A government that is ‘at war’ with its own people

The United States has finally reached a pinnacle where the radical-left are cheering. With the complete domination of main-stream media, education, welfare, the unions and the Democratic Party we now have a group of liberal socialists that have moved from subliminal attack against humanity to full frontal assault against all people who stand in their way. Their final conquest was the United States government with its ability to tax, control, ruin and, in general, subvert the Constitution. Did the people in this country see it coming? Apparently not soon enough!

MarchAre these radicals destined for immortality? Absolutely NOT! Socialism never works. The reason it doesn’t work is it attacks God, freedom, life and productivity. Radical socialism is economically unstable. It relies on others to pay for their chosen menu of goods and services. Those that pay for “promised” services rarely see the fruits of their investment. If you pay for health care and die without treatment, what good is the service? If we pay for services that are freely distributed to those that don’t earn or have the right to such services, what incentive is left for the working class to continue to finance the freeloaders?

One of my favorite sayings is, “give a man a fish and he eats for a day.. teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” In the United States today we are giving people the “fish” so government can eat for a lifetime. Government buys protection, power, votes and control by handing out the goodies. The problem with the radical-left is they are greedy. The minute they see free money they often decide to keep it. How much TARP money actually went to the health, welfare and support of the people? Not much! Yet big government-controlled corporations, unions, organizations and politicians saw plenty. How many more TARP programs will be needed to redistribute the wealth to these communistic groups and organizations? Let’s see, we have Obamacare, Cap and Trade, Global Warming, Amnesty and whatever else these hedonists can think of.

When will radical socialism finally die in the Unites States? When we get back to the basics where man places God, family and freedom first! Remember, it took us 60 to 70 years to reach the state we are in. It may take many years to rid ourselves of the evil that is now part of our daily lives. History does repeat itself. What goes up, must come down. Men that plot against humanity for their own personal gain never survive. Evil is evil, pure and simple. In the long run, evil will fail.

In the mean time we cannot rest on our laurels and continue to go along with the status quo.

There are many things we can do to combat evil people and corrupt government.

    1) Find God. He has the answers. God can and will crush evil. Don’t believe me? Look around! Those that have turned away from God are lost souls. Now, many of you might say that is an arrogant statement. As a man who personally knows God, I can tell you there is nothing arrogant about it. When you get to the point where you have no where else to turn, turn to God, he can and will help those that believe and seek the truth.2) Respect and support your family. Quit making excuses and running from your reponsiblities as a head of the household. When the family fails, evil prevails.3) Quit supporting with money those that seek to harm you or your family. If you know of a corporation, union, politician or organization that openly supports corruption, stop sending them money. Stop buying their goods and services. Stop working for companies that support a corrupt society. The radical-left is afraid of one thing, failing. Without money or support, they will fail.

    4) Get involved with church, civic, patriotic, business or community groups that openly and willingly speak out against radicals. Don’t join groups that are afraid to speak out or take action. Being politically correct these days means nothing. Evil will never be defeated by those that continue to “sit on the sidelines.”

    5) Get behind and support the military, oath keepers and law enforcement officials in your community. Contrary to popular belief, we still have a “all-volunteer” army, many retired military people and “elected” peace officers in this country who will fight for us. Most military employees, soldiers and families don’t like what is happening to our country — they deserve every ounce of support you can give them.

    6) Don’t trade security for freedom. I know this sounds easy to say but difficult to follow. When the “nanny” arrives and promises you health and welfare, remember what you are really getting in return. If you are no longer free, security soon becomes meaningless.

Look at the positives. Communism has reared its ugly head in America but is fast approaching a meltdown. Obama has become the most unpopular president in the shortest time possible. Nobody but the hard-left will continue to follow this man. Government leaders, politicians, judges, administrators and media who support hard-left policies are now thought of as people who openly subvert the Constitution, freedom and our American way of life. The Democrats, unions and community organizers are now fighting amongst themselves for power and control. The money machine that finances all of this corruption is now insolvent. How many more months or years do you think this government can survive if productivity and earnings continue to fall? An economic depression sounds like a terrible thing but such a happening will be the death blow to radical government. When the promises run out and the realities set in, government can only feed off of itself for so long. Once the taxpayer can no longer afford to feed the beast, it will die.

