Our Very Own “Nation of Islam”

Family Security Matters

Before 9/11 – 2001, that is, how many years have passed, and there is still no “closure”! – Islamists were of no concern to Americans. Well, a liberal politician or columnist might retort, maybe except for the botched World Trade Center bombing of 1993, when only six people were killed. Less than a handful. Nothing to worry about. The WTC recovered. People got on with their lives, up until, well, 9/11. As far as blaming Muslims and jihadists is concerned, anything that happened before 9/11 is just a blank page.

But wait! There’s more! Brush the cobwebs from your memories. Those of us with non-porous memories will remember: Muslims have been waging a murderous war in the name of Islam, and even in the name of racism, since at least 1972! Oh, come on!

Oh, yes.

Bill Warner of the Political Islam site recently published “Jihad in America,” a five-page list of sixty-four terrorism incidents dating from 1973 to April 2013. That’s forty years of Islamic terrorism, and counting.

Post-9/11 data are derived from The Religion of Peace site, which, in addition to reporting the latest Islamic murders, conquests, and outrages, features a list longer than Bill Warner’s of Islamic atrocities committed around the world between the end of May 2014 and June. That’s just about thirty days, or nearly 500 incidents of Islamic violence which resulted in deaths, injuries, and kidnappings. In one month.

Astonished by the number of Islamic violence-related incidents that have not been reported in the mainstream media, or even hinted at, I printed out that list – it came to ten pages – and took the time to tally the bodies: 2,190. This body count includes Muslims attacking non-Muslims, Sunnis fighting Shi’ites in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, the depredations of Boko Haram in Nigeria and of ISIS in Mosul.

The death count does not include individuals executed in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Yemen (did I leave any country out?) as part of the government’s enforcement of Sharia, or the vengeance killings, rapes, extorted conversions, and kidnappings by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. From Thailand to Sadr City to Damascus to Benghazi to Kenya, the Bubonic plague of Islamism has claimed thousands of lives just in recent memory – never mind in centuries past – and will continue to claim them until Islam is repudiated, or until the Western powers (or are they “powers” anymore?) decide to teach Islam a lesson.

Noteworthy in the list of Islam-related crimes committed in the U.S. is the number committed by members of the Nation of Islam (NOI), an organization which could be said to have pioneered waging its own brand of jihad on the country, and especially against whites and Jews. And another astonishing discovery was that the Southern Poverty Law Center, not known for its adherence to reality and objectivity in identifying domestic terrorist organizations, has actually designated NOI as a “hate group” guilty of spewing “hate speech.” The SPLC staff must have been on meth then, or were recovering from hangovers from a drunken Christmas party.

The first NOI mosque was founded by Wallace Fard Muhammad in Detroit, Michigan, probably in 1930. His origins and end are obscure and a confusing mishmash of legend and fact. Official NOI mythology claims he was Allah incarnate. The FBI, however, in possession of his fingerprints, identified him as Wallie D. Ford, an ex-convict from Portland, Oregon. Discover the Networks notes that while WFM preached Islam, his brand of it departed from “traditional” Islamic texts and practices: (though not by much):

WFM’s “theology” had little in common with traditional Islam, virtually ignoring the Five Pillars of the faith (acceptance of Allah, the Prophet Mohammed, and the Koran; the observance of Ramadan; charity to the poor; making the hajj; and daily prayer). It focused instead on an elaborate myth in which a renegade black scientist named Yakub had created the white race 6,000 years earlier as both a curse and a test for the black master race. According to WFM, the black tribe of the Shabazz, despite a 66 trillion-year head start over the upstarts, was overcome by the inferior white race and its enslaving religion, Christianity.

His brand of Islam and his preaching skills netted him some success.

By 1934, WFM’s Detroit temple had 8,000 members. Among his most important converts was Elijah Poole, an alcoholic grade-school dropout who eventually would become Elijah Muhammad. WFM sent the latter to Chicago to establish a second NOI temple (after having spent three years instructing him).

Elijah Muhammad, his successor in NOI, developed Fard Muhammad’s Islamic version of “black liberation theology” along the lines of racism. In 1932 he was sent to Chicago by his mentor to establish an NOI mosque there.

When WFM mysteriously disappeared in 1934, NOI, amidst charges and counter-charges of foul play, experienced its first schism. One faction, led by Abdul Muhammad, used the name Temple of Islam; Elijah Muhammad, meanwhile, established a new NOI headquarters in Chicago. Eventually, Abdul Muhammad’s group would be reabsorbed by NOI.

During World War II, Elijah Muhammad became a “conscientious objector, not only to the war, but to the United States.

He encouraged blacks to become conscientious resisters in World War II and was himself arrested and incarcerated for draft-dodging in 1942. In his own defense, he argued both that he was too old for the draft, being then 45, and also that as a black man, he had no business fighting for the United States.

