Responding to the Islamisation of the West

coexist Islam




Throughout much of the West major cities have large concrete blocks placed around high-traffic pedestrian areas. So what is that all about? Works of modern art? Not quite – they are security bollards. Security from what? Well, sadly, from basically one thing: jihadists who wish to mow down innocents in the name of their political ideology.

So the West is responding to this crisis – not by dealing with the root causes – but by running with band aid solutions. Instead of acknowledging that we have an Islam problem, as Tony Abbott recently pointed out, and taking appropriate steps to deal with this, we try rather useless harm minimisation approaches.

And as some of you may have noticed, it just got even worse in Sydney, with large trucks brought in to busy shopping areas. You can see the accompanying pic for yourself. One news item put it this way:

Sydney’s most popular shopping destination featured some conspicuous new additions on Tuesday morning, as crowds queueing for a Boxing Day bargain took note of a number of large semi-trailers parked around Pitt Street Mall and the Queen Victoria Building.
Security upgrades were obvious in the city, with bollards and semi-trailer trucks used as temporary barricades. The semi-trailers were particularly jarring in Sydney’s prime shopping district, parked at odd angles to stop traffic from getting through.

All this is one way to deal with the rise of terrorism: simply turn your cities into fortresses. I guess it is easier than dealing with the core problems here, which happens to be a religion which for 1400 years has used terror and bloodshed to spread its tentacles over the globe.

Instead of taking much greater care in who we let in to our countries, and being honest and up front about genuine security risks, we prefer to be PC, as we take more and more freedoms away from the general populace. An eventual police state may make us somewhat “safer,” but at what price?

Things are certainly just as bad in Europe, if not worse. One recent piece speaks about “Europe: The Islamization of Christmas”. It offers a long list of changes taking place there because of the Islamic threat. For example:

This year’s Christmas season has been marked by Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country. Most of the conflicts have been generated by Europe’s multicultural political and religious elites, who are bending over backwards to secularize Christmas, ostensibly to ensure that Muslims will not be offended by the Christian festival.

Many traditional Christmas markets have been renamed — Amsterdam Winter Parade, Brussels Winter Pleasures, Kreuzberger Wintermarkt, London Winterville, Munich Winter Festival — to project a multicultural veneer of secular tolerance.

Christmas is basically disappearing all over Europe. Let me highlight some of the more shocking developments that this article documents:

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BREAKING: Senator Lindsey Graham Just Confirmed The Steele Dossier Was Used For 2016 FISA Warrant…

The Conservative Treehouse

via Free Republic

Everyone suspected the sketchy Steele Dossier was what corrupt FBI and DOJ officials used to get the October 2016 FISA warrant against Trump. FBI and DOJ officials refuse to answer that question publicly.

Despite a hundred different ways congressional investigators have asked the question, and despite numerous on-camera questions to FBI and DOJ officials about the 2016 FISA process, no-one had definitively confirmed the Christopher Steele ‘Russian Dossier’ was the underlying evidence for the 2016 FISA application to gain wiretaps and electronic surveillance upon presidential candidate Donald Trump. UNTIL NOW.

Senator Lindsey Graham just confirmed the sketchy Steele Dossier was used to get the wiretap and surveillance warrant from the FISA court. Brian Kilmead understood what he was hearing was serious, but didn’t quite catch the specific gravity of it. Watch at 04:10

…The back-story to the FISA warrant is the cornerstone. The back-story contains both the FBI and the DOJ scheme. Expose it, remove it, and the entire ‘muh Russia conspiracy’ collapses under the weight of sunlight…

This is critical and important because the specific use of the Steele Dossier underpins the BIG UGLY and exposes the entire top-tier apparatus of the FBI Counterintelligence Division (Peter Strzok, Bill Priestap, James Baker, Andrew McCabe) and the DOJ National Security Division (John Carlin, Stuart Evans, Mary McCord and Sally Yates), as well as DOJ Bruce Ohr and FBI lawyer Lisa Page directly to “conspiracy” charges.

