Sharia In Michigan: Dearborn Couple Threatened By Islamists For Openly Displaying Israeli and American Flag

 Freedom Outpost

The City of Dearborn, Michigan has been the center of Islamic activity in  America. The Islamic population has grown considerably and has taken over in the  area, and one wonders just how much of sharia has been advanced in the city. In  October, the “satirical” website National  Report posted an article about Dearborn entitled “City  In Michigan First To Fully Implement Sharia Law.” However, the article  doesn’t sound too satirical when looking at the facts. Especially right now,  when a couple is being threatened for merely displaying an Israeli flag and a  United States flag outside their home. That’s enough for those who say sharia  isn’t overtaking Dearborn to think twice. This couple isn’t just receiving idle  threats, but havingNazi  flags placed in their yard. Sound harmless? No threat from followers of  Islam is harmless.


Dearborn-620x351Terresa  and Hussein Dakhlallah are terrified. For what reason would they have to be so  afraid? For the past two years they have been displaying both an Israeli and American flag  outside their home in Dearborn, Michigan. This is America, it is their right to  display the flags. More than that, it is a sign of true patriotism. However,  some in Dearborn don’t think so. This kind of display will attract unwanted  attention from the Islamists that rule the streets.

Their property  has been vandalized, and worse, the Nazi  flags have been left in their yard. Who would do this to strangers? Sharia  law abiding Muslims.

That  just brought it on enormously,” Terresa Dakhlallah said, her voice  shaking. “They left Nazi signs in our front yard … Two people were standing  there – one with a lighter and one with a gas can – telling us they were going  to burn our home down.”

Terresa said the most recent incident was Friday night when a group of men in an SUV  shot their home and vehicle with paintball guns.

She said that when she began putting up  Christmas lights around the same time, “they  told me if I lit them, it would be the last thing I  did.


Not  only did they vandalize their property, but they threatened Terresa’s life. Terresa is an American raised in Canada, and her husband Hussein  Dakhlallah is from Lebanon. Wouldn’t a man who has lived in the Middle East  feel safer in America? After all, he has probably seen things that most  Americans could only imagine having lived in the strife filled region of  constant warfare. But his answer is shocking. Worst of all, it is more than  telling about the current state of America, and the potential future of this  land of the “free.”


Hussein Dakhlallah went so far as to say that he feels safer in his war-torn home country than in  Dearborn at this point.

I  feel safe there more than here now,” he said with a shrug. “Because over  there you know if they fight you gotta just run. Here you never know what’s  going to happen.”

That’s right. He just said what most people  would not dare utter out loud. A person might think it, but not say it. You  never know what is going to happen here, while over there they would fight and  run. There is an unpredictability in America, a response that cannot be  measured; an enemy that has incredible power and a state that has succumbed to  it. This is sharia in America.

Metro Detroit is a melting  pot of cultures. But Islam does not mesh with other “cultures” or  “religions.” Detroit is a disaster, literally and figuratively. So while it  might have been a big “joke” to declare that sharia law is now in place in  Dearborn, it really isn’t funny. Look at the signs. The city and the state are  submitting to sharia. An article written in 2007 entitled “Michigan:  The Islamic Capital of the U.S” described Dearborn as the epicenter.

Just  outside of Detroit, the city of Dearborn, MI (the tenth most populated in  that state) holds the second densest Arab community outside of the Middle East.  In a show of force, Dearborn’s largely  Shiite Muslim population took to the streets in celebration after the  execution of former Iraqi dictator Saddam  Hussein. 

The Shiite/Sunni dynamic doesn’t change with  location. The Dakhlallah’s have every reason to be afraid. Sharia law is in full  force in Dearborn, and this isn’t a joke. Though the mainstream media may scream  “Islamophobia,” that doesn’t make it any less true.


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