Many say that depression, anguish, failure and strife is just what the communists want? The supporters of communism say that once we reach a state where socialism is more attractive than starvation they will win. I say that is total propaganda. Make no doubt about it, the government as we know it today is at war with is own people. Fortunately, that war will fail when the people finally wake up and realize that the radical-left cannot deliver on its promises of glory. The hard-left lives in a dream world of utopia and fantasy, a place where evil and sin thrive. The majority of us live in a world of reality.

Keep the faith and continue to believe that good will prevail. As long as we have hope we will survive as a people and a Nation. The enemy may try everything in their power to silence us but they cannot take our souls unless we allow them to. Think about everything America has accomplished in the past 250 years that is good, honorable and loved. America is truly the “beacon of freedom” that is known the world over. The radical-left hates America for that reason. We, on the other hand, love freedom and all it stands for. Remember, love defeats hate every time. The next time some radical-left liberal laughs about winning a battle know in your heart he can never win the war. There are too many of us and not enough of him to ever defeat freedom.

God Bless America. God Bless our people!

Thanks for stopping by,

Bob Campbell
American Grand Jury

Harry Reid Is NOT God; and Neither Is Obama

Canada Free Press

By Jerry McConnell  Saturday, December 19, 2009

imageWho in God’s name gave Senator Harry Reid, liberal D-NV the power and the authority to just freely dole out the money that ALL America’s citizens have paid in taxes to the federal government?  How DARE that measly microchip of a person take MY money and tell the entire state of Nebraska that it will get many, many EXTRA billions of dollars for their Medicaid from now to eternity?

Someone in authority should obtain a warrant for his arrest and charge him with Grand Theft – Taxpayer’s Money.  He hasn’t got the authority to just GIVE AWAY the money that hard working citizens of these United States have had and will have to pay in taxes in accordance with laws written by the same gang of which Reid is a part: the unconscionable, untrustworthy and utterly dishonest United States Senate.

WHO MADE HIM GOD?  I’m surprised Obama isn’t complaining as I’m sure HE feels that HE is GOD, not Harry Reid.  The only perceivable reason why Obama hasn’t complained is because HE probably ordered Reid to do it in order to BUY the vote of one Senator named Nelson from the State ofNebraska, a state that will live in infamy and shame among its fellow states due to the Judas-like actions of that Senator.

Nelson further aggravated his position by insisting that this was just to make sure the bill would not have a provision that would pay government funds for abortions on demand and only caved when assured that the provision would NOT appear in the final version of the bill.

But if that was the case, why was the additional, and very heavy sweetener, of full Medicaid payments for eternity to Nebraska made part of Nelson’s quisling/Judas payoff for turning his back on the large majority of American citizens who oppose the Senate health care bill?

The American public should have some recourse to actions of this nature that border on treason or outright failure to command within the limits of the Constitution.  I would hope and expect that at least ONE of our ultra conservative Senators would immediately submit legislation allowing a recall of any person elected to either house of Congress who violates his oath to uphold the Constitution.

This traitorous conduct is condemned by any thinking and believing American citizen, and this is one that asks for the ultimate penalty of the perpetrators, Reid and Nelson in this case, expulsion.

Come on America; join me in this or we’ll never be the same country again.

