Hillary’s Server, Monica’s Blue Dress, and History

The American Spectator

To those of us who have followed the ongoing Clinton Saga, which now reaches back almost twenty-five years, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s computer server promises to become as historic as Monica Lewinsky’s stained dress. That is to say, that her server may indeed become as significant to her presidential prospects as Monica’s dress was to Bill’s prospects for impeachment.


It is now apparent to fact finders across the nation that some of Hillary’s e-mails—thousands of which have been saved on her personal server—show that she lied to the American people as surely as Monica’s dress proved that Bill lied to the American people and to the grand jury when he denied having sex “with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” Would it not be fitting that at the end of the Clinton Saga a dusty old server and a tired old dress go on display in the penultimate room of “The Clinton Museum and Souvenir Shop” down in jerkwater? Beyond that room comes the basement, featuring the words “They Lied to Us.”

What the server’s e-mails indicate is that on the night that four Americans were murdered in Benghazi, Hillary e-mailed the truth of how they died to her daughter. She told Chelsea that the Americans were the victims of an organized terrorist attack. She later admitted that to the Egyptian prime minister also. Nonetheless she signed a public statement from the State Department proclaiming that the Americans were the victims of a riot provoked by a YouTube video. After lying to the American people the evening of the attack, she repeated the lie to the victims’ relatives when their bodies were flown in to Joint Base Andrews. Moreover, she stood by her false account when she testified to the House Select Committee.

There are other untruths that have been passed on from Hillary’s server. She has lied about arranging lecture fees from her State Department office for the gifted Bill Clinton. There are lies about arranging donations for her family foundation, her forthcoming political campaign, and her own speaking fees. There are lies on the topic of influence pedaling and on whom she kept in contact with. It must rankle President Barack Obama that she communicated with Sidney Blumenthal from her office after the President specifically asked that she not. And of course there are questions about what manner of classified information she kept on her personal server. This is being scrutinized even now by the FBI. In point of fact, Hillary’s server may become even more historic than Monica’s dress.

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Somali Charged in Terrorism Ring Worked at Major U.S. Airport

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In the latest disturbing example of the government’s failure to root out foreign Islamic terrorists a young Somali man, who bragged about building rockets that could strike landing planes, worked at a major U.S. airport as a baggage handler.

This month the Somali, 20-year-old Abdirizak Mohamed Warsame, was charged with conspiracy to help the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS). He became the 10th Somali man to be charged with terrorism in Minnesota in a very short period of time. Judicial Watch wrote about the case a few weeks ago and linked thefederal complaint filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. Warsame was among a group of men from the Twin Cities’ large Somali community who planned to travel to Syria to fight with ISIS, according to the feds. The men gathered at a local mosque to watch videos glorifying religious violence and Warsame paid $200 to have a third party get him an expedited passport to travel abroad to join fellow jihadists, the complaint states. Three of the accused have already pleaded guilty to terrorism charges, one is in Syria and five are scheduled to be tried next year.

Now a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent involved in the case reveals that Warsame once worked at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as a baggage handler. Local media outlets published a national newswire report on the FBI special agent’s testimony during a recent court hearing. The federal agent’s testimony featured breathtaking information that’s not included in the criminal complaint, including the fact that Warsame worked as a baggage handler at the airport “with access to the airplanes.” The FBI agent also testified about secret recordings made by a bureau informant in which Warsame says he could build “homemade rockets” that could reach 2,000 feet, enough to strike a descending plane.

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Perversion of Islam?

Family Security Matters

In what can only be described as “reassurance” speeches, President Obama in addressing the terrorist murders in San Bernardino, California said we should not be overcome by fear. Once again, he noted this terror is not a reflection of Islam. His Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, went further in contending that the real fear is anti Islamic prejudice, even though there is little evidence to support her concern.

The continued denial that violence can be associated with Islam and that Islamic ideology in a variety of forms is what we are obliged to oppose in the long war before us, befuddles law makers in the United States who apply the First Amendment to a religious ideology that is eager to destroy the very freedoms that protect it.

Whether moderate or radical, the establishment of a caliphate is a goal within Islam. The method of achievement may vary, but it is not a “perverted interpretation of Islam” to recognize that goal. Hence, the imperial dimension of the faith is a reality. Of course, most Muslims will not employ force to achieve that goal. But a caliphate is part of the ideology accompanied by Sharia – a way of life including laws. As a consequence, the ways a Muslim can reduce the natural tension of residing in a democratic republic are by rejecting democracy and self-government as subordinate to Sharia or rejecting a basic precept of the religion. Reconciliation of these ideas is difficult at best.

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Six Conundrums of Socialism


Frontpage Mag



Free people are not equal.
Equal people are not free.

A gun is like a parachute. If you need one, and don’t have one,
you’ll probably never need one again.

The definition of the word Conundrum is: Something that is puzzling or confusing.

