FBI Report Implicates Saudi Government in 9/11

Washington’s Blog

But “We Can’t Afford to Irritate the Saudis” By Actually Looking Into Who Backed 9/11 … “Especially with Oil Prices Going Up Now”

Contrary to the official narrative, 9/11 was state-sponsored terror.  The only question is which state sponsored it.

A 9/11 Commissioner and Co-Chair of the Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 say in sworn declarations that the Saudi government is linked to the 9/11 attacks.

This week, the Miami Herald provided more evidence of a Saudi link:

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Obama Calls Gay NBA Player After He Comes Out… But Wouldn’t Call CIA or DOD When Consulate Was Under Attack

Gateway Pundit

Priorities. Barack Obama called NBA veteran Jason Collins this afternoon after he announced that he was gay.

But on the night of 9-11, after the US Embassy in Cairo was stormed, and after hearing that the US Consulate in Benghazi was under attack, Barack Obama did nothing.

Obama was AWOL.

After being briefed by his top security advisers at a pre-planned meeting in the White House around 5:30 PM EST, he never picked up the phone again to see how things were going. And four innocent Americans including the US ambassador to Libya, were slaughtered.

Special Ops: Forces Were Available To Assist Americans Under Attack In Benghazi…

Via Free Beacon:

SPECIAL OPERATOR: “I know for a fact that C 110 CIF was doing a training exercise in the region of northern Africa but in Europe. They had the ability to react and respond.”

“They would have been there before the second attack. They would have been there at a minimum to provide a quick reaction force that could facilitate their exfil out of the problem situation. Nobody knew how it was going to develop, and you hear a whole bunch of people and a whole bunch of advisors say hey, we wouldn’t have sent them there because the security was unknown situation.”

“If it’s an unknown situation, at a minimum you send forces there to facilitate the exfil or medical injuries. We could have sent a C 130 to Benghazi to provide medical evacuation for the injured.”

Obama’s National Security Fraud

Family Security Matters

Unlike you, federal government officials are immune from charges of fraud.  The executive branch, vested with all of the government’s prosecutorial  authority and discretion, is not going to investigate its own operatives for  carrying out its own mendacious policies.

That is the story of last week’s Boston Marathon bombing and the frantic  efforts of the bombers, the brothers Tsarnaev, to evade capture, shoot it out  with police (one of whom they killed, and another of whom they wounded), and –  we’re now told – detonate more bombs in Times Square.

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Americans Didn’t Die To Roll Out the Red Carpet for Muslim Terrorists

I am getting  sick of the press dancing around this issue so today I am going to tell it like  I see it. You can call me a bigot or intolerant if you want but I am going to  speak for the American people today. Someone has to.

Over  2000 Americans have lost their lives in Afghanistan.


Over  4500 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq.

Almost  3000 Americans died in the 9/11 attacks.


That’s about  9,500 Americans who have lost their lives in the war on terrorism and the number  goes far beyond that. There are smaller attacks too numerous to mention. One of  the obvious examples is Benghazi. The total number is well over 10,000 Americans  who have died due to the war on terror and the number continues to grow.

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Report: Obama admin has issued threats against the Benghazi whistleblowers?

Hot Air

For months now, Republican lawmakers have been wondering about the status of the survivors of last September’s terrorist attack in Benghazi that resulted in the death of four Americans, and why it is that Congress has not been afforded more access to them. In March, Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested that the Obama administration was engaged in specifically blocking access to these witnesses, and that the witnesses had even been told to “keep quiet” — a notion that the administration blithely dismissed and Democrats once more pooh-poohed as the mere partisan pish-tosh of those petty Republicans.

The latest update from Fox News, however, reports that at least four career officials from the State Department and CIA are lawyering up as they prepare to provide “sensitive” information about the Benghazi attack to Congress, and that Obama administration officials have served some of these witnesses with not-so-subtle hints about the consequences of coming forward: Nice career you’ve got there. Shame if anything were to happen to it.

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The Barack Obama Presidential Library

American Thinker

The  George W. Bush Presidential Library is being dedicated and opened this week.  This prompts a thought: what might the future Barack Obama Presidential Library  look like?

Libraries  dedicated to presidents are a combination of shrines, archives, monuments and  sites meant to inspire. Wherever the site, it is never too soon to start the  planning.

Moonbattery Photo

Moonbattery Photo

Here  are some thoughts provided as a public service to my nation.

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Benghazi report: Trinkets of treason

Copyright © Douglas J. Hagmann and Canada Free Press

We are witnessing one of the biggest government cover-ups since Watergate. A cover-up that involves murder, arms trafficking, and lies by high ranking officials under oath.

It involves the murderous attacks in Benghazi, and congressional investigators just released a 46-page interim progress report that at least exposes Hillary Rodham Clinton and the White House lying under oath. Where’s the accountability? Where’s the outrage? Where’s the media?

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Hands Off Jihadists, Arrest Patriots

American Thinker

The  FBI has a double standard when it targets people suspected as threats to our  national security.  How could they have questioned the now deceased Boston  bomber, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, placed him on a terrorist watch list, and entered him  into a database  for suspected international terrorists, but let him roam free until he blew  somebody up?


How  could the FBI have allowed Major Nidal Hasan, who ended up murdering 13 people  in Ft. Hood, Texas, to keep his rank and continue to teach even when they had  evidence that he was in contact with a known terrorist?  And how could they  have cuffed and thrown into jail with lightning speed a patriot like ex-Marine  Brandon Raub of Chesterfield, Virginia, whose only apparent violation was  political incorrectness through his right to free speech?


Why  does America’s justice system treat alleged radical criminals with kid gloves  while patriots are guilty until proven innocent?

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