Andy Martin is interviewed for over 1-1/2 hours by NBC News

Dec 19, 2009

PR Inside

Andy says as “America’s Senator” he will never forget the victims of 9/11, never forget the families of 9/11 and never abandon the search to find and kill Osama bin Laden

Martin plans to open the National Conference with a dramatic prayer overlooking the World Trade Center, and a pledge to bar Obama from abandoning the search for bin Laden in 2011

(NEW YORK)(December 18, 2009) Illinois U. S. Senate candidate and Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin returned to network television Thursday with a searching interview by NBC News. “I could not believe they asked questions for over 1-1/2 hours Martin said. “I don’t know how much they will use in their broadcast. But they were very prepared. There was a dark room with bright lights. It was ‘Mike Wallace noir They kept asking questions for over 1-1/2 hours with no break.

“We answered all of them.

“Only a few days ago a New York Times magazine writer suggested my forty-year career as a broadcaster and reformer/crusader against political corruption was over. I guess the Times was wrong, again. There are not many people on the national media stage with the experience and guts to stand up to and challenge Barack Obama. I am one of them.

“Friday we open a two-day conference in New York City on the ‘Mysterious Mr. Obama We will be conducting the historic National Conference at the World Trade Center from a suite on the 52nd floor of the Millenium Hilton overlooking Ground Zero.

“And we will begin the conference with a dramatic reaffirmation of my commitment to the victims of 9/11, their families and my pledge to the American people.

“As a U. S. Senator I will obviously and diligently attend to my duties to serve the daily needs of Illinois citizens. But as ‘America’s Senator I will never ever allow Barack Obama to withdraw American forces from Afghanistan/Pakistan until we capture Osama bin Laden and his associates.

“There is no substitute for victory.

“Barack Obama’s defeatist strategy is to set arbitrary time limits on our participation in the search for bin Laden. Obama’s approach is an outrageous manipulation and capitulation to terrorism abroad and liberalism here at home. As United States Senator I will fight to keep the CIA and U. S. Army in Afghanistan and Pakistan until we capture bin Laden and destroy her terror network. I will not allow Obama to impose arbitrary limits on pursuit of bin Laden in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

“Interestingly, our conference was scheduled before Obama’s ‘capitulation’ speech at West Point, in which he promised to start withdrawing the U. S. military from Afghanistan before the start of the 2012 Democratic Party primary election season in the summer of 2011.

“Obama traveled to Pakistan as a young student. He says his family was poor. He does not appear to have had jobs while in college. Where did the money come from for Obama to travel around the world to Pakistan as a college student? Who paid? Obama refuses to answer.

“Obama refuses to release his original, typewritten 1961 birth certificate; he has only issued a laser-printed sheet from a Hawai’i state database. He refuses to release his Occidental College records, his Columbia University records and his Harvard Law School records.

“The documents we are seeking are the original source material of American history. Whether you love or hate Obama, he is now an important figure in American history. Documents related to him and his early life are part of our national archives, especially when, for example, his mysterious trip to Pakistan as a college student could shed light on his latest policy revisions concerning Pakistan and Afghanistan. What is Obama trying to cover up in his past? What happened in Pakistan when he went there as a student, who paid for him to go there, and why was he there at a time of internal upheaval in that nation?

“We will explore those questions and many others at our National Conference on Barack Obama’s Missing Birth Certificate, beginning December 18th at the New York Millenium Hilton (World Trade Center)

“In 2008, I drew blood from Obama when I exposed his radical plan to undermine America. Everything I predicted then Obama is doing now:


“Our National Conference will explore the ‘Secret Life of Barry (Barack) Obama, who traveled to Pakistan as a college student while claiming to be impoverished Martin states. “Now he wants to withdraw American forces from searching for Osama bin Laden in that country. Is there a link

Readers of Obama: The Man Behind The Mask, say the book is still the only gold standard and practical handbook on Barack Obama’s unfitness for the presidency. Buy it. Book orders: Amazon.com or OrangeStatePress.com. Immediate shipment

from Amazon.com or signed copies (delayed for signing) from the publisher are available.

