Obama: Community Organizers In Middle East And Muslim World Can Stop ISIS…

No, you read the title right but it took me a while to post this one because I was laughing so hard.

He really thinks people believe this BS?

1 Dragon

Weasel Zippers

Each organizer will be armed with state of the art sternly worded letter technology.

Via Charlie Spiering:

“What we’ve got to do is make sure that we are organizing the Arab world, the Middle East, the Muslim world along with the international community to isolate this cancer,” he said.

Obama added that the “particular brand” of extremism was “first and foremost destructive to the Muslim world,” by killing innocent citizens and damaging their economies.

“They are falling behind because of this very small and narrow, but very dangerous segment of the population and we’ve got to combat it in a sustained effective way, and I’m confident that we’re going to do that,” he said.

2 thoughts on “Obama: Community Organizers In Middle East And Muslim World Can Stop ISIS…

  1. How about organizing putting a bullet in each of these killers heads? I think that would solve the problem and send a real message- Don’t Screw With Us! But again that takes leadership, guts(aka BALLS), and a strategy.

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