“Hope And Change” Becomes “Death And Destruction”

HopeAccuracy in Media


President Barack Obama laid the groundwork for the Black Lives Matter movement in his first term when he said that the Cambridge, Massachusetts police “acted stupidly” after an African-American professor was arrested in his own home. It turned out the white policeman was protecting the home from what he thought was a burglary. Although the policeman had an impeccable record and there was no evidence of racial bias, Obama found him guilty of racism and “stupidity.”

Obama was trained by his mentor, Communist Frank Marshall Davis, to consider white people guilty of racism. Davis told a young Barack that black people had “reason to hate.”

On virtually every occasion involving a police confrontation with black people—except in Dallas when five police officers were shot and killed by a racist black—Obama has sided with the rioters and the mob against law enforcement.

Black Dallas Police Chief David Brown revealed on July 8, 2016 that the sniper who killed five officers and injured another seven “said he was upset about Black Lives Matter,” during the negotiations with police. He meant that the Black Lives Matter protest, which was being protected by police, had inspired him to take action.

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Omar Mateen’s Wife Located 6,600 Miles Away from Orlando


True Pundit

While the FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch continuously dodge questions about the current whereabouts of Noor Zahi Salman, True Pundit has located the spouse of the Orlando mass killer.

Salman, AKA Zalman, has been missing from the public eye for weeks. And when we first learned of her whereabouts, we were somewhat astonished especially knowing that she is/was the target of a federal grand jury convened to possibly indict her as an accomplice to her mass-murdering and allegedly deceased husband. As such, it would be almost unheard of for Salman to travel outside the United States. But that is where she is, according to federal law enforcement sources.

Last week, Salman was traveling in the Middle East, specifically Amman Jordan, according to our intelligence sources (not the FBI). That is a long way from Florida and a possible US indictment as a murder accomplice. Again, international travel is rare for such suspects who have been interviewed by the FBI as a suspected part of such a crime. But Salman is no quiet, innocent homemaker. She and her attorneys have much leverage and apparently, she is employing it. True Pundit, within hours of Mateen’s rampage at Pulse Nightclub, identified the gunman as a paid informant of the FBI. Such informants are usually paid $100K or more. The evidence gathered since then has been rather overwhelming proving Mateen worked with and for the FBI prior to the shooting. Salman is the key to unraveling the truth. While the FBI would never divulge this fact, Salman could. One prime-time TV interview and the FBI’s Orlando charade collapses. And therefore, it only benefits the US government to allow a suspected accomplice to murder travel the world while the US case grows cold.

Federal sources said Salman’s family is from Palestine, close to where she was located traveling in Jordan. The United States does not have an extradition treaty with the Palestinian Authority. Our question is: Will the United States ever see Salman again?

What Is DHS Hiding from the Public About the Dallas Shooter?

Daily Sheeple

Of all people, it was Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson who first announced and confirmed to the public that there was only one shooter in Dallas (after news reports varied from two shooters to four and repeatedly described triangulated gunfire). Then there’s the “misreporting” (above) on exactly how the suspected shooter died…

But here’s a question: why was DHS so involved in the first place?

Via Daily Caller:

Officials at the Cause of Action Institute, a nonprofit government oversight group, are seeking documents they believe may show the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is withholding vital information about the Dallas shooter from the public. Micah Johnson killed five police officers in Dallas July 7 before police killed him with a bomb delivered by a robot…

“Because Secretary Johnson appears to be the first public official to confirm that only one shooter existed, it raises questions as to what extent DHS was involved during the aftermath of the shooting and why local authorities were not first in alerting the public.”

“Additionally, discrepancies between statements by President Obama and the Dallas police chief raise concerns that there may be additional information about the motives of the gunman that are being withheld from the public by the Obama administration,” Lechner continued.

H/T Free Republic