Rush Limbaugh: Obama Says “ISIL” (Not “ISIS”) to Insult and Threaten Israel

Gateway Pundit

Obama calls the Islamic State “ISIL” to threaten and insult Israel.
isil obama
It’s all about Israel.

Rush Limbaugh explained the difference between ISIS and ISIL – it’s all about Israel.
Via the Rush Limbaugh Show:

I think most people are wondering, “What is this ISIL? Why does he keep calling it ISIL? It’s ISIS.” They’re not saying, “Well, that’s because ISIS he can pin to Bush, but ISIL he can’t, so he doesn’t want to –” I just don’t think that anybody in the Regime even thinks that people are going to think in these terms. I think there’s a totally different reason for this. And I don’t know how to say it. (laughing) (interruption) Well, it does. Snerdley is asking me, “Doesn’t it have something to do with Israel?” Yes, because the Levant is the entire region.

ISIS stands for the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, or Iraq and Syria, that’s the I-S, and ISIL, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant includes more than Iraq and Syria. It would include Israel, which, to these people, Israel is a fraud. Israel doesn’t deserve to be there. That’s all Palestine and that’s what I think is behind the pronunciation, this insistence that it be called ISIL. He’s the only one that does it. I mean, others in the Regime do. Even the media calls it ISIS, but he sticks with ISIL.

I think he’s got a different audience for the term. I don’t think he’s talking to the American people. I think he’s talking to Iran. We just heard Walid Phares say that Obama’s linkage here is not to oppose ISIL because Iran supports ISIL, and it’s all to do with the sectarian violence between the Sunnis and the Shi’ites and the fact that Iran capitalizes on the sectarian violence, does not want it solved because they hope to end up controlling the entire Levant — uh, sorry — region. Didn’t mean to say that.

So your explanation makes total sense if people were attuned, the American people domestically were attuned to when ISIS began, when it didn’t began. See, I don’t think — I could be wrong about this. Very rare that I would be wrong, but it’s possible. I think the American people are so far beyond “Bush did it” and this and that. I mean, Bush is eight years ago now, seven-years. They know Bush had nothing to do with San Bernardino. He had nothing to do with Fort Hood. People know that when Bush was president, this stuff didn’t happen. People know that when Bush was president, there wasn’t an ISIS. ISIS and all of this happens to coincide with the election of Barack Hussein O. But the use of the word “Levant” has an audience in the Middle East. He’s not talking to us.


The Islamic State In America


Free Republic


On Friday, the Pentagon raised the threat level across all military bases and compounds within the United States to “Force Protection Bravo” in response to the “increased and predictable threat of terrorism”, announced Captain Jeff Davis of U.S. Northern Command. The threat level was raised after FBI Director James Comey admitted that ISIS has thousands of sympathizers currently living inside the country ready to wage jihad. The FBI has also ordered agents to put under 24/7 surveillance more than one hundred U.S. residents that are considered possible terror threats.

Officials from the FBI told ABC News that agents have been ordered to review the cases of so-called “marginal” or “borderline” suspects, terms that had been applied to one of the gunmen in the Texas attack, Elton Simpson of Phoenix. Simpson, who the FBI was familiar with but considered “more talk than action”, underscores the current threat environment posed by terrorists who are already here.

To those who have been paying attention, Comey’s admission over the threat posed by ISIS comes as no surprise given the fact that in late February Comey warned that he had “home-grown violent extremists investigations in every single state.” One only needs to look at the arrests made by the FBI this year alone to affirm Comey’s warning.

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Obama’s Two Faces of Islam

Family Security Matters

In the midst of recent horrific acts of terror, from burning the Jordanian pilot to storming the offices of Charlie Hebdo, a Danish café holding a free speech conference and the Great Synagogue of Copenhagen, many opinion leaders scratch their heads over President Obama and his administration’s refusal to couple the words “Islam” with “terrorism.” The result is the label “violent extremism,” awkwardly redundant in large part because what makes its referents “extreme” is precisely their use of violence. Many exasperatingly surmise the administration must be naïve, even delusional, and fails to understand the threat we face. Most then correctly warn that if we cannot accurately name the threat, we stand little chance of effectively dealing with it.

