Obama: The Lamest Duck

PJ Media
By Victor Davis Hanson


President Obama is boxed in a state of paralysis—more so than typical lame-duck presidents.

His hard-left politics have insidiously eroded the Democratic Party, which has lost both houses of Congress and the vast majority of the state legislatures, state elected offices, and governorships. Obama has redefined the black vote, as a necessary, no-margin-of-error 95% bloc majority to offset his similar creation of an increasingly monolithic 65% bloc white vote. We are no longer individual voters, but, in Chicago-politics style, merely faceless “Latinos,” “Asians,” “African-Americans,” “gays,” “women,” and now “whites.”

Obama issues a new initiative—and the nation snoozes. He wastes the day on the golf links—and the nation snoozes. He smear his critics, invites a rapper to the White House whose latest album cover has a dead white judge lying in front of the White House—and the nation snoozes. He cozies up to America’s enemies and snubs our friends—and the nation snoozes. For the nth time, he blusters about closing down Guantanamo—and the nation snoozes. He opens the border even wider to welcome in more illegal aliens and future constituents—and the nation snoozes. Lame duckestry means not even being able to wake up your opponents.

There is so far no Obama legacy, except the creation of Donald Trump, a $20 trillion debt and zero interest rates—and the gift of flat energy prices that came despite not because of Obama’s efforts. Almost every major bureaucracy is awash in scandal or charges of incompetence. The common theme of the disasters at the GSA, EPA, ICE, IRS, NASA, Secret Service, and VA is ideological subversion and ingrained hostility to meritocracy. Would anyone be surprised that another government official pled the 5th, created fake email personas, resigned at 5 PM on a Friday afternoon, declared a foremost mission Muslim outreach, or withheld subpoenaed documents?

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Mark Levin: Time to Start Using the ‘I-Word’


PJ Media via Mark Levin Show

On his radio show yesterday, Mark ‘The Great One’ Levin said that Republicans “have to grow a set” and go after the imperial president, also known as President Barack Obama. He said this in response to a question from a listener who wondered whether it was time for Republicans to throw around the ‘I-word’: impeachment.

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Fantasyland, U.S.A.


PJ Media

One way of reinventing reality is to warp the meaning of words. No president in memory has waged such a war on the English language as has Barack Obama — changing the meaning of vocabulary to hide what he fears might otherwise be unpopular.

Take executive orders. He brags that he does not issue them as commonly as his predecessors, but that is only true because Obama has now renamed some of his executive orders presidential “memoranda.” Add up both categories, and no president in the last half-century has so frequently bypassed Congress to unilaterally make new or ignore existing laws.

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DHS Lies; Hides Terrorist Infiltration. What Is Jeh Johnson (Obama) Up To?

Joe for America

IT is impossible to document all the crimes committed under the stewardship of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, after all, there are only 24 hours in a day! Absolutely, such a herculean task would leave little room for anything else, even daily necessities like bathroom breaks would have to be forfeited. You get the (ugly) picture.

IN its stead, suffice yourselves with dose after dose….

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki


{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}

SURROGATES after surrogates (be they Fed or State), up and down Obama Inc.’s chain of command, lie like drunks on benders and common criminals, especially when caught in the act of this and that. However, Washington’s betrayers are no ordinary skells; they are capable of destroying the nation, one way or another. So let’s just admit: lying is a prerequisite for their hiring, as well as their admission tickets into Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s inner sanctum and circle. Evil and dangerous. Vile creatures. Personally, wouldn’t pick them up from the floor, even if writhing in pain. Isn’t that a reasonable reaction to their crimes, against those they are tasked to serve?

IN fact, one of the Liar-in-Chief’s most bold-faced tall tale entails a whole lot of criminality, aside from everything else. Yes, it has just been revealed that the so-called Executive Action “signed” in Las Vegas (No. 21, 2014) was little more than a smoke and mirrors show – regarding koshering millions of illegals into legal citizens, of course, illegal on its face – and it never took place. Say what? Apparently, even Obama Inc. understands that Executive Actions have to implement laws ALREADY on the books, and are forbidden to invent “laws” which are not legislated! World’s apart.

