13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi


Washington Free Beacon

A second trailer for Michael Bay’s action thriller—or possibly documentary—about the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was released Tuesday.

The trailer for 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi features new action sequences and clues about the plot.

“When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right,” reads the trailer’s accompanying text.

The film is adapted from the book 13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi by Mitchell Zuckoff, which documents the heroism of six American security operators as they tried to fend off a deadly attack by an al-Qaeda offshoot.

Bay’s take on Benghazi has drawn the ire of liberal writers, many of whom already hold the “the auteur of awesome” in contempt for his populist work product.

Salon said the first trailer was a “shallow and jingoistic treatment” of an al Qaeda terrorist attack, as opposed to the infinitely-nuanced and cosmopolitan treatment the author evidently preferred. A patronizing Vox article called the trailer racist, “patronizing and dishonest.” Slate said the trailer is “baffling.”

Underlying these critics’ grave concerns is the chief concern that the film will hurt the image of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which has finally begun to recover following her testimony before Congress and a media blitz by her campaign network.

Clinton’s defense of her handling of the Benghazi attack has been complicated by news from her testimony. Emails released by the Benghazi committee reveal that Clinton knew within hours that the attack was carried out by al Qaeda-like elements, yet she told the public that the attack was a spontaneous outgrowth of a protest of an anti-Islam video.

13 Hours will be released January 13.


Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

Free Republic

4 of 6 Hamtramck City Council members are Muslim

The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city’s Polish roots remain. However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community. Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that diversity.

“We are very proud and we are very happy for that achievement, what we have done in this city, for our city,” said Jamal Alturki, a voter.

Voters gave Abu Musa and Anam Miah another term in office. Saad Almasmari was elected for the first time. Now four of the six City Council members will be of Muslim faith. It’s said to be the first majority Muslim City Council not only in Hamtramck but in the entire country.

“I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region that people want their representation in offices,” Miah said.

Although there will be more diversity at the table, they want to make clear the goal of public service stays the the same.

“My concern is to give the people, everybody, equal opportunity and be fair for everybody,” said Musa.

“We are going to represent everybody. We are going to serve everybody, Christians, Jewish, Muslims, everybody,” said Almasmari.

(Excerpt) Read more at clickondetroit.com

Obama’s Voluminous Trade Deal Is Online – You’d Better Read This!


Independent Sentinel

I haven’t read the Trade deal and had to rely on reports from across the Internet and in the daily papers but it is available to read online. It has glaring problems.

The text of the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement between the U.S. and 11 other countries including Japan and Mexico was posted online by the president and the Office of the United States Trade Representative. New Zealand has also posted it. It runs to 30 chapters and thousands of pages. It lays out detailed plans for trade in every thing imaginable.

The AP reported that “it lays out plans for handling of trade in everything from zinc dust to railway sleepers and live eels.”

Sounds great (sarcasm here).

It is a book of regulations.

However, Obama says it eliminates 18,000 taxes imposed on US imports.

Apart from the U.S., Japan and Mexico, countries in the trade pact are New Zealand, Australia, Chile, Peru, Canada, Brunei, Singapore, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Fight for the Future, out of New Zealand, found several areas They believe are of grave concern for the future of the Internet:

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A Strategic Two-fer for the Global Jihad Movement

Secure Freedom Minute fsm logo



It appears a bomb took down a Russian airliner flying out of the Egyptian Sinai resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. If that proves to be the case, claims of responsibility by the Islamic State’s franchise in the area may prove to be accurate.

If so, the global jihad movement may have achieved not just a tactical terrorist victory, but perhaps a strategic two-fer.

First, the jihadists will have painfully punished Moscow for its latest military operations against them, this time in Syria, but reminiscent of the Kremlin’s earlier, ruthless campaigns in Afghanistan and Chechnya.

Second, the global jihad could devastate the economy of another of its enemies – Egypt, which depends on tourism even as it wages a war to the death against Islamic supremacists in the Sinai and elsewhere.

We need a leader who understands the global jihad movement – and will defeat it.

The Kool Aid Kings and Queens of the Pentagon


US Defense Watch

It seems nearly every day that the Pentagon is talking to the American people in double, triple and quadruple speak. The truth is a fugitive, on the run from numerous admirals, generals and cabinet members who distort reality and who are sucking down enough Kool Aid to fill Chesapeake Bay.

According to the Pentagon, the air war against ISIS is successful, combat in Iraq is non-combat, women can make it through Navy SEAL training and 50 Special Forces soldiers can retake Syria.

Who’s running the Pentagon now, Charlie Sheen?


Without further ado, the Pentagon Kool Aid dramatis personae:

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