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Obama’s speech strategy: open with your biggest lie

American Thinker

Over the past several weeks, there’s been a plethora of discussion over Obama’s “strategy” vis-à-vis ISIS (aka ISIL), whether he actually had a strategy and, if so, what it might be.

Well, he certainly had a strategy for the speech he gave last night. Like an entertainer who opens his act with his biggest number, Obama’s strategy was to open his speech with the most blatant, brazen, bald-faced lie imaginable.

It had me livid within the first few minutes of his speech, when he had the colossal gall to state, “First of all, ISIL is not Islamic. No religion condones the killing of innocents.”

“Really?” I found myself yelling at the radio. “What other planet are you on? What other universe or dimension do you inhabit? Have you ever read the ‘most holy Koran’?”

Please! Enough of this “religion of peace” malarkey already!

(This is a drastically cleaned-up version of what I found myself yelling at the radio; I found myself using a great number of intensifying gerunds as my blood pressure soared sky-high.)

It is precisely the fact that the Koran not only condones the killing of innocents but encourages it, Nay, demands it, that distinguishes Islam from all the other religions of the world, and reveals it as something other than a religion; it exposes Islam as a socio-political construct masquerading as a religion.

Surah 9:29 of the Koran, for instance:

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture – [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.”

As the Investigative Project on Terrorism points out, ISIS is devoutly following this Koranic injunction:

Christians have become subject to the jizyah, or poll tax, since IS seized Raqqa in Syria earlier this year and Mosul in Iraq earlier this summer. Those subject to the jizyah face death if they refuse to pay or convert to Islam. IS similarly cited the Islamic law book known as “Reliance of the Traveler” to justify killing Yazidis and requiring them to convert to its brand of Islam to be spared.

Even the phrase “the killing of innocents” doesn’t adequately reflect the mindset of Islam’s “holy book”. Islam’s quest for world domination by force is driven by the wholesale slaughter of innocents. It informs its adherents that Allah smiles on the wholesale slaughter of innocents, and that the more innocents sent to their doom, the more favor Muslims will curry with their “god”.

Of course, by Islamic “logic”, there are no “innocents”; they are all guilty, guilty of being “infidels”, and they are worthy only of conversion, enslavement, dhimmitude or death, with death being the preferred outcome (and usually delivered in the most violent, barbaric, bloodthirsty, gory, inhuman and diabolical means imaginable).

The fact that fellow Muslims are enslaved, mutilated and slain with the very same demonic glee proves nothing; even those slain (presumably for not being “Muslim enough”) held in their heart of hearts the same view of “the infidel”.

This is the very core of Islam; not “radical Islam”, not “fundamentalist Islam”, but Islam per se. It’s not a “perversion” of Islam; it’s not Islam that has been “hijacked”; it is intrinsic to Islam, and always has been.

Anyone who says otherwise is simply not paying attention, is willfully turning a blind eye to the obvious, or is complicit in furthering Islam’s  murderous agenda. It certainly indicates a total ignorance of Islam’s history, which chronicles Islam’s mission of world domination by force that has been an integral part of this so-called “religion” since its very inception.

It really didn’t matter to me what other lies Obama perpetrated in the remainder of his speech (I’ll leave it to others to deconstruct and expose his other falsehoods, like his doubletalk about Syria); I might have even said to myself, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

Obama must have figured (and perhaps rightly so, given the already dumbed-down state of so much of the American populace, thanks in part to a half-century of relentless propaganda and undermining of the educational system) that if the people would swallow that first shameless, unabashed lie, they’d swallow anything. Sadly, and tragically for our once-great nation, I fear that he was right.

Obama to Issue Executive Orders to Bring in Thousands of New Foreign Democrat Voters


As not one soul in Congress has lifted anything heavier than a limp pinky finger to stop him–likely because most of them are on the Leftist side–we knew this would eventually occur.

