UN Report Calls for a Global Tax


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Independent Sentinel

A UN panel on humanitarian assistance has called for a global tax to support UN activities. The proposal will be discussed at the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit at Istanbul this May.“

The UN is bucking for an independent source of income to support their socialist agenda.

They receive voluntary contributions from member states but they now have the support of globalists everywhere for a global tax and that includes the United States and it is despite their many scandals, most notably the Oil-for-Food scandal.

We could now have unelected communist and socialist agencies determining our every move.

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New Proposed Measure Assigns Power of Martial Law to the Executive


Independent Sentinel

Mitch McConnell sneaked in a res­ol­u­tion – known as an au­thor­iz­a­tion for the use of mil­it­ary force – on Wednesday night when all anyone could talk about was the blizzard traveling up the East coast.

The media was taken by surprise on Thursday morning.

The purpose is to authorize the president to fight ISIS though in some ways it will limit the next president but what is noteworthy about it is the fact that it does not limit his reach in terms of geography. The fear is that it allows martial law.

From Defense One:

The AUMF put for­ward by Mc­Con­nell would not re­strict the pres­id­ent’s use of ground troops, nor have any lim­its re­lated to time or geo­graphy. Nor would it touch on the is­sue of what to do with the 2001 AUMF, which the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion has used to at­tack IS­IS des­pite that au­thor­iz­a­tion’s in­struc­tions to use force against those who planned the 9/11 ter­ror­ist at­tacks.

ISIS is in the United States but we are not at a point where we need this extreme measure. Why give this power to this maniac in the White House?

The AUMF, known as “Rule XIV,” has not been placed on the calendar which means it could come up at any time and will. It’s being fast-tracked.

The res­ol­u­tion already has four Re­pub­lic­an co­spon­sors: Sens. Lind­sey Gra­ham, Daniel Coats, Joni Ernst, and Or­rin Hatch.

Some Demo­crats were crit­ic­al of even the pres­id­ent’s own draft AUMF, warn­ing that they’d need ad­di­tion­al re­stric­tions from the ad­min­is­tra­tion on troop levels and geo­graph­ic bound­ar­ies be­fore they could sup­port any au­thor­iz­a­tion, Defense One noted.

There is deep division over this bill and there will be debate. Hopefully they will specify to not include the US.

Obama has enough power to go after ISIS but refuses to do it. His rules of engagement have been absurd.

Boston officers search for the Boston bomber

The devil will be in the details.

Martial law has no precise meaning but it has common features – it contemplates military force;  government military personnel have the authority to make and enforce civil and criminal laws; and civil liberties are suspended. Martial law was declared by Lincoln during the Civil War – Proclamation 113 – and our National Defense Authorization Act included a provision, now removed, which stripped U.S. citizens of their constitutional rights.

DHS Celebrates: Only 527,127 Overstay Visa, Thousands from Terrorist Nations




Nearly 15 years after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, the government admits that more than half a million foreigners with expired visas-like the 9/11 jihadists-remain in the country and thousands are from terrorist nations like Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria.

Even more disturbing is that the Obama administration is spinning this alarming information as a positive thing, stressing that the overwhelming majority of foreigners who visited the U.S. in fiscal year 2015 with visas left before their temporary permit expired. No matter how the administration twists it, the bottom line is that 527,127 foreign nationals with expired visas are still inside the U.S., according to the figures which were released this week by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Of those 3,614 are from countries with documented ties to terrorism. Here’s the breakdown as per the DHS stats: 1,435 from Pakistan, 681 from Iraq, 564 from Iran, 440 from Syria, 219 from Yemen, 219 from Afghanistan and 56 from Libya.

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Islamic Supremacism is On the March

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The destruction of a 1400-year-old monastery in Iraq marks a new, horrific crime against humanity, at the hands of the jihadists of the Islamic State. Less obvious, but no less insidious, are the assaults against Western civilization Islamic supremacists are mounting in Europe these days.

From recent reporting from the continent come these insights:

  • Attacks on women in public transportation is causing a city council in Germany to consider the creation of “gender-separate” arrangements.
  • The rector of the Grand Mosque of Paris has demanded that unused French churches be converted into mosques.
  • Human trafficking by Muslim immigrants is on the rise even as, by estimates, German authorities have lost track of 600,000 of them.


Are such things someone else’s problem? Or do Islamic supremacists seek to do similar things here? You bet they do.