FL Senate Committee To Vote Whether Or Not To Include Sharia In Judicial Process

Freedom Outpost

The Florida Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs will  vote on, SB 58 – Application of Foreign Law in Certain  Cases, during a meeting on April 8, 2013, at 4:00 pm.

The vote will determine whether or not to include international law, in other  words Sharia, into our judicial process.

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Forty-Six Cases of Treason


Authoritarians have been attempting to use the malignant United Nations to implement violations of our right to bear arms that are impermissible according to the Constitution. That is, they are siding with a hostile foreign power to violate their oath to uphold that same Constitution.

To defend us from this treachery, Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) offered Amendment 139, confirming that foreign treaties cannot be used to trump the Constitution. Shockingly, this amendment barely passed by a vote of 53 to 46.

In sane times, those who committed open treason were executed. Now, we will be lucky if we can vote them out of office. These 46 traitors are not merely fools, but enemies of the American people, regardless of how many semiconscious morons the media can dupe into voting for them:


This goes well beyond the gun debate. Our country’s enemies are using their prominent positions in the government to present an existential threat to the USA as a sovereign constitutional republic.

That’s Weird?… Forbes ‘Manchurian Candidate’ Article on Obama Disappears Down the Memory Hole

Gateway Pundit

(This was update and reposted from March 2012) Earlier today Forbes posted an excerpt from the book Hope Is Not a Strategy by John Mariotti and D. M. Lukas. The author provided an excerpt from the book for the article where he describes Barack Obama as a “manufactured candidate” whose history remains sealed. Mariotti then calls Obama the “Manchurian candidate.”

But, after the article was posted for a few hours it suddenly disappeared down the memory hole.

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Why nearly all state gun control laws being passed today will soon be null and void

(NaturalNews) Gun control zealots currently  think they are winning. Connecticut has just passed a wildly  unconstitutional new gun control law, and it was preceded by New York’s  similarly-outrageous assault on private gun ownership liberties. Colorado,  Maryland and California are all either working on gun control bills or have  already passed various measures that are blatantly illegal in  America.
What gun grabbers do not yet realize is that there are three  powerful reasons why their gun control laws will soon be null and  void.

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Police Militarization, Abuses of Power and the Road to Impeachment

Accuracy in Media

policemil1 These are trying times. Never in the history of this country have we been so weakened and polarized by what many view as deliberate government policy. Now anti-gunners in the U.S. Congress, the Obama administration, and legislatures across the country are seeking to exploit the Newtown tragedy to promote their “gun control” agenda that envisions federal, universal background checks on gun purchases, and that could lead to gun registration and confiscation.

At the same time, the increasing militarization of law enforcement, most visibly demonstrated by the growing use of massive, SWAT-type raids on businesses and individuals, sometimes with federal involvement or authorization, is heightening concerns that this country is moving toward a police state.

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