URGENT APPEAL: The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama raises money to oppose President Barack Obama’s radical agenda and also to support http://www.BoycottHawaii.com.
Please give generously. Our ability to fight and defeat Barack Obama’s political agenda is directly dependent on the generosity of every American.
“The Committee of One Million to Defeat Barack Obama has no bundlers, no fat cats and no illegal contributions. Obama is opposed to almost everything America stands for,” says Executive Director Andy Martin. “But while Obama has raised a billion dollar slush fund, his opponents lack sufficient resources. Americans can either contribute now, or pay later. If we do not succeed, Obama will.”

Andy Martin is a legendary Chicago muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of broadcasting background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He is currently promoting his best-selling book, Obama: The Man Behind The Mask and producing the new Internet movie “Obama: The Hawai’i years.” Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of http://www.ContrarianCommentary.com.

Martin comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of experience. He has over forty years of experience in Asia and the Middle East, and is regarded overseas as America’s most respected independent foreign policy, military and intelligence analyst. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College

of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York


Where’s the Lockerbie Bomber?

Dec. 18, 2009

The American Thinker

By Jane Jamison

The world’s astonishment and anger has barely subsided in the past four months since the abrupt release from Scottish prison of the “Lockerbie bomber.”   It hardly seems possible this ham-handed mishandling of justice could get any worse, but now, the only man ever to be convicted for the deaths of 270 people aboard Pan Am #103 … has gone missing?

The London Times reports Abdel Baset al-Megrahi cannot be found in his home in Tripoli, in the nearby hospital, or by telephone.
Under the terms of his release from jail, the bomber cannot change his address or leave Tripoli, and must keep in regular communication with East Renfrewshire Council.
Al-Megrahi was convicted in 2001 of helping to plan and orchestrate the taking part in the 1988 bombing in which the airliner exploded over Scotland after take-off.   All 259 people aboard and 11 on the ground died when the flaming wreckage fell on Lockerbie, Scotland.   Many of the passengers were Americans returning home for the holidays.
When Al-Megrahi was only seven years into his life sentence, a Scottish Justice secretary decided that Al-Megrahi was “near death” from terminal prostate cancer, and on humanitarian grounds, should be allowed to return home to die in Libya.
The families of the 190 American victims were understandably outraged.  Exacerbating the hurt, Al-Megrahi had hobbled and hunched out of Scotland with a mask over his face.   As the smiling terrorist stepped off the plane, he was walking upright, had changed into a very natty Western-style gray suit and red tie, and gave Libyan strongman Muammar Khadafy a vigorous bear hug.  Oh, to be a bug on the lapel to hear what he told Momo.
President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said the release of a convicted terrorist was “highly objectionable” and a “mistake.” British officials later insisted that both the president and the Secretary were kept apprised of all negotiations and apparently had done nothing to protest or intervene on behalf of the United States or the American victims’ families.
There has been one very odd photo opportunity, arranged by the Libyan government, where Al-Megrahi appeared to be gargling his last in the hospital. A reporter thought it odd that platters of food were served to the room as he left.
