and that Vice President Mike Pence “is someone that supports electroshocking people like me to turn us into people we aren’t.”

Pence never said any such thing. But where did this fictional and irrational claim come from? And why did Time publish this lie?

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Why did Ferguson pay Michael Brown’s family $1.5 million?

I guess crime Does pay, at least in Ferguson.


Why did Ferguson pay Michael Brown's family $1.5 million?
© Getty Images

First, Michael Brown robbed a store. Then he assaulted a policeman, fighting for the officer’s gun.

The officer was left badly bruised and worried he might lose consciousness.

Only when Brown charged once again did the officer fatally shoot him. As I show below, there is no debating the facts about the August 2014 shooting.

Yet, what has Ferguson, Missouri done?

On Saturday it was revealed that they “secretly” awarded Brown’s family a “wrongful death claim” of $1.5 million.

But if that doesn’t get you angry, look who is getting the money.


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When “Compassion” Endangers National Security

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Family Security Matters


In spite of its well-deserved reputation for wastefulness (and other foibles), Congress does have a “recycling program,” wherein failed legislative efforts are recycled by our politicians in Washington.

The ENLIST Act (H.R. 60), currently under consideration, failed to pass in 2014 but is back again.

The term “ENLIST” is an acronym for “Encourage New Legalized Immigrants to Start Training.”

Here is the summary of this bill as it appears on the Congressional Website:

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The “crime of the century” is bad journalism

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Renew America

By Cliff Kincaid

The latest propaganda piece from the Washington Post, “Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault,” is based, as usual, mostly on anonymous sources determined to make former President Barack Obama look good. The gist is that Obama tried his best to punish Russia for alleged interference in the 2016 election, but he fell short and left the matter in the hands of President Donald Trump, who has done nothing.

So Trump is blamed for Obama’s failure. How convenient.

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Lawfare: Hindering President Trump from Investigating Obama

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Family Security Matters


The defeated Democrats are colluding with the mainstream media to create an echo chamber of false accusations, fake news, and demands for groundless investigations and frivolous lawsuits to impede President Trump and sabotage his administration by preoccupying them in court. The Trump administration is under siege.

The Democratic Party is not your mother’s Democratic Party. Today the party is composed of radical left-wing liberals and anarchists fully committed to destroying American democracy and replacing it with socialism. The Democrats today have no interest in making America strong and great again – they have the opposite agenda and intend to pursue Obama’s goal of weakening America toward socialism in preparation for Obama’s globalist ambition of one-world government.

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California “bans” state travel to even more states over LGBT issues

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Hot Air

by Jazz Shaw


Ah, California. Is there nothing you can’t make more ideological with every passing week? In the Golden State’s latest effort to prove that they’re really not interested in being part of the rest of the nation, California’s state government – which viciously opposes President Trump’s travel ban – has expanded their own travel ban. Of course, it only applies to state funded travel, and rather than restricting traffic with terrorist hot spots, it blocks airline tickets to states which it deems insufficiently “woke.” In this case, that would be Texas, Alabama, Kentucky and South Dakota. (Fox News)

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Two Alleged Hezbollah Jihadists Arrested In U.S.

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Family Security Matters



Immigration (naturalization) was the key to their terrorist activities.  

On June 8, 2017  the Department of Justice issued a press release, Two Men Arrested for Terrorist Activities on Behalf of Hizballah’s Islamic Jihad Organization.

As you will see, terrorists understand that naturalization enables them to act as “Sleepers” and hide in plain sight in the United States and facilitate their movement around the world where they threaten our allies and other countries.

While it is reassuring that these two terror suspects have been taken into custody, charged with an extensive list of terror-related crimes, the criminal complaints, filed in conjunction with this case note the extremely disturbing fact that these defendants as well as others, both known and unknown, committed overt acts in support of Hezbollah that are enumerated in the complaints concerning Samer el Debek, a/k/a Samer Eldebek and Ali Mohamad Kourani, a/k/a Jacob Lewis, a/k/a Daniel

In other words, while these two are out of action, others are still “out there” and may not all be known to law enforcement.  That chilling prospect is certainly not conducive to getting a good night’s sleep.

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