Here are six conundrums of socialism:

In the United States of America:

1. America is capitalist and greedy – yet half of the population is subsidized.

2. Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about – yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

Think about it! And that, my friends, pretty much sums up the USA in the 21st Century. Makes you wonder who is doing the math.

These three, short sentences tell you a lot about the direction of our current government and cultural environment:

1. We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works. And here’s another one worth considering…

2. Seems we constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money.  But we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money?

What’s interesting is the first group “worked for” their money, but the second didn’t.

Think about it…..

And Last but not least:

3. Why are we cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting our army to a level lower than before WWII, but we are not stopping the payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

Am I the only one missing something?

The State Department Follies


US Defense Watch

Yesterday, the State Department unveiled its greatest successes of 2015. The list of so-called “pivotal foreign policy moments” is so ludicrous, so incredibly delusional, that one has a hard time taking them seriously. The whole presser spectacle on Monday was almost laughable, if not tragic.

The State Department believes they’re making history. What they are making is one hideous blunder after another under the Obama administration.

Foggy Bottom has hit rock bottom.

Listening to a State Department briefing is like watching a Looney Tunes cartoon as the Foggy Bottom fools parade across the stage: Toner, Kirby, Kerry, and of course, Marie Harf, of ISIS jobs fame.

Overture, curtain, lights, this is it the night of the nights…

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Muslim Immigration is What ISIS Wants

Family Security Matters



To understand ISIS, you have to understand the difference between terrorists and Islamic terrorists.

Ordinary terrorists have two goals; to compel the enemy to meet their political demands and to rally their supporters to consolidate their class, race or national identity group behind them.

Islamic terrorists are not interested in the “political demands” part. They will occasionally accept concessions and even offer Hudnas, temporary truces, but no permanent separate peace can be achieved with them. It’s why Israel’s peace process with terrorists has gone on failing for decades. It’s why the attempt by Gaddafi to achieve peace with the LIFG ended in a civil war and his death. It’s why Obama’s attempts to negotiate with the “moderate Taliban” failed miserably.

Al Qaeda and ISIS are not “negative” protest movements formed in response to our foreign policy. That’s a foolish self-centered idea held by foolish self-centered Westerners. Al Qaeda and ISIS are “positive” movements that seek to achieve larger religious goals entirely apart from us. Islamic terrorists are not responding to us. They are responding to the Koran and to over a thousand years of history.

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Remember when Obama promised that he would not take vacations if elected President?

2012: Obama: “You have to understand that if you seek that office you have to be prepared to give your life to it.” “uh umm, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving my self to you.”

Hillary’s Worst Scandal Isn’t Over Emails; It’s Why She MUST Go to JAIL!



Independent Sentinel

It’s only a matter of time before Trump gets to Hillary’s sleazy, scandalous Foundation. All Republicans need to go after this. That is where the real Achilles heel lies for Hillary. Her sales of arms to terror-sponsoring nations after they made abnormally large donations to her Foundation are more of a threat to national security than the email scandal ever could be.

Both Hillary and Obama have been supplying arms to terror-sponsoring and human rights abusing nations like Qatar who turn around and supply arms to al Qaeda and other jihadists. Obama appears to do it because he thinks these terrorist-friendly nations will be won over and Hillary does it after they’ve made large donations to her Foundation.

In July 2014, Apaches and Javelin defense systems headed off to Qatar as part of our wonderful relationship with the terror-sponsoring nation that also happens to share close ties with Hamas and Al Qaeda. The weapons were valued at $11 billion.

Qatar still won’t disavow the Muslim Brotherhood, but then again, neither will Obama or Hillary.

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A Congressional Overture to Censorship

Family Security Matters

Stephen Coughlin alerted me to a House Resolution introduced on December 17th, H.Res.569, “Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.114th Congress (2015-2016).”  As of this writing, the country remains clueless about this development.

The resolution was introduced by Virginia Democrat Donald S. Beyer, and sponsored by Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, and endorsed by seventy-one other Representatives, most of them Democrats, and possibly a sprinkling of Republicans. The resolution has gone into committee, but one can predict with confidence that it will emerge virtually unscathed and unaltered. After all, the “victims” are Muslims, and the House wishes to put it in the record that certain of its members are against hurting anyone’s feelings.

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Christ Hidden in Our Schools, While Muhammad Roams the Halls Freely

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Family Security Matters

Jesus Christ has had to go into hiding in our schools today, while Prophet Muhammad roams the halls freely.

In the U.S., the media mocks those who make their Christian practices public-such as praying for victims of terrorism or young people committing to abstain from sexual relations until married. Yet that same media attacks those voicing concerns about terrorism’s link to Islamic beliefs as being Islamophobic.

In America, we see a nation so intimidated by political correctness that people in positions of responsibility make illogical decisions concerning the observation of a Christian holiday.

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