To This We’ve Come: Obama Does ‘The View’

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy:

President Ronald Wilson Reagan:

President Barack Hussein Obama:

I guess this proves it. Mr. Obama either can’t or won’t do his job. He would rather fly around the world, read speeches from his teleprompter, play golf or take another vacation. I’m just glad I didn’t vote for him.

1 Dragon

The Amnesty Memo


According to an internal U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services memo going the rounds of Capitol Hill and obtained by National Review, the agency is considering ways in which it could enact “meaningful immigration reform absent legislative action” — that is, without the consent of the American people through a vote in Congress.

“This memorandum offers administrative relief options to . . . reduce the threat of removal for certain individuals present in the United States without authorization,” it reads.

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Court: Student Can Be Expelled Over Christian Beliefs

Fox Nation

A federal judge ruled in favor of a public university who removed a Christian student over her belief that homosexuality is morally wrong. The decision, according to Julea Ward’s attorneys, could result in Christian students across the country being expelled from public university for similar views.

“It’s a very dangerous precedent,” Jeremy Tedesco, legal counsel for the conservative Alliance Defense Fund told FOX News Radio. “The ruling doesn’t say that explicitly, but that’s what is going to happen.”

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The Mosque On American Sacred Ground

Family Security Matters

September 11 lives for downtown residents of New York. The World Trade Center site is a constant reminder of human malevolence. It also speaks to political incompetence, of politicians compromised by double dealing and arrogance.

While the site shows signs of rebirth and a tribute will be built to remind Americans of the 2800 innocent people who lost their lives one crystal clear morning in September, an insult deep and penetrating is being launched two blocks away on Park Place with the building of a mosque that will overlook the World Trade Center site.

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The States Trump Obama

Great American Journal

Memo to the New York Times Editorial Board:

The 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitutions reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

In a recent editorial, titled “The Constitution Trumps Arizona,” the Times proclaimed that, “The Obama administration has not always been completely clear about its immigration agenda, but it was forthright… when it challenged the pernicious Arizona law that allows the police to question the immigration status of people they detain for local violations. Only the federal government can set or enforce immigration policy… and ‘Arizona has crossed this constitutional line.’ ”

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Democrats’ Doom Sealed by Arizona Federal Judge

Red County

By now you have heard that Federal District Court (trial court) Judge Susan Bolton, a democrat, has issue a preliminary injunction against key parts of the Arizona law allowing its police to enforce the United States’ illegal alien laws, largely on the federal preemption argument. For a nice summary of what is enjoined and what is not (and there’s a lot that’s not) Click Here. This is subject to change pending trial but I think it’s unlikely to change. Arizona is in the 9th Circuit and those fools will do anything to kiss Obama’s ring, so don’t look for help there. Picking up from some of Rush Limbaugh’s thoughts on this, I actually think this is a huge victory for the Tea Party Movement and absolutely seals the doom of Congressional Democrats in the 2010 elections coming in November. People have wondered if the Right’s rage would abate over the long, hot summer. I never thought it would but this late summer ruling insures the issue of an over-reaching national government, unresponsive to the concerns of the citizens, will remain a red hot issue. Polling proves over and over again this illegal alien issue is a dead bang winner for those opposing the alien invasion.

Here are some interesting random thoughts as to how the rest of this may play out:

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Local Woman Convicted of Drug Fraud Joins Obama at the Podium


– Charlottesville resident Leslie Macko was once employed at ACAC in the Albemarle Square Shopping Center. In April 2009, she lost her job as an aesthetician in the spa at ACAC.

President Barack Obama called on Congress last week to extend unemployment insurance. Macko stood next to the President of the United States as his example of the need to extend jobless benefits.

CBS19’s Jessica Jaglois has learned that Macko was found guilty of prescription drug fraud in March 2009, one month before Macko lost her job at ACAC. She served a one year probationary sentence.

Macko joined two other unemployed people and President Obama at the podium for a speech designed to encourage lawmakers to extend jobless benefits.

“We need to extend unemployment compensation benefits for women like Leslie Macko, who lost her job at a fitness center last year, and has been looking for work ever since. Because she’s eligible for only a few more weeks of unemployment, she’s doing what she never thought she’d have to do. Not at this point, anyway. She’s turning to her father for financial support,” Obama said in his speech.

ACAC owner Phil Wendel was unable to tell CBS19 if Macko was terminated because of the conviction. There’s also no indication from the court file that Macko lost her job because of the court case, or that she has received unemployment benefits improperly.

CBS19 contacted Leslie Macko about the conviction, and she declined to comment until she speaks with her attorney. We have also reached out to the White House to see if they know the full story behind the woman they chose to stand next to President Obama, but have not received comment from them either.


Obama’s Land Grab Nightmare


There are ten planks in the Communist Manifesto and it will come as no surprise to anyone to discover that they are being implemented by the Obama administration in league with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The first plank called for the abolition of all private property ownership and the application of all rents of land to public purposes.

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This is an interesting story, put together from various articles and TV shows, by the British Times paper.OBAMA truth REVEALED

It shows what Obama and his friends are really all about. It’s not hope and change, it is money.

I warn you, the first part is a little boring, but stick with it.

The second part connects all the dots for you (it will open your eyes).

The end explains how Obama and all his cronies will end up as multi-billionaires.

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Hawaiian birth? Still ineligible

© 2010 WorldNetDaily

U.S. President Barack Obama returns to the Oval Office after discussing his legislative agenda after meeting with bi-partisan Members of Congress in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington on July 27, 2010. UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg Photo via Newscom

President Obama may not fit the constitutional eligibility requirement that stipulates only “natural born” citizens can serve as U.S. president, conclude the authors of a recently released book.

An investigation by the authors found that according to correspondence from the original framers of the Constitution as well as multiple Supreme Court rulings and the legal writings that helped establish the principles of the Constitution, Obama is not eligible to serve as president since his father was not a U.S. citizen.

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