5 Destructive Things Done to America by President Obama



In Spectre, the 25th James Bond film currently in theaters, Oscar-winning actor and villain Christopher Waltz snidely tells Agent 007 these words. While a bit of an overstatement, the point is well taken.

As the years unfold, I am persuaded that countless millions will identify words like these with the Obama presidency. Whether our next president can help dismantle some of what Barack Obama has done remains to be seen. Barring a spiritual awakening in America and the resulting returning to our conservative values led by a uniquely gifted commander-in-chief; the repercussions of Barack Obama’s “transformation of America” will be catastrophic.

It’s why seven years ago Rush Limbaugh said his desire for the Obama presidency was simple: “I hope he fails.”

Scripture tells us, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when a wicked man beareth rule, the people sigh” (Prv 29:2 ASV). Plainly stated, people have cause to either rejoice or mourn dependent on whether their governing authorities are God-fearing or unrighteous.

When competent and godly leaders rule, they set a tone for the society as they conduct affairs according to God’s standards. The result will not be utopia but rather a general happiness, prosperity and stability in the land.  President Obama does not fit this category and that is a primary reason why there is so much mourning throughout our land.

I step back knowing I prayed for this man every single day of his terms in office yet must respectfully but forthrightly assess his “fruit” as disastrous. What he has done has been unbelievably detrimental to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded. Are you aware of how far we’ve fallen under his leadership and lack thereof?

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Obama Admin Decides Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Is Not A Terror Group…


Weasel Zippers

Shocking exactly zero people.

Via Free Beacon:

The State Department does not currently believe that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps should be designated as a foreign terrorist organization despite the military organization’s efforts to procure nuclear materials and conduct terrorist operations across the globe, according to a State Department official who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

Obama administration officials last week were hesitant to address the issue during testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. When asked to clarify its position on the corps, a State Department official told the Free Beacon that now is not the time to formally designate the military group as a terrorist organization.

Iranian officials have insisted that any new sanctions from the United States would be considered a violation of the recent nuclear deal and cause for Iran to walk away from the agreement.

The State Department maintains that the sanctions in place on the corps, which target certain individuals and actions, are enough to rein in the group’s rogue behavior. Iran itself is designated as a state sponsor of terror.

Whatever Happened To Accountability?

Family Security Matters

President Obama has recently released 6,000 federal “non-violent drug offenders” back into our communities without them completing their entire sentences.

California Governor Jerry Brown releases hundreds of convicted murders and thousands of other “non-violent offenders” from state prisons because of alleged overcrowding. Some prisoners only did a fraction of their sentences before being released.

Hollywood starlets spend 45 minutes in the Los Angeles County Jail for drunk driving convictions because of overcrowding.

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Biased News? American Journalists Are Overwhelmingly Liberal Democrat


According to a new study by two professors of journalism at Indiana University, only 7 percent of journalists identify as Republican, and apparently when they donate money to candidates, it’s usually Democrats.

Self-proclaimed Democrat journalists outnumber Republican journalists a whopping 4-to-1.

Gee, biased reporting much?

Via Washington Times:

Among Washington correspondents, the ones who dominate national political coverage, it’s even more skewed, said Tim Groseclose, author of “Left Turn: How Liberal Media Bias Distorts the American Mind.” More than 90 percent of D.C. journalists vote Democratic, with an even higher number giving to Democrats or liberal-leaning political action committees, the author said.

“There’s something in the DNA of liberals that makes them want to go into jobs like the arts, journalism and academia more so than conservatives,” Mr. Groseclose said. “Even if you’re just trying to maximize profits by offering an alternative point of view, it’s hard to find conservative reporters. So it’s natural the media is more liberal.”

Then again, our so-called media is controlled by a whole FOUR companies these days, so it is possible that it is more biased and agenda-driven than ever before in the history of the nation.

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Appeals Court Rules Against Obama Immigration Plan…


Weasel Zippers

Via Fox News:

President Obama’s plan to protect from deportation an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally suffered another setback Monday in a ruling from a New Orleans-based federal appeals court.

In a 2-1 ruling, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas-based federal judge’s injunction blocking the administration’s immigration initiative.

Republicans had criticized the plan as an illegal executive overreach when Obama announced it last November. Twenty-six states challenged the plan in court.

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California school district bans drawing Muhammad

Jihad Watch

The assignment was not meant to mock Muhammad or insult Muslims. It simply involved drawing pictures related to various Islamic terms: Koran, Mecca, Muhammad. The banning of images of Muhammad even at this level and with this intent is kowtowing to violent intimidation, which will only encourage more of it, and accepting Sharia restrictions on the freedom of speech. Neither one bodes well for the future of the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District, or of the nation at large. Most political, religious, and media leaders, however, are eagerly jumping on this bandwagon, selling out our freedoms in a short-sighted and ill-considered attempt to avoid “insulting” Muslims and “poking them in the eye.”


“CA District Bans Depicting Religious Leaders After Middle Schoolers Draw Muhammed,” by Trey Sanchez, Truth Revolt, November 5, 2015 (thanks to Bob):

Drawing Islam’s Prophet Muhammed has been banned in a California school district after 7th-graders were given an assignment that asked them to sketch images related to the religion.

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25 Obama Whoppers for the Media to Chew On


American Thinker

Now that the media have shown their eagerness to expose the “lies” of presidential candidate Ben Carson, they might want to review some of the nuggets they overlooked in the rise of Barack Obama. To be sure, there is no going back, but future generations of journalists might benefit from seeing how shamelessly the fourth estate transformed itself into the Democrats’ fifth column.

25.  “If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election.” Obama made this pledge in September 2007. He broke it in June 2008. He told the Washington Post he still supported the idea of public financing, but the current system was “broken” and favored Republicans who had “become masters at gaming” it. The media yawned.

24.  “So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama.” In March 2007, Obama claimed the 1965 events in Selma inspired his parents to get together. He was born in 1961. The media chose not to notice.

23.  “We’ll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN.” No fewer than eight times candidate Obama promised to air health-care negotiations on C-SPAN. Remember watching them?

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Obama’s Legacy of Endangering Americans

Secure Freedom Minute fsm logo



President Obama’s legacy is one of indifference to our security. To cite a few examples: He’s kept the borders open and, with his executive amnesty, encouraged enemies of this country – and countless other aliens – to come in.

He’s bringing many thousands of Syrian migrants here, even though they can’t be vetted for jihadist tendencies. He’s letting hardened drug criminals out of our jails, despite evidence that roughly half will perpetrate more crimes.

Now, he’s poised to bring jihadists from Guantanamo Bay to prisons, courts and communities in this country. The prisons will become still greater recruiting grounds for Islamic supremacists – some of whom may be sprung by U.S. judges while other terrorists target unwilling host communities.

At what point will Americans say enough of this President’s legacy-building at the expense of public safety? After more of us needlessly die? Or now?