The 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation was surveillance on the Trump Campaign and was thinly disguised under the fraudulent auspices of a FISA warrant, sold as a defense of U.S. democracy from Russia, which permitted the wiretaps and surveillance etc.


Western media are ignoring a revolution in Iran

American Thinker

By Potkin Azarmehr


Something profound is happening throughout Iran, and the Western mass media are just not reporting it.

For some time now, protests by ordinary Iranians have become a daily routine.  These protesters include workers who have not been paid wages or have become redundant; savers who have lost their savings in Iran’s many quasi-banks, which are infested with corruption and embezzlement; people concerned about the environmental disaster Iran is fast becoming; people protesting rising prices; retired pensioners whose retirement funds have been plundered by successive administrations; and low-income people who can no longer make ends meet.

These protesters are across the spectrum of Iranian society.  The protests are getting larger, and their chants are becoming more radical.

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Why is the US government funding UFO research?

American Thinker

By Robert Arvay

A recent news item involving UFOs has caught the public’s attention. A Navy pilot’s gun camera shows an unknown aerial object above the ocean near San Diego. It was performing aerial maneuvers not known to be possible by any U.S. technology. The pilot’s description of the object included the sensational phrase, “I can tell you, I think it was not from this world.”

The government’s interest in this sort of sighting is that there may be a national defense issue involved. If the reported objects are from a potentially hostile nation, let’s say China or Russia, then of course they are possibly involved in reconnaissance or other activity that endangers our national security. If the phenomenon emanates from a smaller country, say Luxembourg, the scientific benefits are potentially enormous. If they emanate from Iran or North Korea, we are in grave military peril.

However, that scenario seems unlikely. Any nation that possesses such advanced technology would already be in a position to extort vast concessions from the United States and other nations. This kind of technology cannot exist in an industrial vacuum. A fleet of aircraft capable of what the UFOs have been reportedly performing would be part of a system that could overwhelm our defenses in short order. It has not happened.

Another possibility seems equally far-fetched — that of interlopers from a planet other than ours, the so-called space invaders theory.

It is not that the possibility of exo-civilizations is considered unlikely. Quite to the contrary — most scientists seem to accept it as all but a given, despite a lack of confirmatory evidence. Probability alone is considered evidence enough. What is unlikely is that such alien societies seek to harm us.

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You Are Not Forgotten – New Trump Painting – Jon McNaughton

You Are Not Forgotten – New Trump Painting By Jon McNaughton

When I decided to paint this picture, I wondered if this was taking it too far. But, sometimes you have to speak forcefully, like the brushstrokes of my painting. Many Americans have felt forgotten by the establishment in Washington. I’m talking about the people who are more interested in themselves, and their political careers.

How many veterans have been neglected? How many of our police officers have been marginalized? How many families are suffering because of poor healthcare, limited opportunities, and government intrusion?

Last year we elected President Trump. He expressed by his words and demeanor what Americans wanted – a man who was not going to bow down to Washington or other countries. A man that would not forget the “forgotten men and women” of this country who elected him. I want a president that will crush the enemies of liberty, justice, and American prosperity.

They may have the power to bruise his heel, but he will have the power to crush their head! *** If you are wondering about the meaning behind Trump stepping on the snake – for me it represents that he will crush the enemies of liberty, justice, and American prosperity. It is an allusion to Genesis 3:15, where in my opinion, God tells Adam that him and his posterity will suffer under Satan, but have the ability to triumph through Christ.

Barack Obama, Friend to Hezbollah…a State Sponsor of Terror

It should not surprise or shock that President Barack Hussein Obama has been revealed to have derailed the investigation and prosecution of Iran’s terrorist sock puppet, Hezbollah, and its drug-running operation in order to complete the fatally flawed Iran nuclear deal. Obama gave aid and comfort to terrorist groups and their state sponsors from the day he was sworn in, to the point of actual criminality.

