Obama Will Be Laughing All the Way to the Bank When Our Cities Burn as the Result of His Policies..

Free Republic

Did you know that the number of illegal immigrants that enter Texas each week is greater than the number of babies being born to citizens of that state? The mainstream media is shining the spotlight very brightly on all of the children that are coming over, and there is a reason for that. They are trying to tug on our heartstrings. But there is another part of the story that you aren’t hearing much about. By refusing to protect our borders, Barack Obama has allowed hundreds of thousands of gang members to illegally enter the United States and settle in our major cities. In many communities, gang activity is already wildly out of control, and someday our cities will burn because of the foolishness of the federal government.

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Al Qaeda Targeting U.S. Infrastructure for Digital 9/11

Free Beacon

ASPEN, Colo.—Al Qaeda, nation states, and criminals are preparing for major cyber attacks against U.S. infrastructure that could be comparable to the devastating September 11 attacks on New York and Washington, a senior Justice Department official said on Thursday.

“We’re in a pre-9/11 moment, in some respects, with cyber,” said John Carlin, assistant attorney general for national security in the Justice Department.

Carlin also said during remarks at a security conference that China’s government dared the Obama administration to provide court-level evidence of Chinese military hacking against the United States.

The dare resulted in the May 1 indictment of five members of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) hacking group known as Unit 63198, he said.

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Obama rewarding terror

American Thinker

Hamas builds tunnels and rockets to kidnap and kill Jews, has a charter that calls for the killing of all Jews wherever they live, launches missile attacks against Israelis, uses UNWRA facilities to hide rockets, spreads anti-Semitism and claims of war crimes against Israel, has become unpopular in Gaza, and is losing support in Egypt and the Arab world.  And now the US wants to reward and rescue them with a vast influx of money? They will use that time and money to develop more accurate and deadly missiles, etc. Rewarding murder is what this amounts to. The Wall Street Journal reports on Obama’s latest tactic to strengthen adversaries of our allies.


New Push To Lure Hamas Into Truce

Washington, Allies Try to Assure Hamas its Economic Demands Will be Addressed

The Obama administration, Israel and other Middle East allies are refashioning an Egyptian cease-fire proposal to assure Hamas that Gaza’s economic interests would be addressed if the Islamist group stops rocket attacks, senior U.S. and Arab officials said.

These diplomats outlined a two-stage plan as the 16th day of Israel’s military offensive brought intense fighting to southern Gaza, raising the Palestinian death toll to nearly 700 and the Israeli toll to 35 in a conflict in which Hamas’s military wing has shown surprising strength.

Under the plan, Israel and Hamas would agree to stop military operations in the coming days. And the U.S. and the international community would then move quickly to begin talks on a longer-term recovery program for the impoverished coastal enclave.

Secretary of State John Kerry outlined the emerging proposal during more than two hours of discussions with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Wednesday and a separate hourlong meeting with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank. U.S. officials said they expect Mr. Kerry to remain in the region until the weekend.

While Obama leads from behind or tells the rest of the world to drop dead, he can sure rouse himself from his frivolous partying to squeeze and weaken Israel.  Leading from the front only for Hamas.


Why Obama fails and succeeds


Family Security Matters

Barack Obama fails because of the content of his character. He is amoral, lacking an ability to judge himself or his actions by any value or virtue. In his mind, Obama is good not because he is honest or wise; Obama is good because he is Obama. The implicit pattern of all his self-appraisals is: “It’s good because I like it”-“It’s right because I did it”-“It’s true because I want it to be true.”

It is not an expression of accomplishment, pride or self-esteem, but reveals the presence of a vacuum; a stagnant, arrested mentality matching his faith in the stagnant, arrested policies of modern American far-left liberalism.

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