Republicans Give Obama More Power – Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill

gop power tradeGateway Pundit

And nobody read it.
Senate Republicans voted to advance President Obama’s trade agenda today.
The Hill reported:

The Senate on Tuesday voted to advance President Obama’s trade agenda, approving a measure to end debate on fast-track authority.

The 60-37 motion sets up a vote on final passage on Wednesday. If the Senate approves fast-track or trade promotion authority (TPA), it would then be sent to Obama’s desk to become law.

Fast-track authority would allow Obama to send trade deals to Congress for up-or-down votes. The White House wants the authority to conclude negotiations on a sweeping trans-Pacific trade deal.
Thirteen Democrats backed fast-track in Tuesday’s vote, handing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) a major legislative victory. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) voted against the procedural motion.

The Democrats cast “yes” votes even though the trade package did not include a workers assistance program for people displaced by increased trade. The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program was a part of the last fast-track package approved by the Senate in May, but became a key part of opposition to the package among Democrats in the House.

To move fast-track forward, the White House and GOP leaders in both chambers decided to break TAA away from fast-track and to try to approve both in separate votes.

3 thoughts on “Republicans Give Obama More Power – Advance Fast-Track Trade Bill

  1. How about the title, “both branches of the Uniparty give o’bama more power”? That’s more the truth since the GOP is pretty much defunct and just the same commie party but with maybe heavier on the fascist end!

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