Consider the case of Bowe Bergdahl, the deserter who left his post and his comrades in am Afghan combat zone to find himself and also to find the Taliban. Former U.N. Ambassador and National Security adviser Susan Rice, propagator of the Benghazi video lie, laughingly said on the same talk show circuit that Bowe Bergdahl had “served with distinction.” This was the administration view of the man whom Obama would trade key Taliban leaders in our custody for.

President Obama welcomed and commiserated with Bowe Bergdahl’s parents in the Rose Garden on May 31, 2014. It would be stretching credulity to beyond the breaking point to believe President Obama did not know when it was announced we were trading five top Taliban commanders, soon to be free to return to the terrorist battlefield, for Bergdahl.

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U.S. Sends Al Qaeda’s Arabian Peninsula Headquarters $768 Mil in Humanitarian Aid

Judicial Watch

The U.S. government keeps sending an Islamic nation that serves as an Al Qaeda breeding ground hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid. The cash—$768 million since October 2016—flows through the famously corrupt U.S. Agency of International Development (USAID), which has a monstrous budget and little oversight. The money is reportedly helping to counter a humanitarian crisis in Yemen, the headquarters of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). In its Country Reports on Terrorism, the State Department reveals that AQAP militants carried out hundreds of attacks including suicide bombers, vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs), ambushes, kidnappings and targeted assassinations. The media has also documented this for years with one in-depth report confirming that “Yemen has emerged as the breeding grounds for some of the most high-profile plans to attack the U.S. homeland.”

Additionally, dozens of terrorists freed from the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba have joined Al Qaeda in Yemen. Among them is an Al Qaeda chief who masterminded a U.S. Embassy bombing after getting released, according to a mainstream newspaper. His name is Said Ali al-Shihri and after leaving Gitmo he became an Al Qaeda deputy chief in Yemen and he organized a deadly bombing of the United States Embassy in Yemen’s capital. The former captive was also involved in car bombings outside the American Embassy that killed 16 people. Remember that the convicted terrorist who planned to blow up an American passenger jet over Detroit on Christmas in 2009 trained in Yemen and the plot was organized by Al Qaeda leaders in the Middle Eastern Arab country. A recent study published by the RAND Corporation concludes that the most significant threat to the United States comes from terrorist groups operating in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

So why does the U.S. government continue giving Yemen huge chunks of taxpayer dollars? Because it is “gravely concerned about a worsening humanitarian situation” in the Islamic nation, according to a statement issued this month by USAID. The document was released to announce a recent $130 million in “emergency food assistance to Yemen.” The U.S. government has determined that “protracted conflict” has created the “world’s largest food security emergency” in Yemen as well as the “world’s worst cholera outbreak.” More than 17 million people are at risk of severe hunger or starvation, according to the agency. The U.S. is also using military force to crack down on Yemen’s Al Qaeda problem. Earlier this month U.S. airstrikes killed five Al Qaeda militants, including one of the group’s key leaders, Mujahid al-Adani.

USAID is well known for gushing out cash with no follow up or oversight to assure the money is spent appropriately and the Yemen allocations are probably no exception. A perfect example is that millions of dollars in malaria drugs provided to Africa are stolen each year and sold on the black market. The problem has gotten so out of control that USAID launched “malaria hotlines” to offer cash rewards for information about the illicit operations that have fleeced American taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars. Through a variety of programs, the U.S. government has spent billions of dollars to combat malaria in Africa in the last few years. One USAID program alone has dedicated north of $72 million since 2011 to give 19 African countries free malaria drugs, $15 million in 2016 alone. The agency has long acknowledged that malaria drugs financed by American taxpayers are regularly stolen in Africa. “This is not the first report of theft or illegal diversion,” USAID admitted in a statement years ago.

