Former Obama Officials Caught Working With Iran To Defeat U.S. Foreign Policy

Yet another HUGE story that has been largely ignored by the mainstream media. Thankfully, OAN has been following the ongoing developments that outline how former Obama officials in conjunction with multiple contacts in Congress, have recently been caught working with Iranian officials to defeat the remarkably successful Trump administration’s actions in isolating and possibly hastening the collapse of the #1 sponsor of state terrorism that is the Iranian regime. 

Let that sink in. Former Obama officials and current members of Congress are working to support and maintain one of the worst human rights violators in the entire world. The Iranian government has a long history of brutalizing women, homosexuals, and other religious and/or racial minorities. The regime is also directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of U.S. military men and women. And on a no-doubt related note, the #1 geopolitical supporter of the terrorist-loving Iranian government (besides the former Obama administration) is Russia, which sells hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military goods to the regime every year. That’s right, the very same Russian government that Democrats here in America say is a threat to our own democracy is working hand-in-hand with former Obama officials to help prop up the radical mullahs who have forced the wonderful Iranian people to live under the boot of their oppressive regime for far too long.



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randomthots @sirtatters

I thought Obama wasn’t our POTUS anymore. I also thought John Kerry was gone. Why then are they working behind the scenes to undermine @realDonaldTrump Iran negotiations? Why are @MSNBC @CNN ignoring this??

Image result for Obama loves Iran


Mainstream Media Blacks Out The Democrats’ Infanticide Vote

Image via


The Federalist


So I was going to have a little fun at the expense of CNN this morning, contrasting the news site’s headline for the Democrats’ gun restriction bill—“House to vote on guns background check bill with bipartisan support”—which has garnered exactly four Republican co-sponsors, with its headline for the Sen. Ben Sasse’s anti-infanticide bill, which I was certain would be solely about the “GOP” despite having four Democrat Senators voting to move the bill forward. Turns out, it was even better.

There was nothing to contrast because, as far as I can tell, CNN doesn’t feature a single story on their website regarding the Democratic Party blocking of Sasse’s Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have saved newborn babies who survive abortion attempts from negligent homicide.

CNN didn’t even bother producing one of those predictably prejudiced pieces, like the ones we saw in Politico or the Washington Post yesterday, mischaracterizing Sasse’s bill as “anti-abortion.” They didn’t bother with the “conservatives pounce!” stories like the Daily Beast or Vox. They didn’t bother, like so many others, to distract from the number of viable babies being aborted by stressing only 1.5 percent of the procedures are in post-20 weeks, rather than pointing out there are somewhere around 15,000 to 18,000 aborted every year. They just ignored it.

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Oath Keepers

In the following video, Candace Owens, of Red Pill Black, expresses her feelings on celebrities using their celebrity to advocate political and social opinions. It is not that they don’t have the right to speak out, as every American has Freedom of Speech. No, it is the plain and simple fact that NOBODY CARES!

Do I care what George Clooney, Madonna, Alec Baldwin, or a host of other brainless celebrities have to say about subjects other than their profession? No. Why should I? They offer only parroted versions of the Elite’s propaganda. Why should I waste my time listening to them?

When movie stars choose to speak out and insult me for being a thinking human being, they merely encourage me to boycott their movies. When sports figures do the same, I don’t bother with their sport. They apparently don’t get it that it is we, the “deplorables” that make possible their rich lifestyle, by buying the tickets to their events, or by watching them on the TV. ESPN is learning the hard way that we in “flyover country” don’t appreciate being insulted and paying for that privilege.

It is time for celebrities of all stripes to shut up and stick to what they do best, be it acting, playing their sport, or whatever they do, because we are tired of their crap.

Fake News Sites Continue False Claim about the Iran Nuke Deal


Accuracy in Media



The mainstream media and President Obama have made a considerable issue out of the dissemination of fake news leading up to the election, even going so far as to hint that Donald Trump’s victory might have been owed in part to the work of the fakers. On cue, The Washington Post recently published a story citing anonymous sources that claimed the fake news was the product of Russian propaganda. Yet Fortune magazine concluded that the Post’s “analysis was fairly weak,” and “Much of [the evidence] seems flimsy at best.” That didn’t stop the Post from blaming Russian propaganda, based on biased evidence and anonymous sources.