He wrote: “When the call [to register for the draft] was made for all males between 18 and 44, I refused (NOT EVADED) on the grounds that, first, I was a Muslim and would not take part in war and especially not on the side with the infidels.” In fact, Elijah Muhammad encouraged blacks to support the Japanese against the U.S.  He also established NOI’s paramilitary wing, the Fruit of Islam (FOI), and instituted the FOI dress code of black suits with white shirts.

Elijah Muhammad blew the mythology of Yakub to new proportions of racist lunacy:

In 1965 Elijah Muhammad published a 300-page book titled Message to the Blackman in America, based on the aforementioned WFM doctrines. In his screed, Elijah Muhammad explained that Allah had originally created the black race before all others, followed sequentially by the brown, red, and yellow races. The white race, he said, had come into existence only through the efforts of a renegade scientist named Yakub, who allegedly created white people sometime around 4000 BC.

According to Muhammad, Yakub extracted the “brown germ” from the “black germ” and in turn grafted whites from the “brown germ.” The result of this ill-advised experiment, said Muhammad, was the dilution of black blood and the creation of a morally tainted strain of humanity – “white devils” who would go on to devastate the world and oppress all other human beings, and whom God would one day destroy in a liberating Armageddon.

No reconciliation between whites and blacks was possible, preached Elijah Muhammad. Furthermore:

According to Muhammad, blacks who strive to assimilate into mainstream American culture were “disgraceful Uncle Toms” and “Stool Pigeons.”

Sound familiar? Non-black Muslims who strive to integrate into American society are also traitors and probably apostates. (Though there don’t seem to be very many of them.) The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and other Islamic organization in this country expect America to accommodate Islamic supremacist political theology and practices, as well.

NOI’s current high priest is Louis Farrakhan, whose beginnings were benign and inauspicious.

Louis Farrakhan was born Louis Eugene Walcott on May 11, 1933 in Roxbury, Massachusetts. As a young man in Boston, he became a popular entertainer as a calypso singer, dancer, and violinist. While in Chicago in February 1955, he was invited by a friend to attend a Nation of Islam Saviours’ Day Convention at a local mosque. Soon thereafter Farrakhan joined NOI.

Both Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad were implicated in the murder of ex-convict and convert Malcolm X in 1965.

As recently as 1993, Farrakhan tried to justify Malcolm X’s assassination when he said in a speech, “Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with [Malcolm] like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? A nation has to be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats.”

Farrakhan’s love affair with tyrants, dictators and Muslim-governed nations perhaps is greater than Barack Obama’s. He has also experimented with Dianetics.

According to Farrakhan, [L. Ron} Hubbard’s teachings can help heal “the hurt and sickness of my people”; i.e., the pain inflicted upon them by a racist world. COS [Church of Scientology} also has the potential to “civilize” white people and prevent them from becoming “devil Christians” and “Satan Jews,” adds Farrakhan. “We are Muslims, but if Scientology will help us be better, then I want the technology of this to help us to be better Muslims,” he says.

More information on Farrakhan can be found on Wikipedia here, and on his own narcistic site here, and here.

But, what about all those Nation of Islam acts of terrorism. I cite a few crimes from Bill Warner’s Political Islam site:

January 10, 1973 – Brooklyn, NY: Muslim extremists rob a sporting goods store for weapons, gunning down a police officer who responds to the alarm.

July 18, 1973 – Washington D.C. : Nation of Islam members shoot seven members of a family to death in cold blood, including four children. A defendant in the case is later murdered in prison on orders from Elijah Muhammad.

October 19, 1973 – Oakland, CA: Nation of Islam terrorists kidnap a couple and nearly decapitate the man, while raping and leaving the woman for dead.

October 29, 1973 – Berkeley, CA: A woman is shot repeatedly in the face by Nation of Islam terrorists.

December 24, 1973 – Oakland, CA: A man is kidnapped, tortured and decapitated by Nation of Islam terrorists.

That’s for starters. Mixed in with NOI acts of terror and murder are those committed by Palestinians and other Muslim jihadists in this country alone. Retired Reverend Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright, friend of former president Bill Clinton (no surprise there) and former pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, Barack Obama’s former church for twenty years, also preached a kind of “black liberation theology” not too dissimilar from NOI’s.

One must wonder: Given the well-known Islamic contempt for blacks, how copasetic can “official” Islam and the Nation of Islam be? For more on that subject, see Stephen Brown’s February 2013 FrontPage article, “Al-Qaeda’s Anti-Black Racism.”

So, dear readers, Islamic terrorism in America didn’t begin with the first World Trade Center bombing. It began at least twenty years before with the Nation of Islam, the maverick Islamic political theology that also proclaims its intention to destroy America and Western civilization.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/our-very-own-nation-of-islam?f=must_reads#ixzz35dxCgwqh
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


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