Blame Game

Obama Won’t Run…His Work Is Done


The drivel the media are blathering about Obama’s 2012 race for reelection is absolute baloney! All those talking heads and print [so-called] journalists should be ashamed of themselves for prattling on about this unserious subject while studiously avoiding the urgent issues that threaten the very life of our country.

These are issues that a maniacal Nancy Pelosi, as House Minority Leader in the lame-duck session, is intent on cramming down the already-gagging throats of American voters who loathe her fetish with Marxism so much that on November 2 they decisively returned the House she had appropriated back to We the People. As columnist Ralph R. Reiland writes, it was “…the greatest defeat for a newly elected president in a midterm since…1922.”

Make no mistake about it, when the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-orchestrated disasters listed below take place, this triumvirate will applaud them, as any disaster that befalls our country fits neatly into their vision of Big Bad America. Yes, the very same America that brought them to the pinnacle of prominence, wealth, and power is the country they’re working overtime to destroy.

Here is just a sampling of what’s in store:

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US provides training to Terror state

The Last Crusade

The CIA is training and equipping Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) so that the radical Islamic agency may continue its acts of genocide in Darfur and strengthen its stranglehold on East Africa.

This allegation was affirmed by Sudanese officials who told The Washington Post that “it is normal for all intelligence agencies around the world to cooperate on matters of mutual benefit.”

The reports of an on-going relationship between the CIA and the Islamic terrorists in Sudan surfaced several weeks ago with the testimony of former US intelligence officials.

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Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi / Muslim “Plant” in the White House?

Communism doesn’t work…..

Fire Obama

The American Spectator

House GOP Leader John Boehner created a stir last month when he called on President Obama to fire his top economic advisors, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Larry Summers, because of the Administration’s disastrous economic performance. But while Summers is, indeed, a clueless Keynesian, and Geithner is a career bureaucrat, they are not the source of the problem. The source of the problem is the Godfather of the Administration’s economic policies, President Obama himself.

Consequently, what is needed is not to fire Geithner or Summers, but to fire Obama. While President Obama is not on the ballot this fall, the American people will nevertheless have the opportunity in November to do precisely that, by effectively removing him from power, as explained further below. Reality will continue to punish the American people harder and harder until they do.

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Wanted: One Honest and Fearless Judge


But first; does one actually exist in our country?  From all appearances it would not seem that a judge who would rule fairly and constitutionally on the question of eligibility of Barack H. Obama to rule as President and Commander in Chief of our armed services can be found.

As reported online in the American Grand Jury article “Md. Judge Denies Request for Obama’s School Records” (that could include a copy of Obama’s birth certificate) September 02, 2010 it becomes obvious there are none.

Our collection of judges may have many, if not all, who could be in a position of being able to rule fairly and Constitutionally on such a question as Obama’s eligibility but finding just one who is not in fear of making such a ruling or is not in the pockets of those who favor leaving the question unanswered, as the presidential usurper does, is doubtful.  Just ask attorneys Phillip Berg or Orly Taitz who have seen judges turn on them for trying.

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Dear Mr. Obama, Americas don’t Trust You

Socialism is not the Answer

1 Dragon

You know, if Mr. Obama was as smart as he thinks he is, he would understand that the People question who he is and what he is because of what he is hiding. No President in history has ever sealed all of their files pertaining to their past.

Your religion has been in the news before and it continues today and with good reason. Your grand-father was a Muslim, your father was a Muslim, your step-father was Muslim and you were registered a Muslim when you went to school in Indonesia. You went on your trip through the Middle East apologizing for America being a success. You have repeatedly tried to re-write history by telling America that Muslims played a part in America’s past. As I have stated before, I don’t remember any Muslims traveling with Columbus, coming over on the Mayflower or signing the Constitution.

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Why Obama won’t run for a second term

Great American Journal

Obama has no intention of running for a second term. He already knows that he wouldn’t stand a chance of winning reelection without massive voter fraud. He will be replaced as the Democratic candidate by Hillary Clinton. Should she win, she will be just like Obama. They both belong to the same Marxist Progressive club. Ms. Clinton has already begun her campaign, though by stealth so far.

Obama doesn’t want the job of president, he just likes the feeling of power and the perks. That is why he has over 35 czars to do all of the work while he is out campaigning, partying, vacationing, and golfing. He knows he is destroying the country, for that is his assigned task by the Progressive leadership.

Obama is a career drifter. Four years in one job is almost more than he can stand. He has never stayed in one job for more than two years. He left the Illinois Senate after two years to campaign for the U.S. Senate. He left the U.S. Senate after just 18 months to start campaigning for president. He can’t stand being in the White House for more than a couple of days at a time before he’s off for a $200,000 plane ride at taxpayers’ expense.

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Who is Barack Obama?

This list is truly shocking. Take a close look at how many communists/Marxists were his friends. Davis spied for the Soviet Union. Obama wants to shut down America’s nuclear arsenal but won’t intercept North Korean Communist missiles, nor will he stop Iran, a terrorist sponsor, from developing nuclear bombs.

I must say, I find the sealing of his records going back to childhood, utterly bizarre. What the heck is there to hide?

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