The deal just kept getting dirtier after the big “coming-home” party.  Muammar Khadafy’s son confirmed that Al-Megrahi’s release was part of an overall trade to resume trade and exchange prisoners.  British Justice Secretary Jack Straw admitted the deal to give up Al-Megrahi was signed in 2007, and six weeks later, British Petroleum closed a $24 billion contract with Libya.  Three cancer doctors admitted they were paid by the Libyan government to give their patient a very “helpful” short life expectancy of only three months, which allowed the immediate release on “humanitarian” grounds.
The surreal horror of what happened in Lockerbie twenty years ago is a grainy memory for most people, if it’s remembered at all.  Emergency personnel and forensics experts said the bomb in the cargo hold ripped the plane apart, pressure expanded and then collapsed the passengers’ lungs, and they took two minutes to fall to earth. Many did not die a merciful immediate death. There were 147 who were still alive after the bomb blast, one worker found a passenger who was clutching a handful of grass.
The Lockerbie villagers spent many traumatic days unable to move the dead bodies on their streets, draped over their porch railings or in their gardens, as the investigation was conducted.
What happened to real people who were members of real families apparently doesn’t matter in the case of Pan Am #103.  It’s all about Muammar Khadafy the terrorist literally getting away with murder only to rehabilitate his prestige and profitability.
The London Times broke the full story in 2004, that the Lockerbie bombing 14 years before was schemed by Muammar Khadafy in 1988 after he botched a 1986 attempt to hijack an American plane and blow it up over Israel. That plot was seeking revenge for the air raid President Reagan had ordered on Khadafy’s home a few months before.  Khadafy’s baby daughter was killed.  Reagan was retaliating for a Libyan bombing of a Berlin discothèque in which two American soldiers were killed.
Thus, the bodies of the Lockerbie crash victims, and that of  their convicted murderer have always been the bargaining chips which Muammar Khadafy crafted  to return himself to “good standing” on the world stage.  Libya was sanctioned by the U. N. in 1992 and marginalized for getting caught red-handed in Lockerbie and other terrorist acts.  The deal to renew trade with the West was for Libya to pay $2.7 billion to the Pan Am victims’ families, cease all development of nuclear weapons.  U.N. trade approval was granted, and Libya was removed from the U.S. state-sponsored terror list.
In the past year, Libya’s dictator has begun stepping out and living large.  A glitzy $5 billion “Smart City” is being built outside Tripoli for the oil company executive offices. International contractors are building a new airport, and the capitol city’s downtown has major projects underway.
The gnarly-nose strongman is so emboldened now that he could walk right onto U.S. soil for the first time ever this fall without fear of being arrested for murder.  Muammar Khadafy pitched his Bedouin tents and harem on one of “the Donald’s” (Trump) back lots.  He strutted into New York looking like bad-hair Sgt. Pepper wearing 1970’s bordello curtains. He loony-lectured the United Nations for 98 minutes on such topics as: abolishing Switzerland because the Swiss arrested one of his sons for domestic abuse, reinvestigating JFK’s assassination and moving the U.N. somewhere closer so he won’t get jet-lagged.
Oh, and Barack Obama shook his hand!
With the blood of 270 Pan Am passengers on his hands, and billions of oil-bucks, Muammar Khadafy is back, badder than ever, because people on both sides of the pond let him get away with murder.
Not that any of them care, but where is the Lockerbie bomber?  Turns out, the Times’ reporter is the one who discovered him missing, not the Scots or the Libyans.
Richard Baker, Labour’s justice spokesman in the Scottish Parliament, said the whole affair was turning into a shambles and putting Scotland’s reputation at risk. “This flags up just how ludicrous it is that East Renfrewshire Council, a local council thousands of miles away from Libya, is responsible for supervising al-Megrahi’s conditions of licence,” he said.
Shame on all of you.

