Americans Didn’t Die To Roll Out the Red Carpet for Muslim Terrorists

I am getting  sick of the press dancing around this issue so today I am going to tell it like  I see it. You can call me a bigot or intolerant if you want but I am going to  speak for the American people today. Someone has to.

Over  2000 Americans have lost their lives in Afghanistan.


Over  4500 Americans have lost their lives in Iraq.

Almost  3000 Americans died in the 9/11 attacks.


That’s about  9,500 Americans who have lost their lives in the war on terrorism and the number  goes far beyond that. There are smaller attacks too numerous to mention. One of  the obvious examples is Benghazi. The total number is well over 10,000 Americans  who have died due to the war on terror and the number continues to grow.

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