Terrorist-Tied Hillary Aide Sends Out a “Battle Cry” for Syrian Refugees


Independent Sentinel

The refugees, including the Syrian refugees, come here before the vetting process is over. They are allowed to roam around the country while the process goes on. It’s probably after they get copies of their driver’s licenses from some nondescript agency. Huma Abedin wants them to come right in and she thinks Republicans are scary.

Hillary Clinton’s top aide is very concerned about Syrian “refugees” being turned away, but she might want to can it because she herself has terrorist ties.

Getting Syrian refugees into the country is her “battle cry” she said, “We cannot turn these people away.”

I hope her battle cry isn’t “Allahu Akbar”.

“When you listen to Republicans it is really scary on the other side,” says the scary-herself Huma.

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150 People On Flight From Mexico Skip Customs Checks And Get To Leave JFK


Weasel Zippers

Via NY Daily News:

Airline and security officials at Kennedy Airport let 150 passengers arriving from an international flight leave the airport without going through customs, the Daily News has learned.

American Airlines Flight 1671 arrived at JFK from Cancun, Mexico, at 8:50 p.m. Friday.

When the plane landed, passengers walked out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked by Customs and Border Protection, sources told The News.

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Remove your Lapel Pin Mr. President!

Freedom Outpost
Today, I’m asking Mr. Obama to remove his American flag lapel pin.
For the commander-in-chief of the United States to wear an American flag lapel pin, while demonizing the defense of America, is a lethal form of hypocrisy.

On the campaign trail in 2007, attention was brought on Barack Hussein Obama’s conspicuous non-display of an American flag lapel pin. Barack then said


The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security.According to candidate Obama, we infer that one exhibiting “true patriotism” should not wear the American flag lapel pin and then fail to have the courage to evaluate potential existential threats to America.

Since this label pin announcement, Obama has had a change a heart. Obama now ostentatiously wears an American flag lapel pin. So why am I now asking him to take it off?

The short answer is because it is easier for Obama to remove his lapel pin, then to vet his beloved Islam. Multicultural Obama is not as stupid as he is evil.

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Liberal Media Moonbats Claim Lady Liberty Is a Muslim


Obama often blathers delusionally about the supposed contribution of Islam to American culture, raving at one point that Muslims built “the very fabric of our nation.” His friends at the Washington Post have finally uncovered what they are passing off as evidence to back him up:

The man who designed the Statue of Liberty once worked on project that would’ve involved a towering Egyptian peasant woman, meaning the iconic New York City monument’s roots can be traced to Islam, according to the Washington Post.

That’s some stretch, even for the Islamophile propagandists who control the “mainstream” media establishment.

“The first draft for what would become the nation’s symbol of welcome to the ‘huddled masses’ was conceived by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi not for the Statue of Liberty but for an entirely different project: a lighthouse that would stand at the entrance to the Suez Canal,” writes the Post’s Yanan Wang.

“Bartholdi would carve the likeness of an Egyptian peasant woman holding aloft a torch of freedom. The monument, twice as high as the Sphinx, would guard the waterway’s entrance and perhaps double as a lighthouse. Its name would be Egypt (or Progress) Bringing Light to Asia,” she added, citing the historian Michael B. Oren.

But Muslim societies tending to be economically dysfunctional, that project fell through due to lack of funds.

Bartholdi later met with French abolitionist Edouard Rene de Laboulaye, and suggested that France give the United States a gift to recognize the close of the American Civil War. Drawing from his scrapped plans for the Suez Canal, the French sculptor hit upon an entirely new idea: A towering version of the Roman goddess Libertas.

This is how Wang tied the Statue of Liberty to the idea that it was conceived originally as an Egyptian Muslim.

The Daily Beast actually ran a piece floating the Lady Liberty Is a Muslim canard as an argument for allowing thousands of Islamic “refugees” from the terrorist breeding grounds of Syria to continue colonizing the country.

In their desperation to find anything of a factual nature that would support their ideology, liberals have lost all fear of making fools of themselves.



– See more at: http://moonbattery.com/?p=65587#sthash.FdHc2CWW.dpuf

Obama Wants to Defeat America, Not ISIS

Family Security Matters

Last year at a NATO summit, Obama explicitly disavowed the idea of containing ISIS. “You can’t contain an organization that is running roughshod through that much territory, causing that much havoc, displacing that many people, killing that many innocents, enslaving that many women,” he said.

Instead he argued, “The goal has to be to dismantle them.”

Just before the Paris massacre, Obama shifted back to containment. “From the start, our goal has been first to contain them, and we have contained them,” he said.

Pay no attention to what he said last year. There’s a new message now. Last year Obama was vowing to destroy ISIS. Now he had settled for containing them. And he couldn’t even manage that.

ISIS has expanded into Libya and Yemen. It struck deep into the heart of Europe as one of its refugee suicide bombers appeared to have targeted the President of France and the Foreign Minister of Germany. That’s the opposite of a terrorist organization that had been successfully contained.

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