A Letter to Secretary of Defense Gates Re.: Lectures on Islam at Fort Hood

Dec. 18, 2009
Family Security Matters
The Honorable Robert Gates
Secretary of Defense
The Pentagon
Washington, D.C.
Dear Secretary Gates:
It has come to our attention that the Department of Defense has invited Louay Safi, a top official at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to give lectures on Islam to our troops at Fort Hood. If this is indeed true, we respectfully request that you end this practice.
According to the Justice Department, ISNA is a prominent member of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization with a network of known and suspected Islamic terrorist organizations spread throughout the world. The Brotherhood and its partner organizations regularly espouse violent jihad and anti-Semitism.
More specifically, ISNA was identified by the Justice Department at the successful Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing conspiracy trial as an unindicted co-conspirator. Literature distributed by ISNA at its annual convention in Washington in July featured books and pamphlets portraying prosecution of terrorist and terror-supporters as “anti-Muslim bigotry;” revisionist history that denied Arab and Palestinian terrorist attacks against Israel; and anti-Semitic tracts.
Safi himself has been connected to an entity called the “Safa Group.” Search warrants executed in 2002 were supported by an affidavit alleging its involvement in moving large sums of money to terrorist fronts. He was also caught on a 1995 FBI wiretap of Sami al-Arian. Safi was concerned that an executive order, issued by President Clinton prohibiting financial transactions with terrorist organizations, would negatively affect al-Arian. In April 2006, al-Arian pled guilty to a charge of conspiring to provide services to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad – a specially designated terrorist organization.
The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words to “a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands.” What better way to carry out its plans to “sabotage” our efforts than to have one of its own invited to lecture on Islam to the very troops called to defend this country against those the Brotherhood supports. We ask that you immediately stop any lecturing by Louay Safi or ISNA affiliated speakers.
W. Todd Akin                                            Sue Myrick
Member of Congress                              Member of Congress
Trent Franks                                              Todd Tiarht
Member of Congress                               Member of Congress
Cathy McMorris Rodgers                        Jeff Miller
Member of Congress                              Member of Congress
Phil Gingrey                                             Paul C. Broun
Member of Congress                             Member of Congress
Rodney Alexander                                 Steve King
Member of Congress                            Member of Congress
Kenny Marchant                                     John B. Shadegg
Member of Congress                             Member of Congress
Ralph M. Hall
Member of Congress
Brought to you by the editors and research staff of FamilySecurityMatters.org.

Wolf presses for new Black Panther probe

The Washington Times

By Jerry Seper

A senior House Republican on Thursday introduced a “resolution of inquiry” that would require the House Judiciary Committee to seek answers on why the Justice Department dismissed a civil complaint against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in last year’s elections.

Rep. Frank R. Wolf of Virginia also said he had language inserted in the Justice Department’s annual spending bill requiring that its Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) provide to the House Appropriations Committee the results of OPR’s investigation surrounding the dismissal of the case.

Mr. Wolf, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee’s commerce, justice and science subcommittee, and Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, requested an investigation into the case earlier this year.

Under House rules, committees must take action on resolutions of inquiry within 14 legislative days. Mr. Wolfs resolution directs Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to provide Congress with “all information” relating to the decision to dismiss the case. The committee must hold a straight yea-or-nay vote on the resolution.

Mr. Wolf said he has written the attorney general six times seeking answers concerning the handling of the New Black Panther case and has yet to receive an answer.

“I regret that Congress must resort to oversight resolutions as a means to receive information about the dismissal of this case, but the Congress and the American people have a right to know why this case was not prosecuted,” he said.

In August, Mary Patrice Brown, acting OPR counsel, said she had “initiated an inquiry into the matter.”

The office, which investigates accusations of wrongdoing involving Justice Department attorneys, has said it would share the results of its inquiry with the lawmakers when it is completed.

Career lawyers in the Justice Department’s Voting Section filed the civil complaint in U.S. District Court in Philadelphia in January, accusing two New Black Panther members who were dressed in black berets, black combat boots, black shirts and black jackets with military insignias of intimidating voters with racial insults, slurs and a nightstick.

A third party member was accused of directing and endorsing their behavior. The incident was captured on videotape and gained national attention after it was shown on YouTube.com

Along with the party, also named were Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, a D.C. lawyer; Minister King Samir Shabazz, head of the Philadelphia chapter who was accused of wielding the nightstick; and Jerry Jackson, a Philadelphia party member.

Justice later sought an injunction against Mr. Samir Shabazz, who carried the nightstick, barring him from displaying weapons at polling places until 2012.

In a statement introducing the resolution of inquiry, Mr. Wolf said the case had been “inexplicably dismissed” over the ardent objections of the career attorneys who oversaw it as well as the Justice Departments own appeals office.

“Time and again over the last year, the department has stonewalled any effort to learn about the decision to dismiss this case,” he said, noting that not only had Congress been unsuccessful in getting any information but the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights had repeatedly failed in its attempt to seek testimony and documents.

“I urge the House Judiciary Committee to report this resolution out favorably and to demand that the attorney general answer the questions surrounding this case,” he said. “It is imperative that we protect the right of all Americans to vote – the sacrosanct and inalienable right of any democracy.”

