Obama Makes Ohio Bridge Rallying Cry For Jobs Bill . . . One Problem — Bridge Isn’t Eligible For Funds From The Bill…

Weasel Zippers

Can this administration be any more incompetent?

(IBD) — The 48-year-old Brent Spence Bridge spanning the Ohio River near Cincinnati isn’t much to look at. But for President Obama, it’s become a rallying cry for his $477 billion jobs plan.

He referred to it in his Sept. 8 speech to Congress, saying “there’s a bridge that needs repair between Ohio and Kentucky that’s on one of the busiest trucking routes in North America.” And on Thursday he plans to use Brent Spence as the backdrop for another pitch for his jobs bill, which includes $27 billion in “immediate” highway spending.

But while local officials are delighted with Obama’s attention, Brent Spence might not be eligible for that jobs bill money.

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The Obama Investigations


You wouldn’t know it if you solely paid attention to the mainstream media, but while President Barack Obama attempts to sell the country on hundreds of billions in new stimulus spending and $1.5 trillion in new taxes, his Administration is smack in the middle of several growing scandals: the Operation Fast and Furious gun-running debacle and the crony capitalism wrongdoing involving Solyndra and LightSquared.

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Ground Zero Mosque Opens for Business

Right Side News

On September 21 at 6:30 PM, the Ground Zero Mosque will open its doors to show a photo exhibit in its community space. Park51 is hoping to discourage its opponents by declaring an early victory in spite of its recent embarrassments and setbacks. This grand opening does not mean that the fight is over. The project still has a long way to go until completion.

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Another amazing Obama photo

American Thinker

Our genius president has done it again. In a group photo of national leaders at the Open Government Partnership event at the United Nations, President Ego decided to wave at the camera, blocking the face of the man standing next to him, so it is not possible to identify him.

American Thinker

Ordinarily, I would suspect this is a photshopped image. But it comes to us via Obamaphillic MSNBC, and is credited to Allan Tannenbaum-Pool / Getty Images. Because it is copyrighted, we can’t show you the entire photo, only a thumbnail, so click on over to MSNBC here, and see for yourself.

If George W. Bush had done this, it would be on the front page of the New York Times, and every broadcast network news show.

More Obama photo merriment:

American Thinker

American Thinker

Hat tip: Hot Air


The great Zombie at the PJM Tatler verified that the picture exists on the Getty Images website, and is not a hoax, even though to his eye, it looks fake. He also identifies the humiliated foreign leader as Tsakhia Elbegdorj of Mongolia.


Barack Obama, winning friends for America.


America Returns to Its Senses… Finally a Majority Blames President Downgrade for the Economy

photo by Gateway Pundit

photo by Gateway Pundit

Gateway Pundit

America finally wakes up.
After three years of doom, gloom and disaster, Americans finally blame President Obama, the worst jobs president since the Great Depression, for the nation’s dismal economy.

The Politico reported:

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