White House Hid Huge Spike Of Families Crossing Border

The Daily Caller

New data shows the White House has painted a false picture of the Central American migration by hiding a huge spike in “family units” who are illegally crossing the Texas border.

The data, which was dumped by the U.S. border patrol late Friday afternoon, shows that inflow of youths and children traveling without parents has doubled since 2013, to 57,525 in the nine months up to July 2014.

But the number of migrants who cross the border in so-called “family units” has spiked five-fold to 55,420, according to the border patrol’s data, which came out amid a storm of news about the shoot-down of a Malaysian aircraft in Ukraine, delays in failed U.S. nuke talks with Iran, and on Hamas’ continued war against Israel.

In the Rio Grande area where most of the migrants are crossing the border, the number of so-called “unaccompanied children” was actually outnumbered by the inflow by adults, parents and children in “family units,” according to the data.

The much-faster growth in “family units” has been hidden by White House and agency officials, who have tried to portray the influx as a wave of children fleeing abuse and violence.

Top officials, such as Jeh Johnson, the secretary of Homeland Security, has explained the influx as a child migration, and justified the government’s welcoming response as acting “in the best interests of the children.” That portrayal has been picked up and spread by Democratic legislators, reporters and bloggers — such as Greg Sargent at The Washington Post and Rachel Lienesch at the Huffington Post – to help mute the public’s growing anger at the Democrats’ failure to guard the border.

However. that effort has largely failed. Most of the unaccompanied youths say they’re aged 14 to 17, and many are seeking jobs. Also, multiple polls shows the majority of Americans — and near-majorities of Latin-Americans — blame Obama for the breakdown. A July Gallup poll shows that the crisis has prompted Americans to identify it as the nation’s leading problem.

Convert, pay tax, or die, Islamic State warns Christians

Resist Tyranny

islamIslamist insurgents have issued an ultimatum to northern Iraq’s dwindling Christian population to either convert to Islam, pay a religious levy or face death, according to a statement distributed in the militant-controlled city of Mosul.

The statement issued by the Islamic State, the al Qaeda offshoot which led last month’s lightning assault to capture swathes of north Iraq, said the ruling would come into effect on Saturday.

It said Christians who wanted to remain in the caliphate that the Islamic State declared this month in parts of Iraq and Syria must agree to abide by terms of a dhimma contract – a historic practice under which non-Muslims were protected in Muslim lands in return for a special levy known as jizya.

Read more:http://news.yahoo.com/convert-pay-tax-die-islamic-state-warns-christians-181415698–business.html

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Charles Krauthammer Says Americans Now Have the ‘Smoking Document’ in Benghazi Scandal

The Blaze

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Tuesday said the American people have the “smoking document” that proves the Obama administration took part in a cover up in the aftermath of the deadly Benghazi terrorist attacks.

Judicial Watch has released newly declassified emails that suggest top-ranking Obama administration officials coordinated in 2012 to make it appear that the deadly attacks on the U.S. facilities in Libya were sparked by an “Internet video” and not “a broader failure or policy.”

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Obama Signs Executive Order Banning AK-47s(Shutting Down Russian Imports)

Free Republic

On Wednesday—a day before the Malaysian airliner was shot down—President Obama quietly signed an executive order targeting Russian oil, natural gas, finance and defense companies. Hidden in the details, was a section that effectively bans AK-47s. As always, the devil is in the details, so read on for the straight scoop.

While signing an executive order to impose new sanctions on Russia, President Obama used his pen to also further his agenda of gun control by including a ban of parts used to build or repair Russian AK-47s. That is the headline and certainly bad news for the gun community. The order immediately will have an effect on Concern Kalashnikov.

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Be on the lookout for this red ’51 Chevy…


The United States Border Patrol is asking everyone to keep on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy. They suspect this car is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico and into points along the U.S. border. If you see the vehicle pictured below and have reason to believe that it is the suspect vehicle, you are urged to contact your local police department or the U.S. Border Patrol.


Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 750 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.

Dan from Squirrel Hill's Blog

By Dan from Squirrel Hill

Posted on August 15, 2013. Updated on July 19, 2014.

As the author of this blog post, I place it into the public domain. Anyone may freely copy it in any part or in its entirely, without asking my permission, and without paying any money. I do ask you please cite a link to http://danfromsquirrelhill.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/obama-252/

I ask you to please show this list to as many people as possible – and especially, to please show it to as many Obama supporters as possible. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant. I can’t stop Obama from doing any of these horrible things, but I can tell people about what he is doing. So please share this list with others on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you. The short link for this is http://tinyurl.com/ku9vxug

Every President, every politician, and every human being tells lies and engages in acts of…

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Legalized, Not Prosecuted: Illegal Alien Who Stole Identity of Dead SSI-Collecting Baby Son


(CNSNews.com) – The U.S. government not only failed to prosecute an illegal alien who stole the identity of his dead baby son—who had collected SSI before he died—but granted the father legal status to work in the United States. 

