Clinton Goes after Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her


Judicial Watch

In what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is going after five comedians who made fun of the former Secretary of State in standup skits at a popular Hollywood comedy club.

A video of the short performance, which is less than three minutes, is posted on the website of the renowned club, Laugh Factory, and the Clinton campaign has tried to censor it. Besides demanding that the video be taken down, the Clinton campaign has demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording. This is no laughing matter for club owner Jamie Masada, a comedy guru who opened Laugh Factory more than three decades ago and has been instrumental in launching the careers of many famous comics. “They threatened me,” Masada told Judicial Watch. “I have received complains before but never a call like this, threatening to put me out of business if I don’t cut the video.”

Practically all of the country’s most acclaimed comedians have performed at the Laugh Factory and undoubtedly they have offended politicians and other well-known personalities with their standup routines. Tim Allen, Jay Leno, Roseanne Bar, Drew Carey, George Carlin, Jim Carrey, Martin Lawrence, Jerry Seinfeld and George Lopez are among the big names that have headlined at the Laugh Factory. The First Amendment right to free speech is a crucial component of the operation, though Masada drew the line a few years ago banning performers—including African Americans—from using the “n-word” in their acts.

The five short performances that Clinton wants eliminated include some profanity and portions could be considered crass, but some of the lines are funny and that’s what the Laugh Factory is all about. The video features the individual acts of five comedians, four men and a woman. The skits make fun of Clinton’s wardrobe, her age, sexual orientation, the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the former First Lady’s relationship with her famous husband. The Laugh Factory has appropriately titled it “Hillary vs. The First Amendment.”

Masada told Judicial Watch that, as soon as the video got posted on the Laugh Factory website, he received a phone call from a “prominent” person inside Clinton’s campaign. “He said the video was disgusting and asked who put me up to this,” Masada said. The Clinton staffer, who Masada did not want to identify, also demanded to know the names and phone numbers of the comedians that appear in the video. Masada refused and hung up. He insists that the comedy stage is a sanctuary for freedom of speech no matter who is offended. “Just last night we had (Emmy-award winner) Dana Carvey doing Donald Trump and it was hilarious,” Masada said.

U.S. Army Sign Featuring Crusader-Like Knight Removed Hours After Phone Call From Perpetually Offended Military Religious Freedom Foundation…

Fighting Nights

Weasel Zippers


Via Army Times:

A sign outside an Army training center at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, that featured a knight with crosses on his breastplate and shield was taken down Monday afternoon, hours after the head of a religious-freedom advocacy group called for the image’s removal.

The image represented the “Fighting Knights” of Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 8th Special Troops Battalion. Members of the unit recently transformed an unused motor pool area into a warrior training center, 8th Theater Sustainment Command spokeswoman Sgt. 1st Class Mary Ferguson told Army Times. A news release detailing the offerings of the center went out Friday at and other locations and included an image of the sign.

The knight with red crosses is “not an approved logo,” Ferguson said. She said she wasn’t sure how long the sign had been up or who approved the design, noting that the center had opened recently. A photo of the sign hosted by the U.S. Pacific Command website is dated Oct. 23.

“Ultimately, this was human error and not representative of the unit or the Army,” Ferguson said in a follow-up email after the sign’s removal.

The image was pulled from and other locations Monday morning while officials looked into the matter, she said. The sign came down shortly before 4 p.m. Monday.

“We commend the Army for doing the right thing, but why did it happen in the first place?” said Mikey Weinstein, founder and president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, who earlier Monday demanded the removal of the sign in an email to Maj. Gen. Edward Dorman, head of 8th TSC. “Who’s asleep at the switch when it comes to these issues?”

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Tampa, Florida Terrorist Supporting Al Qassam Mosque

Family Security Matters

Muslim terrorist Dr. Abdul Mawgoud Dardery was invited to speak on November 11 and 13, 2015 at the Al-Qassam Mosque – Islamic Community of Tampa (ICT), 5910 E. 130th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33617, 813-985-9433.

Dr. Dardery is the foreign relations committee spokesman for the Egyptian Revolutionary Council (ERC).  The ERC according to their website exists to overthrow the current Egyptian government and replace it with Egypt’s past president Mohammad Morsi, a self declared Muslim Brotherhood leader.

Dr. Dardery is an exiled Muslim Brotherhood Shura Council member and Egyptian Parliamentarian with a history of open support for Hamas, a US designated foreign terrorist organization.

Dr. Dardery is a ‘terrorist’ because the ERC is an arm of The Muslim Brotherhood which was designated a terrorist organization by Egypt, Bahrain, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

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Syrian Refugee In Louisiana Goes Missing Allegedly Found In Washington D.C.

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Weasel Zippers

This case reveals multiple things. First, that the governor was not informed about these refugees and two, there is absolutely no check on where they are and what they are doing. This guy just coincidentally goes to D.C. when that is where ISIS threatens to strike next? Unbelievable…


BATON ROUGE- State leaders blasted the feds Monday for not alerting them about 14 Syrian refugees who were resettled in Louisiana. It’s unclear when they arrived.

The majority of them are in the New Orleans area, but one came to Baton Rouge two months ago. WBRZ has learned Catholic Charities helped the refugee who settled in Baton Rouge, but said the immigrant left for another state after a couple of days, and they don’t know where the refugee went since they don’t track them.

Monday, Governor Bobby Jindal issued an executive order preventing the resettlement of Syrian refugees into Louisiana. The order prohibits state resources from being used for the refugees. However, that order does not apply to nonprofits and has no effect on the organization that helps refugees.

“We’re at the receiving end,” Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Chad Aguillard said. “We receive them, we welcome them into our community and help them resettle. There has been a lot of commotion and fear with Syrians. The fear is justified, but we have to check that against reality.”

The executive order issued by Governor Jindal also calls for strict monitoring of the refugees. However, state leaders were not made aware that refugees were in Louisiana until this weekend after watching the news.

“This is a federal program, and it was their responsibility, as the governor has stated, that they should have notified myself or governor directly,” GOHSEP Director Kevin Davis said.

As Catholic Charities continues to work with those less fortunate, the organization says it has helped refugees since the Vietnam War. It plans to continue to help refugees no matter where they are from.

“If we see anything suspicious, we are going to report it,” Aguillard said. “We work with FBI, Homeland Security and do what we need to do to safeguard our community.”

The feds say immigration laws prohibit states from blocking refugees from resettling. Calls to the State Department were not returned today.

Update Nov. 17 – Louisiana State Police told News 2 on Tuesday the refugee who briefly stayed in Baton Rouge left for Washington D. C.

Brother of Paris jihad murderer worked in Belgian immigration department

Jihad Watch

How many jihadis are in Europe courtesy of Mohamed Abdeslam?

Mohamed Abdeslam

“Brother of Paris Attacker Worked in Belgian Immigration Department,” by Trey Sanchez, Truth Revolt, November 17, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):


Mohamed Abdeslam is the brother of two of the terrorists that attacked Paris Friday night. They hail from Molenbeek, an impoverished immigrant district in Brussels known to be a jihadi hotbed. One of Mohamed’s brothers, Ibrahim, blew himself up outside of the cafe Comptoir Voltaire near the Bataclan concert hall. The other, Salah, is now on the run after making it back across the Belgian border and is currently one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. Mohamed was held and questioned by French police, but later released after it was determined he played no role in the attacks.

However, a bit of interesting information was released about the man. An ex-mayor of Molenbeek said up until the time Mohamed was arrested, he worked for the district’s immigration department. In light of the current mass refugee influx in Europe suspected to be ushering in scores of ISIS militants, this is a most remarkable detail.

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All Hell Breaks Loose As Obama Betrays the Nation

Anti-Terror Police block roads in St. Denis

Anti-Terror Police block roads in St. Denis


Independent Sentinel

Barack Obama railed against the GOP again this morning and directed his hatred towards them before an audience of foreigners in the Philippines. When he insults the GOP, he’s also insulting half of the American people. He’s also ridiculing non-GOP Americans who want this massive influx of Syrian refugees stopped until we have a handle on it.

He said it as more terrorists are caught posing as migrants.


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