This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a “Grave” Warning About Democrats

Conservative Tribune

Although they often project their own feelings and shortcomings onto the Republicans, the Democrat Party actually has quite a rich “history” of racism and policies that are destructive to the economy and individual rights.

The policies put forth by Democrats have contributed greatly to the destruction of the family unit, and have actually made income inequality and wealth disparity worse in the cities and states they control.

The propensity of the Democrat Party to slide towards socialism and communism is really nothing new though.  Mad World News recently shared the story of a “grave” warning about Democrats from over a century ago.

The 124-year old tombstone of one Nathaniel Grigsby, located in Kansas, contains an inscription warning future generations about the Democrat Party.

Grigsby was a Civil War veteran, a 2nd Lieutenant of Company G, 10th Indiana Cavalry.  He was also an ardent supporter of Abraham Lincoln, which led to some trouble for him amongst southern sympathizing neighbors in Missouri, which is where he lived before moving to Indiana to join the Union forces.

Grigsby survived the Civil War and became a farmer.  He died in 1890 at the age of 78.  Before he died, he requested there be a special inscription carved onto his tombstone.  The inscription reads:

“Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic Party.  I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so called party, therefore beware of this party of treason.”

grave warning about Democrats

Surprisingly, not much has changed in 124 years, except maybe that the Democrat Party has gotten worse about their treason.  They have certainly carried on their tradition of bringing misfortune unto this country by way of their policies.

Hopefully one day our nation will be able to move past the treacherous ideals put forth by the Democrats, and this tombstone can be relegated to the dustbin of odd artifacts from history, instead of being an ever-present and prescient warning about the dangers we apparently still face over 100 years later.

4 thoughts on “This 124-Year-Old Tombstone Has a “Grave” Warning About Democrats

  1. Thank goodness for the Democratic Party ! If there was no Dem party it would become unclear what a political piece of SHIT operated like. We could only guess at what it would be like.Shit party full of shit people. Even number one is a
    Muslim who says he is a Christian Now he lies about everything folks !

  2. There is but ONE process to defeat Marxism/Communism: KILL THEM BEFORE THEY KILL YOU!

    Nothing civilized about that, is there? Learn from the lessons of Lenin, Stalin and Mao —- and don’t excuse HItler, Tojo or Mussolini ….. Fascism is just the other side of the Marxist/Communist card ….

    Colonel Robert F. Cunningham
    Aku Press, LLC.
    The Akurians

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