Responding to the Islamisation of the West

coexist Islam




Throughout much of the West major cities have large concrete blocks placed around high-traffic pedestrian areas. So what is that all about? Works of modern art? Not quite – they are security bollards. Security from what? Well, sadly, from basically one thing: jihadists who wish to mow down innocents in the name of their political ideology.

So the West is responding to this crisis – not by dealing with the root causes – but by running with band aid solutions. Instead of acknowledging that we have an Islam problem, as Tony Abbott recently pointed out, and taking appropriate steps to deal with this, we try rather useless harm minimisation approaches.

And as some of you may have noticed, it just got even worse in Sydney, with large trucks brought in to busy shopping areas. You can see the accompanying pic for yourself. One news item put it this way:

Sydney’s most popular shopping destination featured some conspicuous new additions on Tuesday morning, as crowds queueing for a Boxing Day bargain took note of a number of large semi-trailers parked around Pitt Street Mall and the Queen Victoria Building.
Security upgrades were obvious in the city, with bollards and semi-trailer trucks used as temporary barricades. The semi-trailers were particularly jarring in Sydney’s prime shopping district, parked at odd angles to stop traffic from getting through.

All this is one way to deal with the rise of terrorism: simply turn your cities into fortresses. I guess it is easier than dealing with the core problems here, which happens to be a religion which for 1400 years has used terror and bloodshed to spread its tentacles over the globe.

Instead of taking much greater care in who we let in to our countries, and being honest and up front about genuine security risks, we prefer to be PC, as we take more and more freedoms away from the general populace. An eventual police state may make us somewhat “safer,” but at what price?

Things are certainly just as bad in Europe, if not worse. One recent piece speaks about “Europe: The Islamization of Christmas”. It offers a long list of changes taking place there because of the Islamic threat. For example:

This year’s Christmas season has been marked by Islam-related controversies in nearly every European country. Most of the conflicts have been generated by Europe’s multicultural political and religious elites, who are bending over backwards to secularize Christmas, ostensibly to ensure that Muslims will not be offended by the Christian festival.

Many traditional Christmas markets have been renamed — Amsterdam Winter Parade, Brussels Winter Pleasures, Kreuzberger Wintermarkt, London Winterville, Munich Winter Festival — to project a multicultural veneer of secular tolerance.

Christmas is basically disappearing all over Europe. Let me highlight some of the more shocking developments that this article documents:

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