Obama’s ineligibility: Prepare to defend America – Death of the Democratic Party


When this episode in the American saga is written, historians will note that Barack Obama did not kill the Democratic Party; he was merely the murder weapon.

Right Bias

Right Bias

He represents the Democrats’ suicide cocktail of hubris and a tyrannical lust for power, the arrogance of thinking themselves above the law.

American politicians and journalists have degenerated so far that it is now possible for a President of the United States to present a clearly forged document on national television and no one blinks an eye.

We have an illegal President, a Congress that tolerates criminal acts, and an intentionally impotent judiciary.

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Is Your IRA Going To Be Raided?

American Thinker

The notion of government raiding personal retirement accounts for funds may seem extreme.  Perhaps it shouldn’t.  Other governments have done it.  Argentina did in 2008.  Ireland has indicated it might.  The worsening financial crisis may eventually move other countries in that direction.

Surely the US would never do so.

Actually, there is little basis for assuming they would not and factual evidence they would.  Here are three good reasons to believe they would:

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