The “Too Hard to Do” Syndrome


Family Security Matters

On May 25, 1961 President John F. Kennedy stood before Congress and said that before the decade was finished the United States should land a man on the moon and return him to earth.

A year and a half later, in an address at Rice University, known as the “We choose to go to the moon” speech, in front of a large crowd gathered at Rice Stadium in Houston, Texas on September 12, 1962, Kennedy characterized space according to one assessment as “a beckoning frontier” that required an “endeavor within a historical moment of urgency and plausibility” and could be accomplished with a strategy that lived up to America’s “pioneering heritage”.

Then America was being supremely challenged by the Soviet Union. Moscow had put a man into space following the launch of the satellite Sputnik.

America responded with a nation-wide pursuit of space excellence. In 1969, 7 years after President Kennedy challenged us to do so, America’s Apollo 11 landed on the lunar surface and six hours later Neil Armstrong took that one amazing giant “leap for mankind”.

America has lost much of the faith we had that spring day when our astronauts spoke to us from a distance of 240,000 miles. The government does not seem to work anymore. It was a gradual thing but nonetheless it has corroded our character and our spirit.

But while the moon landing buoyed our nation’s confidence, forces had been at work for decades to undermine the very essence of what it means to be an American and what our proper role was in the world.

It started right after World War II.

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Was an EMP Attack Just Tested on the United States?

American Thinker

An unsettling series of events arguably bearing on national security transpired last week that the MSM hastened to paper over.  On April 30, the FAA, as a consequence of “computer glitches”, halted outgoing flights at LAX as well as other airports including PHX, SFO, SJC, SLC, LAS, and SAN.

An NBC  report May 2 remarked:

A relic from the Cold War appears to have triggered a software glitch at a major air traffic control center in California Wednesday that led to delays and cancellations of hundreds of flights across the country, sources familiar with the incident told NBC News.

On Wednesday at about 2 p.m., according to sources, a U-2 spy plane, the same type of aircraft that flew high-altitude spy missions over Russia 50 years ago, passed through the airspace monitored by the L.A. Air Route Traffic Control Center in Palmdale, Calif. The L.A. Center handles landings and departures at the region’s major airports, including Los Angeles International (LAX), San Diego and Las Vegas.


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The Clueless Left and Islam

Family Security Matters

Daniel Greenfield penned a perceptive and welcome critique, “What the Left Does not Understand About Islam” (February 15th),  of  the cluelessness of the Left vis-à-vis Islam. The Left, he writes,  is naïve  about its rival ideology, and ideologically will always remain  naïve. The Left,  he writes, has never been able to think outside of the  cardboard box it has  built for itself.

The  left has never adapted to the transition from nationalistic wars to   ideological wars. It took the left a while to grasp that the Nazis were a   fundamentally different foe than [sic] the Kaiser and that  pretending  that World War 2 was another war for the benefit of  colonialists and arms  dealers was the behavior of deluded lunatics. And  yet much of the left insisted  on approaching the war in just that  fashion, and had Hitler not attacked  Stalin, it might have remained  stuck there.

From  my own observations, what the Left refused to acknowledge was that it   was Hitler’s Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Soviet Russia that  behaved like  unrepentant imperialists and colonialists, invading and  conquering other  nations for all the loot they could lay hands on. It  was the consistent  kneejerk evasion of that fact which demoted the Left  from a noisy avante- garde  to a commune of deluded lunatics.  Greenfield goes on to remark:

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Obama Ignores Russian Plans for Naval Base in Cuba


If things go as planned, Russia could soon have a naval base just over 90 miles away from the continental U.S. Our former Cold War foe has been in talks with Cuba for some time, and is now making it known that a deal between the two nations is closer to happening.