Islamic mosque built at NYC Ground Zero

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Wreckage from plane that hit the twin towers fell on the same building that may serve as an Islamic cultural center.

A new Islamic mosque will open its doors just steps from Ground Zero where Muslim terrorists murdered 2,751 people in the name of Allah on Sept. 11, 2001 – and its leading imam, who conducts sensitivity training sessions for the FBI, has reportedly blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians.

The five-story building at Park Place, just two blocks north of the former World Trade Center site, was the site of a Burlington Coat Factory. But a plane’s landing-gear assembly crashed through the roof on the day 19 Muslim terrorists hijacked the airliners and flew them into the Twin Towers in 2001.

Now Muslim worshippers currently occupy the building, and they plan to turn it into a major Islamic cultural center.

“The men and women stand up, raise their hands on either side of their head, murmur ‘Allahu akhbar,’ bow and kneel again,” reports Spiegel Online.

“Only in New York City is this possible,” Daisy Khan, executive director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, or ASMA, told the magazine. Khan is the wife of Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, founder of ASMA.

They have leased the new prayer space as an overflow building for another mosque, Masjid al-Farah, at 245 West Broadway in TriBeCa, where Rauf is the spiritual leader.

Get “Why We Left Islam” now from the people who published it – WND Books.

The building – vacant since that fateful day when time stood still as millions of Americans grieved the loss of loved ones, friends, family members, co-workers and strangers – was purchased in July by real-estate company Soho Properties, a business run by Muslims. Rauf was an investor in that transaction.

Just down the street, the Museum of Jewish Heritage honors victims of the Holocaust, and St. Peter’s Church, New York’s oldest Catholic house of worship, is located around the corner.

Rauf has announced his plans to turn the building into a complete Islamic cultural center, with a mosque, a museum, “merchandising options,” and room for seminars to reconcile religions, “to counteract the backlash against Muslims in general, ” Speigel reports. The project may cost as much as $150 million.

Rauf told the New York Times purchasing the building “where a piece of the wreckage fell sends the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.”

“It was almost obvious that something like this had to arise from the ashes of 9/11,” Khan told Spiegel. “In some way, this has the hand of the divine written over it. It’s almost as if God wanted to be involved.”

(Story continues below)

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Feisal Abdul Rauf

The move is supported by the city. The mayor’s director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs, Fatima Shama, told the Times, “We as New York Muslims have as much of a commitment to rebuilding New York as anybody.”

The city’s Department of Buildings records show the building has been the focus of complaints for illegal construction and blocked exits in the last year. Recent entries from Sept. 28 and 29, 2009, indicate inspectors have been unable to access the building. One complaint states, “Inspector unable to gain access – 1st attempt – No access to 5 sty building. Front locked. No responsible party present.” The second, just a day later, states, “Inspector unable to gain access – 2nd attempt – no access to building. No activity or responsible party. Building remains inaccessible at Park Place.”

Agency spokeswoman Carly Sullivan told the Times the complaints were listed as “resolved” under city procedures since the inspectors were unable to gain access.

Imam Rauf, born in Egypt, has written three books: “What’s Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West,” “Islam: A Sacred Law” and “Islam: A Search for Meaning.”

WND reported in 2003 when, at least four times that year, the FBI’s New York field office held all-day sensitivity training sessions, not far from Ground Zero, featuring Rauf.

Speaking for about two hours each session, “he gave an overview of Islamic culture and some of the differences between what fundamentalist terrorist groups say are the teachings of the Quran and what he believes, as a student of religion, the Quran actually says,” said special agent James Margolin, spokesman for the FBI New York office.

Rauf asserted that the Quran “certainly doesn’t counsel terrorism, murder or mayhem,” Margolin said. And he said terrorists have misinterpreted the Quranic term “jihad” to mean violent, or armed, struggle against nonbelievers. Rauf claims it means internal struggle.