This one-time illegal alien, the Office of Inspector General for the Social Security Administration believes, fraudulently used his son’s Social Security Number for at least three years.

Yet, he was not prosecuted, according to the IG’s office, because his case did not meet the prosecutorial guidelines of the U.S. attorney for New Jersey.


In fact, this case might never have come to light had the IG not launched an audit aimed at uncovering the misuse of children’s Social Security Numbers.

The IG’s office issued its report on this audit–which covered tax years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010–this March.

One of its findings was that there were 365 dead children whose SSNs reportedly earned wages during the four years audited. “In three cases,” the IG determined, “the earnings were legitimate and earned by child actors who had died.”

But in the other 362 cases, people had misused the SSNs of dead children.

On their face, Social Security records indicated that these 362 dead children had worked for 626 different employers over the four-year period covered by the audit and earned a collective $9 million.

“Of the 362 deceased children, 326 were under age 7 when the wages were earned,” said the report. “In fact, 24 of the children had died at birth.”

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DHS Source: TSA Lets Illegal Aliens Surpass Airport Security to Board Planes

Judicial Watch

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is allowing illegal immigrants go around airport security to catch planes without a photo identification required of all other passengers, a high-level DHS source tells Judicial Watch.

It appears to be part of an Obama administration plan to expedite the transfer of tens of thousands of Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC)—mostly from Central America—that have entered the country through Mexico in the last few months. They are mostly coming in through the Rio Grande Valley in Texas and authorities there are incredibly overwhelmed by the sudden influx.

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Hillary: The Real Alinsky Disciple – Improvements Made to the Original Design


Freedom Outpost

There are things throughout history that one can point to and say, “That changed everything.” Things like electricity, indoor plumbing and gunpowder.

Some we can point to as simply upgrades or improvements to the original design. Things like fuel injection, the self-contained rifle cartridge or Hot Shots Part Deux.

Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did the same with Saul Alinsky‘s teaching of community agitating.

Interestingly, as an aside, what is today called, by most everyone, community organizing, Alinsky called agitating. However, as the left often does, somewhere along the line, agitator was deemed too negative – too radical, so it magically became organizer. Who could be against organization?


To be more precise, Alinsky preached that an agitator’s job isn’t to organize, but to enter and already organized community, agitate to disorganize it and re-organize the community to better achieve the agitators goal.

I heard many commentators mention Alinsky and his 1971 book “Rules for Radicals” when describing the pitiful “Occupy Wall Street” spectacle from a couple years ago.

However, Alinsky would not have approved of the amalgamation of dirty hippies and ne’er-do-wells. He taught that true “revolutionaries” should not “flaunt their radicalism.” They should “cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.”

Is any of this sounding familiar?

Many think Hillary is somehow, like her husband, more moderate than Barack, but it was she who was a direct disciple of Alinsky.

So impressed was Alinsky with Hillary, that he offered her a job. She turned him down to go on to attend Yale Law School – but that wasn’t the only reason. Apparently, she had become convinced that, although she agreed with the Alinsky philosophy, she found his methods of local agitating to be not “large” enough.

I know Obama feels the same way. Many Alinsky disciples evidently feel the same way – that his local agitating and disorganizing philosophy can and should be played out on a grander, national scale.

Again, does this sound familiar?

How many times over the past five years – certainly since his reelection, have we heard that Obama wants to remake America? Look around and see how many government departments and agencies appear to be “dis-organized.”

Now, in his second term, I’m certain he feels no need to hold back. All there is left to do is decide what more he wants to dis-organize in order to re-organize or re-make.

Evidently, he has chosen immigration and an open border, and he and his cohorts are bringing all their button-down, clean cut radicalism to bear regarding it.

If things continue unabated, the only question that will remain is what America will look like after Obama’s reorganization and which hand-picked radical he will choose as his successor to carry on Alinsky’s vision.
Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2014/07/hillary-real-alinsky-disciple-improvements-made-original-design/#DwZZlKhGP0C9kfft.99


DOCTOR WARNS — US Schools Could Face HEALTH CRISIS as Illegal Immigrants Enter Classrooms This Fall

Gateway Pundit

Dr. Elaina George, an ear, nose, throat and chest specialist from Atlanta, told Charles Payne on FOX News today that the US could be facing a health crisis as the thousands of newly illegal children enter the classrooms this fall.

“There’s an example in Maryland, where parents got a letter from the school that there children had been exposed to an illegal child who had TB who was one of their classmates. So this fall it is potentially possible that these children entering the school systems could be carrying all sorts of things, diseases that are not on the radar.