USAID has committed other atrocities with public funds and Judicial Watch has launched investigations to uncover details. Earlier this year Judicial Watch obtained records showing that USAID spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the democratically elected, center-right government in Macedonia by colluding with leftwing billionaire philanthropist George Soros. The scheme was masterminded by Barack Obama’s U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia, Jess L. Baily, who worked behind the scenes with Soros’ Open Society Foundation to funnel large sums of American dollars for the cause, constituting an interference of the U.S. Ambassador in domestic political affairs in violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Judicial Watch’s ongoing probe has so far revealed that USAID earmarked at least $9.5 million to intervene in the Balkan nation’s governmental affairs, which deviates from its mission of providing humanitarian assistance.

Harry Reid Started Pentagon Program to Look for Aliens.

Harry Reid Started Pentagon Program to Look for Aliens. [VIDEO]

Former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) wants to protect the United States from . . . wait for it. . . aliens from outer space.

Both the New York Times and Politico just revealed on Saturday that Reid launched a program in 2007 to investigate Unidentified Flying Objects. You know, UFOs. Or Little Green Men, or ‘Greys,’ or whatever.

Called the “Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program,” it wasn’t an official secret, yet only a few people knew about it. These included Reid and the late Senators Daniel Inouye (D-HI) and Ted Stevens (R-AK).

So what did they investigate? Supposedly stuff like this 2004 encounter Navy pilots had with UFOs near San Diego, which the NYT released with their report. The two pilots were flying F-18 Hornets at the time.

However, this particular incident was never investigated. In fact, there were no confirmed sightings of alien spaceships found by the program, and the Pentagon killed the project in 2012.

So why did Reid start this program to begin with, which wasted $22 million of taxpayer money?

Well, to hear Reid spin it, it was because “the truth is out there. Seriously,” he tweeted on Saturday after the reports came out. He even added a spaceship emoji to show that he believes. Moreover, he said this is about “national security.” I don’t know about you, but I’m a lot more concerned about North Korea, not aliens.

Sorry, Harry, but you’re no David Duchovny, aka ‘Fox Mulder,’ on The X-Files — or any other kind of ‘fox,’ for that matter.

However, we do know that Harry Reid is one of the sneakiest weasels to ever walk the floor of the US Senate. And if you think his ‘concern’ about aliens had some cunning plan behind it, you’d be right.

It turns out that Reid’s friend Bob Bigelow, who owns an aerospace company and founded a hotel chain, is a UFO believer. In fact, he thinks extraterrestrials regularly visit Earth. Bigelow also bought Skinwalker Ranch in Utah, a place rife with UFO sightings.

Moreover, Bigelow was also a big donor to Harry Reid’s re-election campaigns, donating at least $10K between 1998 and 2008. So Harry thought he’d return the favor and voilà! — Reid used an earmark to start the UFO program.

Are you surprised? I’m not. After all, Harry Reid is the same crapweasel who lied about Mitt Romney in 2012, saying that he hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years. And he wasn’t sorry, either. “They can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win did he?” he said in an interview. The guy has no sense of shame, does he?

But on the other hand, maybe Harry Reid was onto something after all. Maybe it wasn’t the Russians who tried to interfere with the 2016 election. Maybe it was . . . Them. As Reid said, “the truth is out there.” Cue the X-Files theme. Fox Mulder, call your office.

Politico: Obama let Hezbollah run cocaine into the US for Iran deal — and more

Hot Air

Did the current administration “collude” with Russia? So far no evidence at all has emerged to support that hypothesis, but Politico’s Josh Meyer digs deep into another curious set of circumstances in the Obama White House and its own operations with a foreign power.  Perhaps the media will start asking whether the previous administration colluded with Iran to let terrorists and drug dealers go free in order to score one of the worst deals ever in international relations.

Before Barack Obama decided to pursue the nuclear deal with Iran, the DEA had a major operation called Project Cassandra. This operation had identified Hezbollah as a major supplier of cocaine to the US and other countries, along with its usual terrorist activities on behalf of its sponsors in Tehran. The DEA and FBI had built criminal cases against major players in Hezbollah’s drug and arms networks, succeeding in getting sealed indictments and finding witnesses for prosecution.

And then the Obama administration stepped in to drain it of all resources, just to protect its deal with Iran:

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