Supreme Court Rules You Have No 4th Amendment Protection Against Cops Ignorant of the Law


Free Republic

In a blow to the constitutional rights of citizens, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 in Heien v. State of North Carolina that police officers are permitted to violate American citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights if the violation results from a “reasonable” mistake about the law on the part of police. The Rutherford Institute

4th amendment gone

Acting contrary to the venerable principle that “ignorance of the law is no excuse,” the Court ruled that evidence obtained by police during a traffic stop that was not legally justified can be used to prosecute the person if police were reasonably mistaken that the person had violated the law. The Rutherford Institute had asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hold law enforcement officials accountable to knowing and abiding by the rule of law. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the Court’s lone dissenter, warned that the court’s ruling “means further eroding the Fourth Amendment’s protection of civil liberties in a context where that protection has already been worn down.”


2 thoughts on “Supreme Court Rules You Have No 4th Amendment Protection Against Cops Ignorant of the Law

  1. I’m convinced, the only way this country will survive is if the tree of liberty is watered once again. The authority figures abrogating the Constitutional rights of American citizens must be eradicated if this Republic is to continue. At this point, a military coup would be a welcomed intervention.

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