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I Prefer Local to Global

Family Security Matters
Perhaps it is just the product of the times in which I grew up and my experience with the events of the world. Or perhaps it is the spin that has been added to the word “global,” endowing it with an almost spiritual quality.
Mostly, though, I think it is my utter disgust with “global warming,” having spent the better part of three decades striving to defeat this plot to enable all forms of governmental intrusion into people’s lives and choices.
A bit of personal history: As a child, I recall riding the train to and from the Jersey shore when it was filled with young men in uniform, all destined to fight in far-off places whose names even then seemed exotic to me – Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, Normandy, and Sicily. It was the harsh geography of war, but to a youngster it only meant someplace far away.
By the time I was a teenager, an older brother was already in Japan at the headquarters from which the Korean conflict was conducted. There were new names to deal with, Seoul, Incheon, and the Yalu River. By then the Cold War was well on its way.
The 1950s were full of talk of A-bombs and then H-bombs, and then intercontinental missiles. In college, I took scant notice of events in Cuba, but a few years later I would be in full combat gear waiting for orders to invade. Then the problem went away without ever really going away. It has since spread to Venezuela.
Like many Americans, I learned about the world because we were sending troops somewhere to push back against some form of aggression or some new oppressive regime. At home, the streets were filled with Civil Rights marchers or anti-war marchers, both of whom would be replaced by new groups demanding to be heard. It was the era of Woodstock and Watergate.
And no trains filled with soldiers because the military had ceased to be every young man’s duty to serve their nation. It became a voluntary military and, we’re told, one that is superior to the former model. It would suffer casualties in Beirut, wrest Grenada from a communist takeover, invade Panama to remove yet another corrupt leader and then, in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, go there to set things right. After 9/11, in 2001 it would drive the Taliban and al Qaeda out of Afghanistan and then in 2003 invade Iraq to bring down Saddam Hussein.
Is it any wonder Americans are weary of war? Is it any wonder that the word “global” to my generation means some new place where young, dedicated Americans are battling some new despot, regime, or threat to peace anywhere and everywhere?
All of which brings me to the new meaning of “global” for the generations that followed mine. It is attached to “global warming,” the greatest hoax, not merely in the modern era, but in all of history! And it was initiated and implemented by an international institution that was supposed to end wars, the United Nations.
Some years ago, the UN published a book called Our Global Neighborhood, but we do not live in a global neighborhood. We live in our own, local neighborhood. The UN is all about global government with, of course, global taxes, a global army, and, as is the case of every dictatorship, a global restriction on gun ownership.
It is all about a vast matrix of global treaties that involve the surrender of some element of U.S. sovereignty to the UN to oversee “heritage” sites and our national parks. It is about an educational indoctrination program to turn American children into “citizens of the world.”
So you will have to forgive me if I look at the world and see places where Americans have continually had to sacrifice blood and treasure because someone or some nation had ambitions to impose their will on people who just wanted to be left alone.
If something terrible happens in America I do not expect to see one single other nation on Earth come to our aid.
In America today, the enemy is not always in some far-off place. It is in Washington, D.C. where an out-of-control Congress is spending and borrowing to the point where we are being warned that our dollar is at risk of being worthless. Led by a feckless new president, it has imposed huge debts on generations yet to be born.
The White House is trying to expand an “entitlement” program, Medicare that is already broke for the purpose of controlling one sixth of the nation’s economy.
The White House is giving money to banks and then threatening to tax them after they have repaid it.
The White House has bought General Motors and Chrysler instead of letting them go through a bankruptcy process like any other business.
The White House is squandering billions on “clean energy” and “green jobs,” both of which are mere fantasies while billions of barrels of oil go untapped, billions of cubic feet of natural gas remains unavailable, and hundreds of year’s worth of coal is not mined.
Congress is engaged in phony, multi-billion dollar “stimulus” programs instead of cutting taxes to jump-start the economy.
“Think globally. Act locally” is the mantra of the environmental movement, but the movement itself is a global monster, determined to decide what you can eat, how you should deal with your garbage, what kind of car or truck you can drive, how much you should heat or cool your home.
It is despotism, no matter what other name you call it.
And then there are those insane followers of Islam who want to inflict more harm on America because they are not content with killing their fellow Muslims.
I wish I could ignore the world beyond my neighborhood, but it won’t let me.

Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan

News Busters

99 years ago today, Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois.

As our 40th President, he took our nation from the depths of a crippling recession while ending the Cold War.

On what would have been his 99th birthday, let’s remember him for what is likely his greatest speech.

On June 12, 1987, President Reagan addressed a large crowd of Germans on the west side of the Brandenburg Gate, and told then Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall”
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Obama the Red Avenger

Dec. 15, 2009

The American Thinker

By James Lewis

The French called Hitler a “revanchiste” — a Kaiser soldier of World War I who was aching to avenge that defeat. Hitler made no secret of his desire for revenge. He made it a Nazi slogan. Well, you can have ideological revanchisme as well — for instance, a Marxist determination to take revenge for America’s victory against world  Communism in the Cold War.

