Iranian Regime Names 1979 Hostage-Taker As UN Envoy

iran hostage takerGateway Pundit

The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran posted this side-by-side photo of Iranian diplomat Hamid Aboutalebi currently and years ago as a member of a militant student group (Screenshot – The Blaze)

The Iranian regime named Hamid Aboutalebi, a former 1979 US embassy hostage-taker, as its next ambassador to the United Nations.
Bloomberg reported:

Iran has named a member of the militant group that held 52 Americans hostage in Tehran for 444 days to be its next ambassador to the United Nations.

The Iranian government has applied for a U.S. visa for Hamid Aboutalebi, Iran’s former ambassador to Belgium and Italy, who was a member of the Muslim Students Following the Imam’s Line, a group of radical students that seized the U.S. embassy on Nov. 4, 1979. Imam was an honorific used for Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic Revolution.

Relations between the Islamic Republic and the U.S. and its allies are beginning to emerge from the deep freeze that began when the self-proclaimed Iranian students overrun the embassy and took the hostages. The State Department hasn’t responded to the visa application, according to an Iranian diplomat.

us embassy tehran
Demonstrators burn an American flag on November 9, 1979 on the top of the wall of the US Embassy where students were holding American hostages. (Gulf News)



It’s Time to Hang the Elected Traitors in Washington with Their Own Legislation


Freedom Outpost

In US. vs. Castleman, decided March 28, 2014, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled that the Bill of Rights is no longer “Declaratory and Restrictive Clauses.” They are judicially now perceived as “privileges.” A “privilege” can be revoked for the slightest of legislative causes, but a “Right” that is “Forever Inviolate” We the People no longer have.

Before its ratification, it was insisted upon that a Preamble be written thereto. (Please notice that the “bill” is singular; not plural!) The Preamble states:

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NSA Chief Steps Down Without Mentioning Snowden Affair


The head of the National Security Agency stepped down Friday — without once uttering the name of spy secrets leaker Edward Snowden, whose massive revelations shocked the nation and rocked the spy agency.

Military veteran Gen. Keith Alexander formally relinquished control after nine years at the helm of the NSA in a ceremony at the NSA’s Fort Meade, Md., headquarters.

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We may finally know why John Boehner is helping to cover up the Benghazi debacle


The intricate web spun around the incident at Benghazi seems to have no end. It is really quite shameful for this nation that we have come this far and still have no resolution as to what truly occurred that fateful night of September 11, 2012 — nor do we have a select committee with subpoena powers, despite broad support in the House.

However, there are some who embody the highest level of journalistic integrity and will not allow this story to fade away. One of those individuals is Catherine Herridge of Fox News. Her recent analysis brings forth more questions than answers about how a particular consulting firm, Beacon Global Strategies, is entwined with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others involved with the controversy.

As Herridge reports, Beacon Global Strategies employs former CIA Acting Director Mike Morell, Philippe Reines, whom the New York Times magazine recently described as…

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Florida Sheriffs Association Fight Against Right to Bear Arms

Thursday March 27th 2014, the Florida Sheriffs Association (FSA) openly testified against Second Amendment rights to the Florida House Judiciary Committee saying, “In our opinion, there is a difference between owning a firearm and carrying one concealed on your person. Owing a firearm is a right; carrying it concealed is a privilege; and it is a privilege that is earned…”

In what can only be viewed as contempt and distrust for law-abiding gun owners, the Florida Sheriffs Association went on to say that during an emergency you are “least likely to use a firearm in a safe and responsible manner”. Think about that. The Sheriffs are telling your legislature that when you are under attack by looters and rioters, you should be disarmed because you will be the irrational person in the situation.

The Sheriff’s Association also told the committee that “there is plenty of time before hurricane season starts to go out and get a concealed weapons permit so you can carry on your person.” This is completely false. Hurricane Season starts June 1st, only 62 days from now. Even if you already have your training certificate, your fingerprinting done, and have the $112.00 in fees ready to spend today, appointments at the regional offices are booked up to six months out and applications by mail are currently taking more than 90 days.

In other words, FSA is saying your Second Amendment right to BEAR arms can only be exercised if you have the time and money to get a license to carry a concealed handgun.

The Sheriffs go on to claim that “Given modern technology, the approach of storms can be predicted days in advance; and the last second flight scenarios are just not realistic.” Anyone who has tracked approaching hurricanes knows this to be false.