Treason has become a daily occurrence in the former United States of America which has now become Illegal Aliens of the World Central. Continuing to laugh roaringly, debasingly and hysterically at the ongoing majority of stupid Americans who won’t stop him either, Obama has announced that he will very shortly issue an Executive Order to begin flying illegals (renamed “refugees”) from Central Americans countries into the USA. These will be indoctrinated as Democrat voters and trained to worship Obama the minute they set foot on the plane…or even before.

Barack Obama Power Analysis TeachingAs I’ve written repeatedly, the American people–including African-Americans and other blacks–are being replaced.

Obama and the Dems know the onslaught is coming against them this November because of their never-ending attacks against us all. Too many people for the Democrats’ liking have awakened to the truth…as the polls now affirm.

Therefore, it’s time to replace the current population in the US to incorporate non-English speakers who will vote for anyone who gives them free stuff; something in which the Obama crime syndicate excels. And don’t think that these are just children. Obama has already brought in hundreds if not thousands of MS-13 gang members and Islamists…including ISIS/ISIL members.

As few seem interested in saving their country–or even themselves–better think about how much ammo you have on hand. The ObamaGestapo won’t go against the criminal element, folks. They’re coming for those who follow the US Constitution and US law. That’s us…

“The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders”

–2 Thessalonians 2:9


New Obama Executive Action Plan on Amnesty: Bring Kids to U.S. Directly From Central America:

Obama Considers Temporary Legal Status as Solution for Refugee Children Crisis:

Obama: No Consequences for Treason and America’s Final Destruction

Gulag Bound

This is a column I had hoped I’d never have to write.

But, the USA has failed itself…totally. It‘s elected leaders offer nothing but, the most limited of lip-service to chastise the traitor occupying the people’s White House and, certainly, have done nothing–whatsoever–to stop him.

Our true military leaders have been replaced with a new batch who will pledge their allegiance to Obama and the United Nations–not the United States–as the body to which they pledge their allegiance. Some of our best and brightest US Captains–still in war…still in harm’s way…and still on the front lines–are now receiving their “pink slips” on the battlefield advising them that when they return, Obama will have no further use for them and they’ll have to find a job…elsewhere. Obama is still actively purging our military of real leadership and summarily dismantling it.

John Brennan with Barack Obama, in Oval Office for a DHS meeting, May 1, 2009


While ISIS/ISIL is wreaking bloody havoc and mayhem on Iraq (and soon the rest of the Middle East and USA) and wars (and rumors of even bigger wars) are breaking out in myriad places Obama is gutting what was left of the US military. He is, also, in the process of replacing US citizens with illegal aliens, Latin gang members (including MS-13), Islamic terrorists (ISIS/ISIL has been confirmed as in the USA), Sinaloa drug and human trafficking cartel members and all manner of other illegals who will suck dry what was left of the USA. Obama destroyed our economy–by design–and is now ensuring that it will not come back.

Obama is now taking over all jurisdiction and authority of the US States. He is sending the illegal alien invaders–via his DHS–to multiple locations in multiple States and giving no information as to how many of them there are, what the demographics of the sent invaders are and where they’re being sent. The Obama cabal refuses to tell State governors who is being sent where, and simply assuming the powers of the ObamaGov over all of the States. Obama and his syndicate are overloading everything in the US system to ensure its collapse and complete dissolution. Thus far, we have done nothing substantial to stop this traitor–and Congress and our court system haven’t even tried to do so or have openly supported our demise–who is now overtly (for all to see and hear) hammering the final nails in America’s coffin…and soon will our own.

For those reading this information for the and being shocked for the first time…welcome to the club. We have, however, been warning you about the Obama creature since before his first election to the Office of POTUS. Unfortunately, it is likely now too late to do anything but attempt to provide for your survival and that of your loved ones. As far as the eye can see, we appear to have no leadership…anywhere. This is what happens when a country–despite being advised over and over again–ignores the obvious and does nothing to end its leaders’ tyrannies. This is what happens when countries come to an end. Unless the Obama syndicate members are physically removed from our White House…they will never leave and will begin the bloodbath against us very soon now.

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand”
–Ephesians 6:10-23


Sending Pink Slips to a War Zone:

Top generals: Obama is ‘purging the military: