Why Does Global Warming Only Turn Muslims Into Terrorists?

Free Republic

Global warming is the cause of terrorism in the Middle East and around the world according to Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, and other Democrats. Let’s add in the Prince of Wales. With a straight face they make this claim, ignoring any and all other evidence to the contrary.

But if that is so, if global warming causes terrorism, then I think the Democrats need to answer this question: why does global warming only turn Muslims into terrorists?

There are Jews in the Middle East and Africa. There are Christians in the Middle East and Africa. There are animists, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and others. But only certain Muslims, often from wealthy families, turn into terrorists. The Jews, Christians, animists, Zoroastrians, Hindus, and the rest never seem to be affected by global warming in that way.

Perhaps instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to explore why lesbians are fat, the federal government should spend some cash on why global warming turns only Muslims into terrorists.

Or maybe it doesn’t.


Five Obamacare Facts Everyone Should Know


Due to the partisan nature of the establishment media, not all Americans are aware of these five essential ObamaCare facts:

1. Insurance companies are withdrawing in droves.

2. “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” was a brazen and cruel lie.

3. Still waiting on that $2,500 in savings Obama promised you? You’re not alone. Premiums are skyrocketing nationwide.

4. Obamacare customers say their plans are “useless” due to soaring deductibles.

5. The Obamacare “death spiral” conservatives warned about is real.

See Breitbart for details.

Blame Obama’s incompetence. Like his strategy to defeat ISIS, ObamaCare was designed to fail. ObamaCare’s collapse will create another crisis that Big Government will not allow to go to waste, as it turns the ratchet notch by notch toward Soviet-style “single payer” healthcare.

Health insurance stinks in a world run by people like Pajama Boy.