A similar law to the one that we are trying to fix was struck down in North Carolina in 2012. The federal court there said:
“[T]he statutes here excessively intrude upon plaintiffs’ Second Amendment rights by effectively banning them (and the public at large) from engaging in conduct that is at the very core of the Second Amendment at a time when the need for self-defense may be at its very greatest.” Bateman v. Perdue, No. 5:10-CV-265-H, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 47336, (E.D.N.C. Mar. 29, 2012)

In 1987 the Florida Sheriffs Association also opposed concealed carry, saying at the time that citizens should be forced to carry firearms openly so they would be able see who has guns. Once concealed carry passed, they turned around and pushed for the ban on open carry — which was legal until 1987. In 2011 the FSA opposed a bill that would have restored the open carry of handguns.

The fact is that the Florida Sheriff’s Association has opposed every right to bear arms bill that has ever been offered.

While the FSA may have some sympathy for people’s the Right to Keep Arms at home, it is obvious that the group has disdain for the Right to Bear Arms for self-defense. At the same committee hearing, Assistant Adjutant General for the Florida Army National Guard Maj. General Don Tyre spoke in support of the bill that will allow law abiding Floridians to take their guns with them during a mandatory evacuation order without the need for a concealed carry license.

We call on you to contact your local Sheriff and ask if the Florida Sheriff’s Association is representing their values. Is lobbying against the right to bear arms during an emergency how they are honoring the oath that your Sheriff swore to defend the constitution? Does your Sheriff really support the Right to Bear Arms?

It is time for Florida’s Constitutional Sheriffs to take control of the FSA or quit supporting it with your tax dollars.

We need your help to continue the fight for your right to bear arms. Please Join Florida Carry today.

Muslims Enter Hindu Shrine to Pray, Then Spray Kerosene on the Walls and Torch It

hindu templeGateway Pundit

A Hindu temple after it was attacked in Larkana, southern Pakistan’s Sindh province. (Reuters)

Muslims entered a Hindu Temple in Sindh Province of Pakistan on Friday. They prayed for two minutes then broke the idol, spread kerosene and set the temple on fire.
The Tribune reported:

A small temple belonging to the Hindu scheduled-caste community was desecrated on Friday morning.

Three unidentified attackers entered the temple of the Hindu deity, Hanuman, in the SITE area of Latifabad at around 7am. The men prayed for two minutes and then broke Hanuman’s idol before setting the temple on fire. This temple is located in the same compound as the more popular temple of Kali Mata.

“They asked me to let them in because they wanted to pray,” said Darshan, a student of class five, who has been looking after the temple for the last five months. “But, once they entered, they broke the idol, sprayed kerosene oil and set everything ablaze.” The temple’s caretaker, Revo Meghwadh, died five months ago, after being bitten by a snake inside the temple.

According to Darshan, the faces of the attackers were partly covered so he will not be able to identify them. They escaped without facing any resistance, he added. The fire, which gutted the photos of the Hindu deities hanging on the walls, was put out by the locals.

The temple is located in Kali Mata Colony on the foothills of the Ganjo Takkar mountain range.

A Whole Lotta Liberal Corruption Going On

leland yee Large

Family Security Matters


Has Nancy Pelosi seen a newspaper lately? (Pro tip, hon: As with the Obamacare monstrosity, you have to read it to find out what’s in it.) I’d love to see her face in the wake of the veritable epidemic of Democratic corruption now sweeping the country. Pelosi’s blink count must be off the charts.

I’m going to make it easy on Pelosi and put all of the latest cases in one handy rogues’-gallery reference list. But let’s not be naïve. It’s clear to me that the Barack Obama/Eric Holder DOJ is clearing the decks before the midterms. Prediction: The FBI’s GOP corruption shoe will drop right before the elections for maximum distraction and damage. For now, let’s take stock of the jackassery:

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As you know, the New York Safe Act was passed in the middle of the night by the New York City dominated New York State Legislature and signed by a Governor who would be president, without any input from the people. Who will be safer under this unconstitutional law? It definitely will not be the law-abiding citizens of New York who, if we comply, would have some of our ability to defend ourselves taken away. The law might be better named the NY SAFE ACT FOR CRIMINALS because violent criminals who carry illegal guns will never comply. They have never complied with any gun control laws and they will continue to use all banned weapons with the largest capacity magazines they can get their hands on. Only the law-abiding citizens like us and police officers like you, will now be at a disadvantage, not the criminals.

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