Rauf was invited to speak in Sydney, Australia, by Premier Bob Carr in 2004. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, he said the U.S. and the West must acknowledge the harm they’ve done to Muslims before terrorism can end.

He said the West must understand the terrorists’ point of view – and he blamed Christians for starting mass attacks on civilians.

“The Islamic method of waging war is not to kill innocent civilians. But it was Christians in World War II who bombed civilians in Dresden and Hiroshima, neither of which were military targets,” he said.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf (center) poses in a photo with attendees at a 2006 Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. On the far left is Sultan Muhammad, communications coordinator for the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Chicago. (photo: CAIR Chicago)

According to the report, Rauf said there would be little progress until the U.S. acknowledged backing dictators and the U.S. president gave an “America Culpa” speech to the Muslim world.

On June 4, 2009, President Obama gave a speech to the Muslim world from Cairo, in which he stated:

I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles – principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings. … So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed. That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.

Rauf praised Obama for “embracing Islam in the peacemaking process” in his speech to the Muslim world. He wrote in the Washington Post:

The historic significance of President Obama’s speech to the Muslim world in Cairo cannot be overstated. Never before has an American president spoken to the global Muslim community. His speech marked a major shift in American foreign policy. … In just a few sentences he demolished the phony theory of the ‘Clash of Civilizations,’ which insists that Islam and the West must always be in conflict. Instead, he declared the United States is not at war with Islam and outlined a plan for how the conflict can be resolved. … He captured the attention of Muslims because, unlike most politicians, he was willing to critique both his own country and Muslims where they fell short of their ideals.

In an interview with Beliefnet on Islam and America, a reporter asked Rauf, “Some Islamic charities are being investigated for terrorist ties. Have you seen what you consider to be reputable Islamic charities being financially damaged?”

“We believe that a certain portion of every charity has been legitimate,” he responded. “To say that you have connections with terrorism is a very gray area. It’s like the accusation that Saddam Hussein had links to Osama bin Laden. Well, America had links to Osama bin Laden – does that mean that America is a terrorist country or has ties to terrorism?”

In 2004, Rauf participated in a 30-second advertisement, broadcast on Arabic television, in which he apologized for alleged abuses at Abu Ghraib prison.

The Times reported Rauf said he believes “Islamic terrorists do not come from another moral universe – that they arise from oppressive societies that he feels Washington had a hand in creating.”

Readers of various blogs are outraged at the news of the mosque. Comments include the following:

  • Muslims are doing this only to see if they get away with it. It’s the way Islam spreads in every country these days, like a cancer – through incremental totalitarianism. In this case, they’ll quietly open the mosque, then, as they get away with it, they’ll ramp up their outrages until someone finally points it out. At that time, their lawyers, backed by the ACLU and various liberal organizations, will pounce.
  • This is not different than allowing the Nazis to establish their headquarters and propaganda office in NYC in 1938. How come people could tell right from wrong then and not now?
  • What bonehead allowed this to happen?
  • That’s disgusting. That truly is low. I feel bad for the people who lost family members.
  • This is outrageous. I just don’t have word.
  • This is called “staging” for the KSM trial.
  • You’ve got to be kidding me. If this is true, our beloved country is already gone. We no longer have the America I know and love.
  • Who wants to bet this place becomes a “tourist attraction” for Muslims? This mosque will become one of Islam’s holiest shrines as it sits upon the site of their greatest modern military victory.
  • Good idea. Maybe terrorists will be less likely to bomb this area if there’s a mosque there.

Free the SEALs

Dec. 17, 2009

Red State

If you haven’t signed it yet, please consider signing the petition to free the Navy SEALs.

As you know, several SEALs are being courtmartialed after the capture of the terrorist mastermind of Fallujah. The guy got a bloody lip.

Please sign the petition. Join tens of thousands of other Americans in support of our finest.

Libs, they can’y drive either.

Check the back window of the truck…………… enough said.