The word “Marxist” is now used as a kind of a sly boast in academia; I just talked with a professor who calls himself a “Marxist historian,” and smiles to himself when he says it. He obviously thinks he’s a hero by being a Marxist in America.  But according to Marxist historians themselves Red regimes killed at least 100 million people in “crimes, terror and repression,” with still more dying today in North Korea. That’s not even counting the dead and wounded in wars fought by Communist regimes.
Obama’s early life indicates that young Barry may have been brought up as a Red Avenger against America. We know that he talks like an anti-capitalist and an anti-Constitutionalist, and that he compulsively apologizes for American actions during the Cold War. The Cold War was not something we started; it was started by Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and other totalitarian mass murderers long before the Korean War and the Vietnam War, our two hot proxy wars in the Cold War.
What we haven’t understood is how deeply Obama was indoctrinated in the war against America from childhood onward. But every intelligence agency in the world has to have it figured it out, because it’s all in the public record. Leftists around the world have also known it from day one, and that includes the leading Democrats. Obama was not an unknown to Democrat Party apparatchiks. Or the media. Only the American people were kept in the dark. The media and the Democrats are still doing their Obama cover-up today, and hoping they will get away with it.
Why is Obama so deeply, emotionally opposed to America’s defense of freedom and democracy in the Cold War? Because Barry Soetoro was born in 1961 and lived in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta from age six to ten, the years 1967-1971 — right after the bloodiest civil war in Indonesian history, which took place from 1965 to 1967. The Indonesian Communist Party, the PKI, was wiped out and massacred during that civil war. There is absolutely no way a Leftwing family living in Jakarta could not have been in a constant uproar during those years, even after the massacres had died down. After all, his parents were active sympathizers if not Party Members themselves, as was his biological father
Indonesia was host to millions of ethnic Chinese, some of whom were slaughtered in the “communal violence” which followed a failed coup. China was then in the middle of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, which killed from 50 to 70 million people. Ann Dunham, Lolo Soetoro and Barry Soetoro were living in the very midst of the hottest front line between the West and totalitarian Communism.
Indonesia’s dictator General Sukarno was overthrown in 1965, either by the Communist Party (the PKI), or by the Indonesian army and Islamic parties — and probably by all three. The PKI was the third biggest Communist Party in the world outside of the Soviet Union and Communist China.  (See The Year of Living Dangerously). PKI members were killed in the resulting riots and massacres throughout 1965 and 1966, starting in the capital city of Jakara, which is where Barry Soetoro’s family lived. Imaging living in Atlanta, GA, right after General Sherman got through marchin’ through Georgia, and not knowing anything about it?
There is simply no way those earth-shattering events could not have touched Barry Soetoro’s life in Jakarta from the age of six to ten. Barry’s temporary Dad Lolo Soetoro was originally a supporter of General Sukarno and the Left; Sukarno’s party had sent Lolo to Hawaii to get a graduate degree, where he met Ann Dunham. There is no real safety in such conditions.  Revenge killings happened after World War II in Europe, and after the Civil War in the United States.
The big question is: why did Ann Dunham risk bringing her young child to Jakarta? She must either have been utterly naive politically, or, much more likely, she knew that she and Lolo were protected by powerful political forces.
Ann Dunham was at least an active fellow traveler with the Communist Party. Remember, this is just fifteen years after the death of Stalin, and after the American domestic reaction to Stalinist infiltration, now dubbed “McCarthyism.” We now know with historical certainty that the US Government was in fact infiltrated by Stalin’s Communist Party members, including the State Department and the White House, and that secrets of US nuclear bombs were instantly passed to the Soviet Union by Manhattan Project member Klaus Fuchs, who was honored by the East Germany Communist Party when he went back there. Stalinist Communists were also very powerful in Hollywood, in the newspapers and the universities.
Barry’s childhood and education under the guardianship of Communist Party rep Frank Marshall Davis, followed by an endless parade of far Leftist mentors from Hawaii to Harvard and Chicago, were all shaped by the identical political narrative. Every adult he ever knew told the same story. Everybody hated the same satanic enemy: American capitalism — also known as freedom and democracy — the CIA, the US military; Senator Joe McCarthy, President Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon. We now know that Nixon was overthrown by the American Left using the Watergate scandal, including the Washington Post’s Ben Bradlee, in close coordination with the FBI’s Assistant Director Mark Felt, who was Woodward and Bernstein’s Deep Throat.
The Jesuits used say “Give us a boy before he is ten and we will have him for life. That’s why the Ranting Reverend Wright’s Church of Marxism was such a natural place for the Obamas to go every Sunday, and to bring up their own girls. It’s what they were used to; it had that old home feeling.
When kids believe that their mothers and fathers are in danger, they often imagine themselves to be the saviors — they can get a Savior Complex. (Sound familiar?) Children in abusive families often feel that way. Barry Soetoro grew up needing to rescue his side in the Cold War — the Red side.
Human beings who think they are world saviors are narcissists from day one, because they believe they have God-like powers. How else can you Save the Planet? How else can you “keep the seas from riiiiising,” as Obama said in his acceptance speech to the Democrats? Narcissism is a standard character trait on the Left. It’s one of the basic differences between ideological Leftists and conservatives. Edmund Burke, the granddaddy of Anglo-American conservatism, pointed that out in his most important book, Reflections on The Revolution in France (1791). Conservatives are generally normal people. Ideological Leftists are ambitious World Saviors who turn out to kill a lot of people who resisted being saved by coercive force.  Can you think of any American conservative who acts like Obama?
Take a kid with a savior complex and raise him with an endless slew of Leftist mentors, from Mom onwards. He is the savior child as far as they are concerned — the Red Avenger. He will redeem them in the bitter aftermath of the defeat of Communism. Barack Obama has had substitute parents — patrons who eased his way — throughout his life, including Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright and Emil Jones.
Notice that I have not said that Obama is dangerous. A lot depends on defeating ObamaCare, Cap and Trade, EPA regulation of CO2 and dozens of other mad and foolish schemes.
The American political system is resilient, but we must know the truth. I believe that “Red Avenger” is the ground truth of who Obama really is.

It’s not Obama’s blackness that’s at issue. It’s his redness.