As AIM’s Cliff Kincaid recently explained, Facebook and Google are looking to create an algorithm that eliminates fake news on their websites. To do so is to risk disproportionate discrimination against information from outside the mainstream, including conservative and left-wing blogs, points out The Hill. “Critics also charge that the ‘fake news’ trope obscures the fact that the mainstream media have their own problem with false or misleading stories,” writes Cathy Young in The Hill. Kincaid also cites something called the First Draft Coalition, a sort of Ministry of Truth comprised of media organizations that we are supposed to trust to produce content free of fake news.

In fact, many of these so-called reputable news organizations are responsible for what is perhaps the fake news story of the decade. The story involves one of President Obama’s major foreign policy legacies, the Iran nuclear “deal.”

For about a year now, we have been pointing out that the Iranian nuclear deal between the P5+1 and Iran, is in fact, not a deal at all. There is an English language version, which the American public has seen (except for the side deals that were kept hidden from Congress and the American public). Also, there is an Iranian version passed in their Majlis, or parliament, which is considerably different.

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CCB Press Conference on Benghazi Largely Ignored by Mainstream Media


Accuracy in Media

By: Roger Aronoff


On June 29, the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi (CCB) held a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington to discuss the release of its new report on the events surrounding the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the Special Mission Compound and CIA Annex, resulting in the deaths of four Americans. As usual, the liberal media largely stayed away. Apparently, if The New York Times, CNN, the Associated Press and NBC don’t cover a story, no matter how important, it isn’t really news. So instead, the only representative from the mainstream media was The Washington Post’s designated hit man, Dana Milbank, who regularly trolls conservative gatherings to heap scorn, sarcasm and peddle misinformation to his waiting readers. That is the sad state of journalism in this country today.

Mr. Milbank’s penchant for playing fast and loose with the details has gotten him in trouble before, when he claimed that conservative speakers had “taunted” a young Muslim girl. These speakers had, in fact, thanked her for her presence. In the latest case, Milbank wrote an opinion piece, not a news story, with the online headline, “Benghazi Conspiracy Theorists Turn on Trey Gowdy.” The headline in the print edition of the paper was “Appeasing the far right? You’ll always end up wrong.”

During the course of Milbank’s article, he called the members of the CCB “a coalition of far-right ­foreign-policy types,” “conspiracy theorists,” and “agitators.” This is all part of the attempt to discredit the messenger, because Milbank can’t really dispute the message—although he has certainly tried. But at least he was there, and spelled the names correctly, though he was wrong about the number of members on the commission (it’s 14, plus two advisory, not 11). Apparently the Post’s Fact-Checker was busy on other stories that day. Maybe they should hire more.

Milbank found our report to be what he called “full of inventive accusations.”

“They found ‘troubling evidence that Obama and Clinton were deeply and knowingly involved in running guns to al-Qaeda in Libya,’” writes Milbank, “as well as ‘a clear case of official U.S. government submission to the Islamic Law on slander.’”

“They determined that the Obama administration ‘switched sides in what was then called the Global War on Terror’ and ‘benefited this country’s worst enemies,’” he continues. “They wrote that Clinton herself blocked U.S. military forces from attempting a rescue mission, and they attributed the decision to oust Libya’s Moammar Gaddafi in part to financial interests of the Clinton Foundation.”

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The unfair media bias

Family Security Matters

The willful blindness of the Western media and intellectual elites to Palestinian incitement and their hyper-focus on any incident they can use to portray Israel in a negative light were on abundant display last week when footage emerged of an Israel Defense Forces soldier shooting a wounded and disarmed Palestinian terrorist.

Since then, The New York Times and The Washington Post have run no fewer than 16 stories about the incident. This volume of coverage reinforces the patently mendacious Israel-is-evil “narrative” promoted by the mainstream media, the liberal elites in bed with Palestinian and jihadist killers, the demonstrably one-sided United Nations, and the sanctimonious rants of several congressional leaders who claim they are speaking out in the name of human rights.

Meanwhile, these same news outlets consistently fail to speak out against the massive and ongoing denial of human rights, suppression of basic freedoms and daily torture meted out to any Palestinian dissident by both the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Many of these violations have been investigated and documented in horrific detail by the courageous Palestinian human rights advocate Bassam Eid.

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The Investigations That Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Nomination

Accuracy in Media

The mainstream media are content with giving Mrs. Clinton a pass on her many scandals, downplaying or minimizing information that could potentially damage her campaign. At the same time, media organizations work to bolster her air of inevitability as the chosen candidate by repeatedly drawing attention to the size of her lead in terms of the number of delegates she and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) each have.

