Vanderbilt students move to oust professor who suggested radical Islam might be a problem

Hot Air

At this point we could probably use a second blog to do nothing but stories about college campuses and the activities of the special snowflakes who are going to create safe space homes for themselves there. The story coming out of Vanderbilt this week might have been shocking in years past, but by now it’s just a footnote to the daily rap sheet. The students at this esteemed university, having seen the “success” of their fellow seekers of knowledge at Mizzou, are looking to give the boot to one of their professors. Her crime? Penning an editorial many months ago suggesting that we might be having a problem with Islam. (TaxProf)

At Vanderbilt, many minority students have in recent days renewed a push for the university to take action against Carol Swain (right), a tenured professor of political science and law, over a column she wrote in January after the terrorist attacks in Paris against the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

In the January column, Swain asked, “What would it take to make us admit we were wrong about Islam? What horrendous attack would finally convince us that Islam is not like other religions in the United States, that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration?”

Many students and others said that the column stereotyped all Muslims in a way that was profoundly biased, but the university defended Swain’s right to free speech.


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Obama’s So-Called Legacy Building Is Merely Cover for What He’s Really Doing


Independent Sentinel

There is no legacy and Barack Obama is not a legacy president. It’s a front to cover for what he is really doing – fundamentally transforming us into a socialist nation.

If Barack Obama wasn’t half-black, he would have been impeached by now. He has violated US law on numerous occasions and has bullied and unethically bribed politicians to pass freedom-robbing laws like the Obamacare bill.

Barack Obama wants to destroy traditional America which he sees as evil, paternalistic, imperialistic, bullying and unfair. His goal is to rebuild the country as a socialist state, a utopia where all receive the same outcomes regardless of merit and effort.

Under his air of normalcy and behind his expensive suits, lies a hippie-style leftist revolutionary with a sympathy for Islam. There is no difference between normal Islamists and radicals in his mind. The radicals became radical because of America. All minorities who commit crimes are victims of traditional Americans and the racist systems built by them.

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Obama’s FCC Plans Sale of U.S. Media to Foreigners

Accuracy in Media

Special to Accuracy in Media

If you think it’s hard to get unbiased news from radio and TV now, just wait until your local broadcast stations and other media properties are owned and operated by the Chinese, Russian or Mexican governments, or the Muslim Brotherhood.

Amazingly, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) wants to make it easier for foreigners to buy and run local radio and TV stations. The federal entity that monitors the media is proposing more foreign ownership of the U.S. media in the name of “diversity.”

By law, foreigners currently can only own up to 25 percent of a TV or radio station business unless they can show on a case by case basis that they have “special considerations” which demonstrate that granting them a broadcast license would be in the American public’s interest. Only then can the FCC waive the 25 percent ownership cap that is imposed by law.

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Federal court to Obama: Stop spying on the American people

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A U.S. judge on Monday ruled against the National Security Agency’s collection of Americans’ phone records that has outraged a growing number of citizens who say they never signed on to giving up their rights for the still inadequate national security. The NSA’s spy program had been scheduled end by the Nov. 30, 2015, but the federal court ruling is considered a legal precedent that may be used to prevent or halt another abuse of power by the Obama administration or a future occupant of the Oval Office.

Judge Richard Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia asserts that the current high-tech spy program “likely violates the Constitution” and said he believes “the loss of constitutional freedoms for even one day is a significant harm.”

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Barack Obama: Let’s Increase Number of Syrian Refugees to US by 100,000 in Next 2 Yrs.

Gateway Pundit

At least one terrorist in the deadly Paris attacks registered as a refugee on Leros Island in October.
migrants greece
Migrants disembark from the catamaran Terra Jet at the Athens’ port of Piraeus, on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2015. (AP Photo/Thanassis Stavrakis)

The terrorist was carrying a Syrian passport.
The passport was found on the terrorist who blew himself up outside the soccer stadium.
Hat Tip Dana Loesch

But that won’t stop Barack Obama from bringing Syrian Muslim “refugees” to the US.

In September Barack Obama bragged on Twitter the US would increase the number of Syrian “refugees” by 100,000 in the next two years.
potus syria

The tweet is still posted: