President’s Uncle, Living Here Illegally Since 1970, Granted Legal Residency


Weasel Zippers

Despite being here illegally, despite violating deportation orders and being arrested for a DUI. He came as a student and never left.

Via Boston Globe:

A federal immigration judge today allowed President Obama’s uncle, Onyango “Omar” Obama, to remain in the United States, following a hearing in which the name of the president was invoked by the 69-year-old Kenyan who has been living here for some 50 years.

US Immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro issued his ruling from the bench. He said he believed Onyango Obama was a gentleman, a good neighbor, paid his taxes, and met the criteria for legal permanent residency, commonly known as a green card.

“Welcome to America,’’ Shapiro said to Onyango.

During the hearing, Onyango Obama testified, “I do have a nephew. He’s the president of the United States.”

He also contradicted the White House’s assertion that the president had never met him. Onyango Obama testified that his nephew lived with him in Cambridge for three weeks while the future president was a student at Harvard Law School in the late 1980s.

Shapiro based his decision on a federal immigration law that allows people who have lived in the United States since prior to 1972 to apply for residency.

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7 thoughts on “President’s Uncle, Living Here Illegally Since 1970, Granted Legal Residency

  1. “A good neighbor” and “a gentleman” — you’re in. Your behavior has gotten you special consideration, I guess that’s social justice. Maybe he’ll run for prez next?

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