US Congressional Guide to SUBVERSIVE Organizations & Publications, 1951



Gulag Bound

Charleston Voice

The tactics and strategies of replacing Americanism with Communism have never changed –  altered and revised perhaps, but the agenda is the same.

Communism is not solely a “Soviet thang” as we’ve seen, but an internationalist thrust against individual liberties. This report was published back when the congress still had some public respect for protecting America’s independence as Americanism. Sadly, most have become “fellow travelers” of the subversive Left. With a clear understanding, you too, will be able to identify the enemies who are destroying America from within our gates. Whether or not you act on it, is up to you. ( I just ordered one of only 2 hard copies online available. Cheap, 1951 GPO ed. $11.)


[Excerpted. Excuse typos, misspellings which are from the original]

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Idaho Gov. Signs Emergency Legislation to Nullify Federal Gun Laws

Freedom Outpost

On the heels of the illegal ATF raid on Ares Armor, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed into law S1332, a bill which will effectively nullify federal gun laws.   The nullification legislation will prohibit state enforcement of any future federal act that relates to firearms, accessories or ammunition.

S1332, or as it is commonly referred to as the Idaho Federal Firearm, Magazine and Register Ban Enforcement Act, passed both the house (68-0) and senate (34-0) unanimously.

According to the legislation, it will:

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WOW! Al Sharpton & Democrats Honor Convicted Voter Fraud Felon Melowese Richardson at “Welcome Home” Party

Gateway Pundit

WOW! Ohio Democrats held a “Welcome Home” party for convicted voter fraud felon Melowese Richardson this week. Al Sharpton gave the convicted Democratic voter a big hug. sharpton melowese

Melowese Richardson who was convicted of Voter Fraud and released early from a five year prison sentence is hugged by Rev. Al Sharton as he joins State Representative Alicia Reece to kick off the petition drive for Ohio Vote at Word of God Deliverance Family Life Center in Forest Park. (Photo: The Enquirer/Jeff Swinger)

Melowese voted twice for herself in 2012 and three times for her comatose sister!

Melowese got a hero’s welcome by local Democrats at the party. reported:

A Hamilton County poll worker who has been held up nationally as an example of voter fraud took the stage at a local voting rights rally – outraging Republicans and dismaying even top local Democrats.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, keynote speaker at Thursday’s rally to kick-off the campaign for an Ohio Voters’ Bill of Rights Ohio Constitutional amendment, even hugged Melowese Richardson.

Richardson, a Democrat, was convicted of voter fraud after using her position as poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. She got a five year prison term, but was released earlier this month after local Democratic activists pressed for a fairer term.

A judge sentenced her to probation instead.

Richardson was among the more than 400 at Word of Deliverance Church in Forest Park when Cincinnati National Action Network President Bobby Hilton called her on stage for a “welcome home.”

A tweet from an Enquirer reporter about the moment sparked immediate outrage from Republicans on Twitter.

Even Democrat leaders questioned the idea of applauding Richardson.

“I am very glad the county prosecutor and judge reconsidered and got her out of jail, but she is not a hero,” Hamilton County Democratic Party Chairman Tim Burke, who was at the rally, told the Enquirer. “What she did was criminal conduct and was particularly problematic because of her role as a precinct executive.”

Hamilton County Democratic Party Executive Director Caleb Faux, who was also at the rally, saw it as an attempt to portray Richardson as a martyr because of the lengthy sentence.

Democrat Melowese Richardson candidly admitted to Cincinnati’s Channel 9 in February 2013 that she voted twice in the 2012 election. “I’ll fight it for Mr. Obama and Mr. Obama’s right to sit as president of the United States,” she proclaimed in the interview.


She was convicted of voter fraud in May 2013.

Two North Carolina Muslim Converts Arrested on Terrorism Charges


Free Republic

Two North Carolina Muslim converts were arrested on terrorism charges this week:

These two were proselytized, then recruited to Jihad. They didn’t brew up this scheme on their own. This is so similar to what happened to Carlos Bledsoe in Tennessee before he traveled to Yemen and came back to wage Jihad in Nashville and Little Rock.

There are active Jihadi recruiting operations going on in the US…


More Questions than Answers


Socialism is not the Answer

I was on my way home the other day, when I received a phone call from D1969. D1969 was on his way home traveling on a lonely back road in the Southern part of Tennessee when he came upon this truck on the side of the road. He slowed down but continued on and called me. I asked him if he took a picture of it, he said no but then turned around to take one. After taking the picture, some guy comes flying up in a Piece of Crap GMC and tried to bully D1969, wanting to know what he was doing, why he was there and so on until he noticed D had a Beretta in plane sight. Then this guy’s tone changed, he started being nice but this isn’t the end of the story.

The next time D went by the same location there were two trucks and there when he went to work the next morning he was followed by three cars. I have been told this is mobile rocket launcher used for Cruse or Patriot Missiles. So what the hell is it doing in Southern Tennessee on some back road, far away from any Military base and Guarded? If this is nothing, why was D followed?