Sharia In Michigan: Dearborn Couple Threatened By Islamists For Openly Displaying Israeli and American Flag

 Freedom Outpost

The City of Dearborn, Michigan has been the center of Islamic activity in  America. The Islamic population has grown considerably and has taken over in the  area, and one wonders just how much of sharia has been advanced in the city. In  October, the “satirical” website National  Report posted an article about Dearborn entitled “City  In Michigan First To Fully Implement Sharia Law.” However, the article  doesn’t sound too satirical when looking at the facts. Especially right now,  when a couple is being threatened for merely displaying an Israeli flag and a  United States flag outside their home. That’s enough for those who say sharia  isn’t overtaking Dearborn to think twice. This couple isn’t just receiving idle  threats, but havingNazi  flags placed in their yard. Sound harmless? No threat from followers of  Islam is harmless.


Dearborn-620x351Terresa  and Hussein Dakhlallah are terrified. For what reason would they have to be so  afraid? For the past two years they have been displaying both an Israeli and American flag  outside their home in Dearborn, Michigan. This is America, it is their right to  display the flags. More than that, it is a sign of true patriotism. However,  some in Dearborn don’t think so. This kind of display will attract unwanted  attention from the Islamists that rule the streets.

Their property  has been vandalized, and worse, the Nazi  flags have been left in their yard. Who would do this to strangers? Sharia  law abiding Muslims.

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