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Boom! Michele Bachmann Calls for “Handcuffs” for Barack Obama

The Political Insider 

Forget impeachment… it may be time for handcuffs! That is according to Tea party and conservative leader Michele Bachmann, who just suggested on the House floor that Congress should put handcuffs on the “lawless president’s hands” — a remark that drew outrage from liberal Democrats.


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Obama to Issue Executive Orders to Bring in Thousands of New Foreign Democrat Voters


As not one soul in Congress has lifted anything heavier than a limp pinky finger to stop him–likely because most of them are on the Leftist side–we knew this would eventually occur.

Treason has become a daily occurrence in the former United States of America which has now become Illegal Aliens of the World Central. Continuing to laugh roaringly, debasingly and hysterically at the ongoing majority of stupid Americans who won’t stop him either, Obama has announced that he will very shortly issue an Executive Order to begin flying illegals (renamed “refugees”) from Central Americans countries into the USA. These will be indoctrinated as Democrat voters and trained to worship Obama the minute they set foot on the plane…or even before.

Barack Obama Power Analysis TeachingAs I’ve written repeatedly, the American people–including African-Americans and other blacks–are being replaced.

Obama and the Dems know the onslaught is coming against them this November because of their never-ending attacks against us all. Too many people for the Democrats’ liking have awakened to the truth…as the polls now affirm.

Therefore, it’s time to replace the current population in the US to incorporate non-English speakers who will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff; something in which the Obama crime syndicate excels. And don’t think that these are just children. Obama has already brought in hundreds if not thousands of MS-13 gang members and Islamists…including ISIS/ISIL members.

As few seem interested in saving their country–or even themselves–better think about how much ammo you have on hand. The ObamaGestapo won’t go against the criminal element, folks. They’re coming for those who follow the US Constitution and US law. That’s us…

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”

–2 Thessalonians 2:9


New Obama Executive Action Plan on Amnesty: Bring Kids to U.S. Directly From Central America:
at townhall.com

Obama Considers Temporary Legal Status as Solution for Refugee Children Crisis:
at aattp.org

Obama Trying To Change The Law To Give Himself Third Term

Tell Me Now.com

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing on December 3, Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) asked that if President Barack Obama has the “prosecutorial discretion” not to enforce all the laws he’s been ignoring, is there anything to stop him from enforcing election laws and, for instance, run for a third term?

“If the president can fail to enforce immigration laws, can the president likewise fail to enforce election laws?” Gowdy asked of Simon Lazarus, senior counsel to the Constitutional Accountability Center, who was giving testimony. The panel was titled, The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.”

IRS officials face the House Oversight Committee in Washington, DC.

Rep. Trey Gowdy, Republican South Carolina.

Needless to say, President Obama has been ignoring an awful lot of laws. From not prosecuting gun cases, to refusing to prosecute the vote fraud committed by the Black Panthers, even to his 2008 announcement that he wasn’t going to enforce the DOMA laws, Obama ignores all laws he doesn’t like while using his Executive Orders to create law out of whole cloth to push the many extremist, left-wing ideas he’s failed to get through Congress.

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You Say You Want a Revolution





Our revolution changed the world. Our Declaration of Independence proclaims self-evident truths. That all men are created equal, they’re endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights, among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These words shook a world held in the vise-grip of hereditary privilege inspiring people around the globe. Our Constitution established a representative republic with a limited government of the people, by the people and for the people.

We’ve watched as our constitutionally limited government grew until today it’s a leviathan running amok like Godzilla in Tokyo smashing things and scaring boy scouts.

Today the Federal government is the largest employer in America, states are the largest employers in the states and counties are among the largest employers in the counties; get the picture? Government is on a rampage and unless Mothra is going to fly in to save the day we’ll have to deal with Frankenstein-on-the-Potomac ourselves.

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Executive Orders & Internment Camps: The Groundwork Has Been Laid for Martial Law in the Event of a National Emergency

Freedom Outpost

The ground work has already been laid, that in the event of a national emergency, with a mere stroke of Obama’s pen this is how martial law could play out.  This is, in part, what Justice Antonin Scalia referenced last month.

Here are the Executive orders already in place in the event of a national crisis:

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