The Iran nuclear agreement is national security fraud

Family Security Matters

As the Obama administration celebrates what it claims is a great victory for its nuclear diplomacy with Iran, many Americans are scratching their heads and wondering how we got to this point given the many examples of Iranian bad faith and belligerent behavior since the nuclear deal was announced last July. For example…

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No Trust, No Verification, No Sanctions: Obama’s Humiliating Capitulation to the Mullahs

Family Security Matters

The sanctions regime President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry vowed to step up has already collapsed. The mullahs are already scooping up billions in unfrozen assets and new commerce, and they haven’t even gotten the big payday yet.

Obama’s promises of “anytime, anywhere” inspections have melted away as Tehran denies access and the president accepts their comical offer to provide their own nuclear-site samples for examination. Senator John Barasso (R., Wyo.), a medical doctor, drew the apt analogy: It’s like letting a suspect NFL player provide what he says is his own urine sample and then pronouncing him PED-free.#

And now even the Potemkin verification system has become an embarrassing sham, with Iran first refusing to allow physical investigations, then declining perusal of documentation describing past nuclear work, and now rejecting interviews of relevant witnesses.

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Obama Has a Secret Backroom Deal With Iran That Could Get Us All Killed


Independent Sentinel

The IAEA told two U.S. congressmen that Barack Obama has a secret side deal with Iranians that no one will be allowed to see, not the U.S., Congress, or any other nation and the agreement involves two very serious issues. In addition, the U.S. has promised to protect Iran’s nuclear plants and military facilities from attack.

Barack Obama is acting like a Tinpot Dictator.

Congressman Mike Pompeo (KS-04) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) on Friday had a meeting in Vienna with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in which they were given very startling information which makes Barack Obama appear unbelievably weak or traitorous or delusional or all of the aforementioned.

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Truck carrying radioactive material reportedly stolen in Mexico

Fox News

A truck carrying potentially “extremely dangerous” radioactive material has been stolen in Mexico, the UN atomic watchdog said Wednesday.

The truck was transporting a cobalt-60 teletherapy source intended for medical use to a storage center when it was stolen on Monday in Tepojaco, near Mexico City, the International Atomic Energy Agency said, according to Agence France-Presse.

“At the time the truck was stolen, the source was properly shielded. However, the source could be extremely dangerous to a person if removed from the shielding, or if it was damaged,” the IAEA was quoted as saying.

Mexican authorities were searching for the truck Wednesday morning, according to the report.