After voting in 19 states, the latest delegate count shows Hillary Clinton with 1,130 delegates to 499 for Sanders. But those numbers could be misleading. Clinton has among her delegates 458 superdelegates, meaning elected officials and party officials who can vote for whomever they want, and who comprise about 30 percent of the total number of delegates needed to win the nomination. They have announced that they will vote for her, while just 22 superdelegates have declared support for Sanders. Superdelegates were established after the 1972 election in which Democratic candidate George McGovern won just one state, in order to give the party establishment a better chance to control the nominating process and avoid a repeat of that situation.

It is important to remember, however, that in December 2007 candidate Barack Obama had only 63 superdelegates to Mrs. Clinton’s 169. Yet in 2008 President Obama won the Democratic presidential primary with 463 superdelegates to Mrs. Clinton’s 257. Superdelegates are usually inclined to lend their vote to the candidate who is already winning.

It is no wonder that media reports emphasize Mrs. Clinton’s electability over Sanders. After all, the liberal media have put the full force of their reporting behind ensuring her campaign’s success, even though Sanders is making a surprisingly strong showing so far, having won eight of the 19 states that have held primaries or caucuses. He clearly has the enthusiasm factor going for him.

But the Clinton camp has other things to worry about as well. Bryan Pagliano, who set up Mrs. Clinton’s private email server at the start of her time as secretary of state, recently was granted immunity by the Justice Department. National Review’s Andy McCarthy notes that a “proffer agreement signals that an active grand-jury investigation may well be underway, and if it is not yet underway, it soon will be.”

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Fast and Furious Scandal Resurfaces—Media Ignore It

Photo via Fellowship of the Minds

Photo via Fellowship of the Minds


Family Security Matters


The liberal media avoid reporting on President Obama’s many scandals [1] at any cost, and Fast and Furious is no exception. Despite the media’s studied avoidance of these scandals, their impact continues. When Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents discovered that a weapon from Fast and Furious was found in Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s Mexican hideout, there was virtual silence from the mainstream media.

But U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s ruling that President Obama cannot use executive privilege to prevent the release of records to Congress has the potential to breathe new life into this ongoing scandal. “Berman Jackson limited her order to information not covered by other protections and told the Justice Department to produce it by Feb. 2,” reports [2] Bloomberg. The judge is an Obama appointee, and yet none of the network evening news shows found this story to be newsworthy. The only mention of it in The Washington Post was in an online blog, PowerPost, under the heading “Hot on the Right,” that linked to a Politico story. You see, it’s a story that only appeals to conservatives, so why bother to put a reporter on it?

Don’t expect reporters to suddenly start reporting on Fast and Furious’ ongoing death toll.

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Obama Continues Caving to Iran While Taking Credit for Diplomacy


Accuracy in Media

The mainstream media cannot stand that the film 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, in depicting the violence in Benghazi and the heroism of the Global Response Staff (GRS), has a straightforward common-sense message. Instead, reporters like Ann Hornaday of The Washington Post see fit to mock that heroism, and even suggest that President Obama’s latest appeasement to Iran deserves equal Hollywood fame.

“But, as Secretary of State John F. Kerry secured the release of American prisoners in Iran just hours after ‘13 Hours’ opened, the movie’s simplistic, shooting-good-talking-bad moral scheme began to ring impressively false,” arguesHornaday. “Maybe one day, State Department envoy Brett McGurk, who led the team that negotiated the release, will get his own big-screen blockbuster, even if it doesn’t feature prominent biceps, heavy ordnance and a careening SUV with its wheels on fire.”

A key message of 13 Hours, and the Benghazi scandal, is that the GRS’s gun-toting heroism wouldn’t have been necessary if President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hadn’t been derelict in their duty to secure the U.S. Special Mission Compound beforehand, or to provide military support to the Americans once the shooting started.

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French Reporters Stunned At Obama’s Ignorance: “He is an Ass*ole! An Ass*ole!”


DC Whispers

Obama Just Said The Most Stunningly Idiotic Thing EVER.

Now it appears some among the Climate Summit’s host-nation French media were just as outraged by Barack Obama’s glaringly ignorant commentary regarding how mass shootings only happen in the United States – and said those words while standing on a stage in Paris less than two weeks after that city saw hundreds of its citizens gunned down and blown up by Muslim terrorists in a mass shooting attack.


“The president appeared tired, bored, and then made comments that had some reporters glancing at one another as if to say, “Did he really just say that?”

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