Leaked Documents Outline Obama’s Illegal Alien Invasion Rules


Freedom Outpost

Everyone in America can plan on not resting easy when it comes to the illegal alien invasion of America thanks to liberal progressive multiculturalism and the Obama administration. Internal US Customs and Border Protection training documents leaked to Breitbart Texas indicate that the vast majority of illegal immigrants are immune to arrest, detention and deportation while relegating Border Patrol agents to the role of social workers.

The leaked documents provided by an anonymous border patrol agent outline the Obama administration “rules” when it comes to illegal alien invasion of our country. The agent explained that the Department of Homeland Security, headed by Obama flunkie Jeh Johnson, does not specifically state that illegal alien invaders should be allowed to enter the country; but, these new rules clearly state “don’t waste your time because the alien will not be put into detention, sent back or deported.” According to the agent, DHS has made the decision that these illegal alien invaders crossing our border illegally are being given a “pass” unless approval is obtained from “top officials in Washington” to deport or detain.

The million dollar question is who are the top officials in Washington that approve detention and deportation? For all intents and purposes, one could say that Obama, Jeh Johnson, and other Obama sycophants in Washington are welcoming with open arms any and every one who crosses our border, criminal or not, terrorist or not, while thumbing their collective noses at the citizens of this nation and our immigration laws.

Read more at http://freedomoutpost.com/2015/01/leaked-documents-outline-obamas-illegal-alien-invasion-rules/#MCx9AArCp6cTzAjD.99

Breaking: Tuberculosis Spreading at Obama Immigrant Camps

Gateway Pundit

More good news…
immigrants warehouse

Tuberculosis is spreading at the Obama immigrant camps.
Todd Starnes at FOX News reported:

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) seems to think the children coming across the southern border are remarkably healthy. It’s a sentiment shared by BCFS — the Texas-based agency formerly known as Baptist Child & Family Services contracted to run camps at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio and Fort Sill in Oklahoma.

More than 7,000 children have been processed through the two camps, according to a BCFS official. They allege that only 119 children have been treated for lice, 22 for scabies, and one for the H1N1 Flu. BCFS says the most common illnesses seen at Lackland are fever, headache, upper respiratory cold and ingrown toenails.

However, at least a half dozen anonymous sources, including nurses and health care providers who worked at Lackland, allege that the government is covering up what they believe to be a very serious health threat.

Several of my sources tell me that tuberculosis has become a dangerous issue at both the border and the camps.

“The amount of tuberculosis is astonishing,” one health care provider told me. “The nurses are telling us the kids are really sick. The tuberculosis is definitely there.”

Top General Says Mexico Border Security Now ‘Existential’ Threat to U.S.

Weasel Zippers

Captain Obvious knew this years ago.

Photo via US Daily Review

Photo via US Daily Review

Via Defense One

A top United States general in charge of protecting the southern border says he’s been unable to combat the steady flow of illegal drugs, weapons and people from Central America, and is looking to Congress for urgent help.

Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly, commander of U.S. Southern Command, has asked Congress this year for more money, drones and ships for his mission – a request unlikely to be met. Since October, an influx of nearly 100,000 migrants has made the dangerous journey north from Latin America to the United States border. Most are children, and three-quarters of the unaccompanied minors have traveled thousands of miles from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

“In comparison to other global threats, the near collapse of societies in the hemisphere with the associated drug and [undocumented immigrant] flow are frequently viewed to be of low importance,” Kelly told Defense One. “Many argue these threats are not existential and do not challenge our national security. I disagree.”

In spring hearings before the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, Kelly said that budgets cuts are “severely degrading” the military’s ability to defend southern approaches to the U.S border. Last year, he said, his task force was unable to act on nearly 75 percent of illicit trafficking events. “I simply sit and watch it go by,” he said. But the potential threats are even greater. Kelly warned that neglect has created vulnerabilities that can be exploited by terrorist groups, describing a “crime-terror convergence” already seen in Lebanese Hezbollah’s involvement in the region.